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General Project Thread & Feedback

Discussion in 'Sonic 2 HD (Archive)' started by steveswede, Apr 29, 2010.

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  1. Cinossu


    London, UK
    Sonic the Hedgehog Extended Edition
    Well, that was a massive troll. As lovely as the trailer is and the 3 screenshots that accompany it, why did we need such a huge hype-up for it?

    Very disappointing. Yes, the art looks lovely, but seriously. Waste of everyone's time with countdown timers like that for this pebble of stuff.

    Also, lawl every other topic on this subforum is useless now, except mayhaps concept ideas, as almost everything has been redone meaning this is no real "community project" anymore. Gotta love how long they've probably been doing this for, with people still working on and submitting art via this forum. :v:

    Ah well, back to sleep I go. I only woke up at this time randomly anyway and saw it was time.
  2. Willie


    Each day the world turns Laugh 'til it all burns Member
    Pretty big disappointment guys. :| That was almost as bad as Sega's PR. (Their announcement of the announcement of Sonic 4's delay will live in infamy.) Still looks really damn good but everyone was really looking forward to a demo, not a trailer. There's so many damn similarities to the trailer that showed three seconds of Sonic 4 that it's just ridiculous. Nearly everyone here hated the PR job done for Sonic 4. Why do so many the same annoying things for S2HD's PR? You guys must have known this was going to anger a ton of people so why do it? :/
  3. zemulii


    I'm not quite sure why that couldn't just have been "revealed" anytime actually... Was it just to make the teaser trailer all flashy? Since when does a contributing community get teased...
  4. Tweaker


    I have no problem with the demo not being out; as far as I'm concerned, nobody is under obligation to release something until it's done. What I am pissed about is that I was told this big fucking countdown and all of our site resources were being used to promote the alpha release and I even alluded to that with a front page post I recently made. Now I'm just learning, despite their happy use of all of our site notoriety and high traffic ranking to promote their fan project that they've constantly kept the "community" that's supposed to be making it in the dark over, that all this use of our site was just to post 11 seconds of in-game footage and a couple of fucking screenshots. All that hype and they pulled a bullshit Sonic 4-esque PR move.

    It's not like this site has suffered enough from moves like that and recently reflected on it or anything; no, let's put our fucking foot in our mouth and have our own people do the same pretentious bullshit.

    I'm sorry, but no. Fuck you. Why were we, the admins of the goddamn site whose resources they keep abusing still left in the dark over what was supposed to happen? I'm goddamn pissed. If you assholes want to keep everybody in the dark all the time including the people who are trying to help you, then you need to find another site to leech from. This gross amount of disregard is completely unacceptable and I can't believe you'd pull all this PR trash just to disrespect your followers and the people who were trying to help you.

    This isn't even a community project anymore. Can you believe these guys tried to rebrand it as a "closed community project"? Give me a fucking break. If you can't even be mildly open with the staff of this site, let alone the community who's supposed to be working on it, then you can fuck right off. I'm tired of this happening time and time again.

    THIS. RIGHT FUCKING HERE. What the fuck is your problem?
  5. ancara


    I think it's safe to say that well......

    Guys, you got some 'splaining to do.

    It was indeed an.....interesting reveal, but unless you want an angry mob of angry/dissapointed/confused people breathing down your throats, you probably should explain why you decided to do things like this. I don't think we need a repeat of Sonic 4's PR here.
  6. I think we've been teased enough with some of the artwork in the forum, although I have took note of the lack of it during the last few weeks that I have been visiting
  7. Jaxsin


    Gotta go fast Member
    lol Ohio
    Animation practice.
    ...Oooh boy. Tempers are high today.
    Staying out of the whole announcement issue, Sonic himself in the game looks pretty good, as well as everything else (if a bit too clean). But the eyes seem... off. I don't know why, though.
    But those eyes, man. Those cold eyes. Judging.
  8. JaxTH


    Pudding Deity Oldbie
    Los Angeles
    Jack shit.
    I haven't laughed this hard in a while.

    Show artwork of a shellcracker next. But make sure AT LEAST two weeks pass.
  9. plushifoxed


    that power is yet unknown Oldbie
    jazzy nyc
    puella magi chroma magica
  10. DimensionWarped


    Erinaceous! Oldbie
    I can't help but feel you guys spent as much time working on flashy bullshit for that trailer as you did during the first full year of development on this project.
  11. I wasn't aware of any countdown timer so this is a nice pleasant surprise and I really like what I see. The animated logo and Sonic in the trailer are just to die for. They're so many light years of anything I've ever done. ;-;

    What was used to make the logo animated like that? I wouldn't even know where to begin honestly, besides an Illustrator base for the actual logo. Speaking of, who put it together? So hot.
  12. SANiK


    Tech Member
    I am not affiliated with the project, but if they explicitly told you that it was for the alpha release then you need to talk it out with them. Although, regarding your criticism of their choice of closed development, my personal opinion of it is that regardless if it is a community project or not, if it ends up being great, then at least there is pride in it being hosted on Retro.

    And I remember when they said S2HD wouldn't even last a month.
  13. Canned Karma

    Canned Karma

    S2HD Project Manager Member
    Sonic 2 HD, various 3D work
    You guys deserve an explanation.

    We wanted to have an alpha release ready for tonight, but due to problems that came up since the countdown was posted that wasn't a possibility. We are working to get a playable version out to the public as soon as we can. That's why I put up the Q1 2011 note on the front page. S2HD has gotten a reputation for the project that will never be released; we're going to change that in Q1 of this year.

    I don't think we did anyone a disservice by showing you where the project is right now. As for using a countdown to build hype to reveal a trailer and screenshots, that was not the initial idea, but we wanted to have everyone see what the art actually looks like now. I understand there's a lot of frustration going around right now. And I understand it. We didn't intend to troll you guys, though it's apparent that's how it came off as. If anything, we wanted to share with you our excitement for what's being built.

    In hindsight, it looks like it would have been in everyone's better interest to say that we weren't going to have a playable demo ready. That I will apologize for. That soured what we hoped to be a beautiful representation of the project's current standing.

    I'll stick around for awhile longer tonight to answer a few more questions, and then more when I'm back tomorrow afternoon.
  14. Slingerland


    Hechoeg Frat
    Sonic Mania
    First rule of fangames: don't set deadlines. Second rule of fangames: don't set deadlines.

    Take it from somebody who knows. Hell, I will pull anybody from the old guard from SFGHQ here to tell you. They know as well. We've all made the same mistake and have learned from it. Now you have, too.
  15. Cinossu


    London, UK
    Sonic the Hedgehog Extended Edition
    I'm personally curious to know exactly what it is that has delayed the alpha release. Knuckles gliding on conveyor belts? Oh wait, there's no Knuckles and no conveyor belts. :v:

    To be honest, I think everyone would've been happier with "sorry guys, the countdown for a demo has to be extended because of problems. Here's something pretty while you wait!" instead of just "BOOM! Look at this! Isn't it awesome you guys?! Yeah, trailers and screenshots are awesome.."
  16. Slingerland


    Hechoeg Frat
    Sonic Mania
    Actually, one person would care and write nasty things about you for not meeting your self-imposed deadline and call you a disappointment because he doesn't understand the nature of fangames. Everybody else would be understanding, because, uh... you guys are making this game in your free time. Shit happens.
  17. Canned Karma

    Canned Karma

    S2HD Project Manager Member
    Sonic 2 HD, various 3D work
    We have a number of skilled artists and one very talented programmer. But at the end of the day, he is still one man. When life events happened, delays were the result.
    After what I just said, do you expect me to argue that point? I'd hope not.

  18. I didn't want to say anything but I had my suspicions that this was the case, for people that don't get it, programming is a pain in the ass small mistakes can easily esculate and cause a lot of frustration and f*cking about trying to get it sorted.

    Anyway this has brightened my mood a little bit, thank you.
  19. Tweaker


    STOP SAYING THIS. You setting these artificial deadlines is the entire fucking problem. You're keeping all of your workings secret from the site that is supporting and hosting you and you're wondering why people are pissed off at your inability to manage your own image and inner workings? Just stop trying. You already went months without giving even the slightest indication of progress; all you did here was confirm to most people that their contributions were utterly useless and that Sonic 2 HD is just some exclusive club that nobody has any chance of getting into because they never know what the fuck is going on.

    The game should come out when it comes out. In the meantime, if you want to use our fucking website to promote your goddamn project, the least you could do is tell us what the fuck is going on. I am completely floored that you would ask us for webspace and ask us for front page access telling us that you're going to release an alpha build, then do allll of this promotion just to skimp out at the last second. Maybe if you'd told us you wouldn't release it that would be one thing; we could do some damage control, help you work out a game plan and put a positive spin on this. But no, you decided to make a fucking countdown timer--the most obvious and telltale PR stunt in the book—just to bail out on your original plans and release a cheap as fuck trailer with 11 seconds of non-indicative gameplay footage.

    Not only that, but you took a shit on the few people who still had enough respect for you to actually contribute to a project where you don't even think to acknowledge them enough to where you would even consider putting their content in the game. All you do is fucking pounce on the raw talent that this community has and pull them into your little underground staff forum, where nobody fucking knows they exist and nobody knows what they're supposed to be doing because you don't fucking tell them anything.

    But you know what? I could understand and forgive all of that if not for the fact that while you expect us to trust you enough to give you full posting access on our website, an entire subdomain and complete freedom to use our namesake in promoting your project, you don't even have the god damn courtesy to trust the ADMINISTRATOR OF THIS FUCKING WEBSITE with access to your staff forums so she has even the slightest inclination of what the fuck she should be doing to help your project in a positive manner. That is fucked up. Where the fuck do you people get off doing that shit? How uptight can you be? Seriously?

    You WILL be making some changes or you WILL be getting the fuck out. I'm tired of all you taking so much and not even giving a tiny fucking bit back. Stop talking around these issues and DO SOMETHING. This will not happen again.
  20. Canned Karma

    Canned Karma

    S2HD Project Manager Member
    Sonic 2 HD, various 3D work
    Leaving this in so people can see it before the edit: I'll also say this: the only time we'll be providing any sort of date in the future is when we're absolutely certain you all will be able to play the game. And that announcement will not be vague.

    We're not wondering about anything. The reactions I've seen are crystal. You don't want more deadlines, fair enough. I've seen enough good reasons presented to agree with you. We're not out to insult you or ScarredSun.
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