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Will Sonic and the Secret Rings be the 3D Sonic Rush?

Discussion in 'General Sonic Discussion' started by Hayate, Jan 14, 2007.

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  1. Gamerguy


    SHHHHHHH Member
  2. Molotok


    Gate gate paragate parasamgate bodhi svaha Member

    Problem solved. :P
  3. Guess Who

    Guess Who

    It's a miracle! Oldbie
    I saw that on /v/ not five minutes ago, I swear to God.

    Also, Knuckles as Sinbad. Fuck yes.
  4. Aurochs


    Единый, могучий Советский Союз! Tech Member
    Whatever catches my fancy
    Will it have wall running too?

  5. Miles Prower

    Miles Prower

    Renard Oldbie
    Grinding. I just discovered they added grinding into the game.

    Note that grinding usually occurs when it is strictly not necessary. Maybe this is a way to allow the player to rest for a while instead of holding the Wiimote the whole time. Anyway, I'm sorry Sega, but I don't like the grinding idea at all, and I'm kinda afraid this might just be the beginning of dreadful "innovations" in this title.
  6. Molotok


    Gate gate paragate parasamgate bodhi svaha Member
    To answer Aurochs: Yes, there will be wall running, apparently as seen from that video link.

    And what's wrong with grinding? It seemed to work well for Sonic Adventure 2 (granted that it got a little repetitive in Final Rush and Final Chase).
  7. Any sympathy I might have had for grinding in Sonic games was lost along with all of my lives in Rail Canyon circa Sonic Heroes. : P
  8. Kampfer


    But the grinding in games after SA2 sucked, beause it was no longer based on inertia, but nonsensically mashing the action button and spinning round in circles on the rail to magically gain momentum.

    At least in Sonic 2K6, you could home attack the rails to get on/back on. Yet I feel after SA2, rails lost all their speed, and felt like you were on a convier belt.
  9. Hayate


    Tech Member
    I actually loved Final Rush. If you ignore the fact that the camera and the homing attack are 99% buggy, which is a problem with the whole game anyway, it's really really fun. It reminded me of Skyroads. :P
  10. I think rail grinding really became bad when is was turned into a sort of forced gimmick - think of Sonic Adventure 1/DX, where there were a few rails such as the railings going down the steps in the first level; they weren't something you HAD to traverse, just a neat little extra. I can't remember any levels in SA1/DX that were based totally around rail grinding - the rails in that game were, as I recall, strictly an optional piece of interactive environment, which would have been great if that had been the way they stayed. Unfortunately, go to Sonic Adventure 2/Battle, and there were at least two or three rail-based levels that I can think of. Or as I previously mentioned, Rail Canyon in Sonic Heroes. That level was a total bastard, not only because of all the damn bottomless pits, but because the rail mechanics themselves still weren't well-defined or controlled.
  11. Squints


    All souped-up. And DESECRATED! Member
    Poughkeepsie, NY
    Are you sure grinding was in the original Sonic Adventure? They might have added it to DX, but I thought grinding was new to SA2, which is why Sega made such a big deal about the infamous SOAP shoes (putting in-game billboards all over the levels, etc.).

    As for Secret Rings, I think it looks great so far, and I can't wait until it comes out. I only hope I can somehow magically obtain a Wii by then.
  12. Shakidna


    Rehash Rampage Member
    Lemming, SA1 didn't have any rails at all, nor was it possible to grind.

    Also, I honestly feel Rail Canyon is the best level in Sonic Heroes. Because the grinding system is the least fucked up aspect of the whole game. Sure you have to press B throughout the whole thing (which is no different from SA2, really) but at least it's not all slippery. The level is mainly switching from left to right on rails to dodge trains an get the most rings as possible, racing rhinobots, and attempting to land on the swirly corkscrew rails.

    Not that it's the most fun I've ever had in a Sonic game, but it beats the shit out of the rest of Sonic Heroes.
  13. Oh, really? Whoops. That's what I get for assuming, I guess. : P

    But my point still stands; there IS rail grinding in SA:DX, and I think it's the most well-implemented grinding of any Sonic game that has so far contained the mechanic at all. As I said, it's just the occasional railing or such, integrated into the scenery, and totally optional.
  14. Tweaker


    0 there isn't. What the hell are you talking about?
  15. Okay, I was about to make a post saying you're all crazy, then I realized that I'm completely retarded and I am in fact thinking of Sonic Adventure 2/Battle, not SA:DX. Why it took three people correcting me for me to realize that is a mystery. Nonetheless, disregard my previous posts, et cetera. Really sorry guys. >_<

    I guess what I should say is I really like the way the rails are set up in the first level of SA2/B. :P
  16. Shakidna


    Rehash Rampage Member
    btw, copypastaing this from Sonic Cult.
    Knuckles should look like this in every game. XD
  17. CloverCC


    That dinosaur is better off replacing robotrnik. :P Anyways, I'm starting to have some second thoughts of this game. I might find some sort of interest. That dinosaur is sexy, though most of the images remind me of Sonic Heroes.
  18. Metal Man88

    Metal Man88

    Time Traveller Oldbie
    I might want to add: On the Wii, you cannot escape from horrible gameplay by using amazing graphics. So if they mess up the gameplay on this one, they won't have anywhere to run, nor anything to hide its problems. Not to mention with Sonic 06 bombing, it's unlikely they'll want to fail again.

    If they do, however, that'll be preeetty bad for the Sonic series as a whole.
  19. Guess Who

    Guess Who

    It's a miracle! Oldbie
    I'd like everyone to keep in mind that this game uses an entirely different engine (with an entirely different camera) and has entirely different gameplay compared to previous 3D Sonic games.
  20. Ritz


    Subhedgehog Member
    Not entirely true. If you ask me, this game already has quite a graphical edge over Sonic 06, if only for the art direction, let alone the impressive lighting effects. Poly count be damned; a jungle made entirely out of cacti? I'm sold.

    In fact, the graphics are the sole thing about this game that are holding my interest and optimism at present. I'm still not terribly keen on the whole on-rails concept, and while the game doesn't look like something that'd justify me purchasing a Wii, it certainly does look entertaining, which is more than can be said for anything Sonic Team's made in the past 5 years, and it's all we should realistically expect from them right now. Baby steps, etc.
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