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Do you think a Sonic Adventure Remake is a good idea?

Discussion in 'General Sonic Discussion' started by Snub-n0zeMunkey, Oct 11, 2019.

  1. Wraith


    Skyward Sword's gimmicks are comparable to the shakeups the other 3D Zelda went under and while ALBW was more experimental it was also largely a retooling of a classic game. It also ignores the fact that Wind Waker, Twilight Princess and Majora's Mask all got remade before Breath of the Wild even released, let alone before they realized it had caused a minor schism in the fanbase. It simply doesn't make sense to attribute the trend to remake the games to Botw. They are largely gap fillers that guarantee revenue and occasionally hardware demonstrations.

    "Newer Projects" are the risk we're talking about here. Doing a remake of a classic is generally seen as less risky. When you go the AAA reimagining route it's obviously less coss effective than a Zelda style retexture job but if it's taking the name of a cultural icon you have a greater chance of making a return. There's a reason that the majority of the highest selling Resident Evil games are now remakes. There's a reason Square thought a FF7R Remake was worth devoting the resources of a new project to.

    I'd argue that theres barely any examples of playstyle being relevant. People who prefer classic, fixed camera Resident Evil were decidedly not pleased with the remake series decision to take on Resident Evil 4's over the shoulder third shooting and Resident Evil 7's artstyle. Why would they? Those two things are pretty drastic departures from the original experience, but as it turns out a remake can't actually be for purists by definition.

    It's incredibly bizarre for even the most bland Mario game to flop btw so the alpha dream situation was obviously a case of their release strategy more than anything else. No one was looking to buy 3DS games after the switch was out.

    Considering all that, the most likely candidate for any kind of remake in the 3D series isn't SA1 at all imo, it's SA2. A huge seller, a decent cultural foothold even if it isn't considered a classic, lots of iconic moments that would pop in marketing with redone visuals and a more casual fanbase that wouldn't be as anal over any changes.

    Even then, I think the time to release it would have been this year to coincide with the movie so it might be past us now.
    Last edited: Mar 18, 2024
  2. I don't agree myself sorry. SEGA were basically able to remake both Sonic Adv and Shenmue for the DC and after the brilliant work done with the Yakuza 1 and 2 remakes for a different system and new game engine. I fail to see why Sonic Team couldn't do much the same with Sonic Adv for current systems

    I agree I'm not a fan of Nintendo these days but to give them credit they started to ball rolling with how to do a remake/remaster with Mario Collection on the SNES.
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 18, 2024
  3. shilz


    getting my daily allowance of vitamin kk
    Idk I don't trust a lot of people to figure out what's going on with the physics for Sonic Adventure 1/2, including unfortunately Sonic Team (knowing how they operate right now they would just use everything from Frontiers which is nowhere near the standard that should probably be met for a remake that intends to reuse everything). there's like 2 or 3 fan devs that would be up to the task and probably none of them would be eligible to be brought in on a Sonic Team project.
  4. I think that's insulting to SEGA and the Sonic team myself and also tired of people going on about the physics in Sonic games myself. When 'for me' something that's far more important is control of the main character and that was something Sonic Adv nailed on day 1 and got so right that other 3D Sonic games up until Frontiers, failed to match.

    For so long I never felt fully in control of Sonic in the 3D games at all times, other than in Sonic Adv and then in Frontiers; both those games nailed the player control IMO.

    It really wouldn't be that hard to remake a game that for most of its life was essentially designed around the limits of a Saturn and in terms of physics and design was a pretty simple Dreamcast game, other than the large size of the maps.

    Sonic Team could really go to town with the graphics effects in Windy Valley or the use of glass and breaking scenery in Speed Highway in a proper remake of Sonic Adv that is the target of the current gen consoles and no being held back by the crappy Switch tech.
  5. Shaddy the guy

    Shaddy the guy

    Professional Internet asshole Member
    Physics and control are not separate things in Sonic, and it makes perfect sense to not be optimistic about Sonic Team's ability to recreate them.
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  6. I care more about how sonic controls than some so-called physics from the Mega Drive era. One of the main reasons I like Sonic Adv so much is the control of Sonic was just perfect and felt so spot on and just right, Control in Frontiers is also spot on and nailed. Sonic Adv 2 was a step backwards in many ways, not least the controls where I didn't feel in complete control and the Sonic also felt a little twitchy to control. The game did look amazing for the time mind, but other than graphics it was a massive step backwards from Sonic Adv.
  7. Shaddy the guy

    Shaddy the guy

    Professional Internet asshole Member
    Nobody said anything about "so-called physics from the Mega Drive era". They were explicitly talking about the Adventure games. Between this and the SXSG pricing thing, I'm beginning to get frustrated with how often you seem to misdirect arguments towards things they're not about like this (whether deliberate or not). Sonic's physics are a part of his control, how he interacts with terrain and the environment. Adventure has physics, Frontiers has physics, 06 has physics (quite bad ones, albeit). This is not people being purists for the classic games, we're talking about how the Sonic Adventure games are pretty significantly different from the Sonic games of today. Adventure's control and physics are far from perfect, but they are utilized more effectively than in most of the modern games, and the Sonic Team that exists right now wouldn't necessarily be up to the task of remaking them faithfully.
  8. shilz


    getting my daily allowance of vitamin kk
    I have no idea why you're going so far but all I really said is that I don't have faith in Sonic Team being able to or wanting to get the physics substantially close. I don't exactly have a problem with the physics in Frontiers and I'm probably one of the few people who will say the only right way to play it is with the default high speed settings, and while I think those physics in the SA2 levels work for that game in particular I don't think they would fly in an SA2 remake let alone SA1, and they would definitely try to reconfigure the Frontiers physics to match, as they did with Lost World to Forces and Forces to Frontiers, but I don't think that's enough, and enough would be starting over completely and paying extra close attention to which parts of the original Adventure code actually feel good and going from there, which I don't think they would do given the established trend. That's what I'm getting at.

    I also never said anything about their ability to produce graphics but you can go on if you'd like.
    Last edited: Mar 19, 2024
  9. Aerosol


    Not here. Moderator
    Not where I want to be.
    Sonic (?): Coming summer of 2055...?
    I feel like we bump or have this thread or one like it every couple of years. At this point I want Sega to do it so we just stop talking about it :V
  10. shilz


    getting my daily allowance of vitamin kk
    Then we can have arguments about how well they accomplished it!
  11. Because it always goes back to the Mega Drive when apparently there were no cheap deaths in Sonic games and the physics were just right. For me, I didn't enjoy and love Sonic until Sonic Adv. I liked Sonic CD to a point, but for the most part, I much rathered other Platform games on the MD to Sonic (Yes I did own and play them all btw)

    Sonic Adv on the other hand made me love Sonic and I see no reason when Sonic Team has complete access to the source code whey they can't make a 1 to 1 remake of Sonic Adv only with current-gen graphics. All that needs to be changed is the graphics and as long as you increase the model data to each character by the same values you're not going to mess up or alter the gameplay or control, it's basic mathematics ...

    It's to me insulting to think that Sonic Team couldn't handle a remake/remaster like that with SOC or Prime. Sonic Frontiers is a completely different game so I don't get why you factor that in at all when one is asking for a 1 to 1 remake and not a Capcom style remake of Resident Evil which are a reimagining of the old games or hell what the CS team did for Daytona USA CE on the Saturn.

    I don't want that, I want a 1 to 1 remake like Prime on the Switch or SOC on the PS4. The exact same game and gameplay only with redone and remade graphics
  12. BenoitRen


    Tech Member
    The Hedgehog Engine 2 is the engine they use for all in-house projects, so you can bet that if they want to remake Sonic Adventure they'll try to shoehorn it into it. At which point the original source code, if they still have it, is useless.

    The alternative would be to update whatever engine Sonic Adventure runs on to close a gap of 20 years.
  13. The Joebro64

    The Joebro64

    I don't think it really matters what engine they use to remake Sonic Adventure. You can basically make a game engine do anything if you know how to code well.

    Hell, modders have already demonstrated that you could 100% remake Sonic Adventure with nearly 1:1 physics in the Hedgehog Engine.
  14. CharlaChale


    Little Dolly Member
    Gosh, that's nice to see.
  15. Chimpo


    I Gotta Be Me Member
    Los Angeles, 2029
    Don't Forget! Try Your Best!
    Yeah, that's modders with a clear goal. Now have Sonic Team try it.
  16. But that's just being silly. Just because you use a new engine does not mean you alter the controls or gameplay, if the the direction of the game is to make it 1 to 1. SOC on the PS4 is made by a different studio on a completely different engine, but it's still Shadow of the Colossus
  17. iirc, the 2019 Sakura Wars was made on Hedgehog Engine 2 lol.
  18. But that was a reboot and far more than a 1 to 1 remake the combat system was completely changed. Unless you wanted Saturn visuals on the PS4?
  19. Shaddy the guy

    Shaddy the guy

    Professional Internet asshole Member
    I can't fucking take it man
  20. CharlaChale


    Little Dolly Member
    You alright?