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Will Sonic and the Secret Rings be the 3D Sonic Rush?

Discussion in 'General Sonic Discussion' started by Hayate, Jan 14, 2007.

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  1. Sazpaimon


    Tech Member
    I miss Big :(
  2. hxc


    spotteddove Researcher
    big is the only good sonic character.
  3. Shadow Hog

    Shadow Hog

    "I'm a superdog!" Member
    I can't tell if you're referring to something on Gamerguy's site or in those endings (which I refuse to watch, since I haven't beaten the game yet), but <a href="[/IMG]he IS in there</a> (Screenshot by SHADONIC). Apparently (minor spoilers, highlight) <font color=black>that's what the last page of the "Special Book" is devoted to - little diaries of his travels</font>.
  4. BtCE


    Having had some hands-on experience, I have a generally positive opinion of it. Now, I don't find the game to be "amazing" by any means, but I believe it's a much needed step torwards 3D Sonic gaming. The game emulates speed - the speed sensation I've been hearing about sinse the Genesis days but went away after the Dreamcast games. By having a fixed camera, Sonic and the Secret Rings eliminates one of the most aggravating issues I've held with the 3D Sonic the Hedgehog games, more specifically in Sonic Heroes, Shadow, and Sonic 2006. I must say that I greatly enjoyed the time I spent with it (roughly three hours), and the controls were generally dead-on responsive (although occasionally there would be a second-long "wait period", which in fact may have been more related to the Wii than the game.). The music was also enjoyable, with a less "techno/rock" feel and more along the lines of a traditional fantasy game, although it DIDN'T feel Sonic, but the music hasn't for 8 years, so how can I complain? The mini-games generally go from occasionally fun, to mediocre, with a few being absolutely terrible. Anyhow, I suppose to get my point across, this is the first Sonic game I've considered buying in awhile based on the merit of gameplay and not the Sonic name. When I get a better chance to sit down and beat it (which may in fact be this weekend), I could make a full-out review. So far, though, Sega's headed in the right direction.
  5. Metal Man88

    Metal Man88

    Time Traveller Oldbie
    Ah, at last! A game I can play without feeling I've been duped into buying last year's game in new paint.

    While it has been said before, I say it again: this game removes 90% of the issues with gameplay other games had. Now, I would like more paths (it looks like they could have a whole LOT of them) and perhaps tighten up some of the controls a little (the Wiimote could add stuff if it was given a more active role, or set to use non-motion sensitive controls), but basically it rocked.

    ...The music wasn't bad, either, I liked almost all of it besides the second level's music, but then again, I love cheesy Sonic music.

    Anyway, if they could just progressively improve on THIS we'd be home free. Now if only they could make a game like this, only instead of being dedicated to fixing gameplay (which they have done), it could solve the story. Like one of those Marvel Crisis of Infinite Earths things. Have every character appear, some massive event wipe out the more meaningless ones, and assign concrete meanings to all the ones who remain.

    But, anyway. I'd give this game a 7.5 out of 10. (For comparison, I would give Shadow the Hedgehog a 6, Sonic 06 a 4, SA2 an 8, SA1 a 7.5, Sonic 1 a 6.5, Sonic 2 an 8, Sonic 3 and Knuckles a 9.5, Sonic Heroes a 4, and Sonic 3D Blast a 3.5)

    Oh, and before I close this review, I took exactly 9 hours to complete this game. Compared to 30 for the Zelda: TP game. It's a little lacking in content, if you don't browse the missions left over when you win.
  6. clibinarius


    Look, I hate this game. I'm not going to say it sucks because a lot of people do like it and my tastes in gaming are admittingly my own. But I don't like it. And I want to say you should play it before you buy it, because if you love it, its worth the $50. But if you don't, its not, and this game is a bit odd, to say the least. It is a "rail" type game in which Sonic for the most part takes a predetermined path through a level; there are 7 levels in all with several objectives but there is little room for exploration. So this game to some might be a masterpiece, and to others, its terrible. I definitely think its worth at least one play, and if you like it, probably good to buy it, because it does get better as it goes along. It sure is fast at times.
  7. 87th


    FOX HOUNDER Member
    I picked up my new PAL copy this morning. Played it for about 2 hours. I'm very fond of it! It's not a very clever game, by any means, and if you were a fan of the Adventure games, hoping for something simular, you'll probably be disappointed. I just found the game to be a lot of fun, though. The whole thing just reminds me of simple, fun games from the Dreamcast, like Crazy Taxi 2 and Soul Calibur.
    The minigames are fucking dire, though. ;)
  8. CloverCC


    Eh. I was expecting someone to say something like this. I don't like the lack of exploration in the new games. IMO, I thought sonic adventure was the closest they got. But I saw a few interesting things, not that much though.
  9. Rail Road

    Rail Road

    That can be said for almost any game.

    This game does look interesting. If I ever get a Wii I'll be sure to check this game out.
  10. Ultima


    Games Publisher Tech Member
    London, England
    Publishing mobile games!
    Hmm... I personally thought Soul Calibur was very deep, as far as fighters go.

    This game's pretty damn fun to play, methinks. Beats the shit out of everything post SA2 anyway. It's awkward in places though... and the controls feel incredibly loose until you get used to them.
  11. Sazpaimon


    Tech Member
    I bought it now. So far I'm hating every minute of it.
  12. Dark Sonic

    Dark Sonic

    Working on my art!
    Specifically what do you dislike about it? Somethings get fixed eventually.
  13. Sazpaimon


    Tech Member
    It's not buggy. It's the fact that they made the game purposely bad so you have to put up with the shittyness of the game to get upgrades to make it un-shitty. Since when is that supposed to be fun?
  14. Chimpo


    Virtua Poster Member
    Los Angeles, 2029
    Let's ask the people at the Final Fantasy forums.

    Not that I'm defending the system they decided to go with, since I myself wanted to return this game a day after I bought it, but after upgrading Sonic, the game finally became fun. And pretty damn fun I might add. To bad you had to go through a pile of slow shit first though.
  15. Dark Sonic

    Dark Sonic

    Working on my art!
    Ya, upgrades make the game much more fun. However shame on SEGA for making you have to upgrade speed and controls. You shouldn't have to upgrade acceleration and movability. I think it'd be ok though if they made your default moves like the 'super' powerups, then your speed would be ok (Then you upgrade to the 'mega' powerups)

    However no matter how bad you think the game is don't give up on it. It gets to be really fun.
  16. Ultima


    Games Publisher Tech Member
    London, England
    Publishing mobile games!
    Uh... RPG's are kind of different. That doesn't change fundamental gameplay mechanics, such as turning rate, jump height etc.
  17. Chimpo


    Virtua Poster Member
    Los Angeles, 2029
    I don't know, I always found fighting rats or pathetic little blobs with a wooden sword to be the most boring shit ever.
  18. Ultima


    Games Publisher Tech Member
    London, England
    Publishing mobile games!
    I won't even go into how ignorant that is. All I'll say is that its a very bad way to make a point, because I've never, ever played a game where all you do is fight rats and little blobs with a wooden sword =P
  19. Metal Man88

    Metal Man88

    Time Traveller Oldbie
    Kingdom Hearts.

    And that is a pacing issue, not an RPG issue. In FF7 you start right off massacre-ing various soldiers, who are obviously tough. (But stupid)
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