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Do you think a Sonic Adventure Remake is a good idea?

Discussion in 'General Sonic Discussion' started by Snub-n0zeMunkey, Oct 11, 2019.

  1. DefinitiveDubs


    If SEGA remade the game, they would undoubtedly use the DX version as a base. This means all the environments, textures, lighting, character models, etc would all be based on the flawed, incorrect updated version and not the Dreamcast original. That's one of my biggest fears, and it's one of the most common pitfalls with remakes and remasters. Final Fantasy VI Pixel Remaster still uses tiles from the overly bright Game Boy Advance version.
  2. Shade Vortex

    Shade Vortex

    The Black Vortex Member
    USA, WA.
    YouTube Memes
    Ehhh... I think the stages would look more like how Speed Highway was reinvisioned in Generations, and I'd be fine with that?

    As much as I want them to remake these games, I feel like they'd a: be released as separate full price games; and b: not live up to expectations regardless of which camp you're in (the people who want it to play like the original but with new graphics, or the people who want the whole thing reimagined in a better way).
  3. I like what Generation did with the old Sonic levels and that should be what a remake of Sonic Adv should be like. I wouldn't want the game changed at all really, other than fixing the camera and clipping issues.
    Even after all these years its still my fav Sonic game and my fav 3D platform game for all its flaws.
  4. Snub-n0zeMunkey


    yo what up Member
    This is fair and something I worry about too if they ever remake SA1, but fwiw I think the Generations remake of Speed Highway looks more like the Dreamcast version than the DX version.
    they also used footage of the Dreamcast version in the credits so I'd like to hope this is the version they'd consider if they wanted to do a faithful remake.¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  5. aria


    day dawns Member
    weren't all the flashback images from SA1 in Frontiers, from the Dreamcast version too but in high-res? I feel like we'd likely see something like that if they're still using the original version when possible.

    they also used the dreamcast version's visuals for the station square remix's video too:
  6. Forte


    I speak better after three beers Member
    There were rumours, dating back to that Zippo post, about Sega producing SA and SA2 remakes, being canned and all of the work being used in SĄ Music Experience etc.

    far fetched if You ask me.
  7. aria


    day dawns Member
    I honestly do think that rumor was most likely not true. Zippo's a notoriously inaccurate source, and I think that if Sega developed subpar remakes of SA1&2, they'd still release regardless of how well made they were, or maybe I'm just jaded enough from Colors Ultimate and Origins to know that they really do not have a standard for quality control.
  8. Kilo


    Starting new projects every week Tech Member
    Changes with the weather
    People still believe in the garbage Zippo's spewing? We have a credible Sega leaker now, Midori, they've proven themselves with Sonic X Shadow Generations. And so far they've said nothing on Adventure remakes.
  9. Snub-n0zeMunkey


    yo what up Member
    I think the SA1 flashbacks in Frontiers were a strange case where it was a mix of both Dreamcast and DX elements. Some people took it as an indication that a new remaster of Adventure was in development but nothing has shown up in that department.
  10. kazz


    16-bait Member
    I like to think Sonic Team just modded the 2003 PC port like what everyone else does to play SA1 in HD lol. I don't see the point of them doing a basic remaster of SA1 specifically unless we're getting something like Sonic 3D Origins. I think Shadow Generations is what ST's attempting to do with all the fandom hype for an Adventure remake/sequel since we probably aren't actually getting either of those things anytime soon.
  11. CharlaChale


    Little Dolly Member
    In terms of ideas, a Sonic Adventure remake isn't close to a bad one, I think. Most will say Adventure is a good game bogged down by when it came out, (I think Iizuka even said something similar) so a remake would really make it shine once more.
    The issue comes with execution. I like being hopeful in regards to the blue guy, but the series doesn't have the best track record when it comes to redoing previous games. Of course, that's all remasters, I don't recall a game in the series ever netting a full-blown remake. But when I think about it, a remake sounds more worrisome. With remasters, a lot of the good stuff is baked in, it's a much worse version but the gameplay itself is largely left alone. With a remake, I dunno what they would bungle up! What if they screw up the physics, or the lighting, or the controls, or however the chao work? And they use the current models that don't fit and nobody likes! And it runs beautifully at 15 fps on a good day! I feel a lot more is at risk when remaking compared to remastering. And that's saying something given the remasters we're dealing with.

    And on the pettier side of things, I don't much like the idea of the current voice cast doing Adventure. (Then again, the other two groups got to, so I suppose it's only fair.)
    Last edited: Mar 13, 2024
  12. shilz


    getting my daily allowance of vitamin kk
    Lol I'm sick of everything Zippo tries to corroborate or then sheds light onto something else that may have truth being labeled fake because it was "by Zippo". I guess Sonic X Shadow Generations was fake and made by by Zippo because Zippo made a post about it after it was announced and literally everyone else knew the name beforehand.
  13. NoNameAtAll


    MY HAT'S ON FIRE. HALP! Moderator
    Hate to say it, but the Station Square Station there is from DX. Dreamcast doesn't have so much green.
  14. aria


    day dawns Member
    My apologies. I played both Dreamcast and DX GameCube growing up a lot so I get things a bit mixed up at times outside of the obviously different character visuals.
  15. Crimson Neo

    Crimson Neo

    Loopin' around. Member
    Funny that, Sonic Symphony used BOTH Dreamcast and DX footage for Adventure.
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  16. Solid SOAP

    Solid SOAP

    Nut Lord Member
    I'd probably prefer a faithful port of the original Adventure to a remake that might be spotty, not gonna lie. Id really just like the original game preserved properly, as it's actually pretty damn good on it's own imo.

    I played through it 100% a few summers ago for the first time in over a decade and frankly I loved it. Some of the best vibes in a Sonic game, period. SA2 has a special place in my heart but it's a shame they took so much of the criticism of the first name to heart and just scrapping so much good ideas instead of building upon them.
  17. evilhamwizard



    As much as I love Sonic Adventure, the reason for the way that it became what it was (for better or for worse) was because of the circumstances at the time it was being developed. It was a hyper-ambitious title during a period in Sega/Sonic Team's life where they were at their highest creative peak. They had their own playground, the Sega Dreamcast, that allowed them to go in directions no one thought to even try at the time. They didn't have anything to compare against or live up to, they were free to do whatever they wanted no matter how insane of an idea it was, and it was beautiful. While you can make something serviceable, that's all that it will ever be, at least to those who were there when the original was a new game. You just can't capture lightening in the same bottle twice.

    That's not to say Sonic Team can't look back and gather something from it. I would welcome at least the game play with open arms as I'm kinda a little exhausted with the boost gameplay, and the introduction of a 'run' button. It would be nice to go back and try something with what the Adventure games did with Sonic's gameplay.

    I feel like all we ever get these days is remakes, remasters, and homages. It never feels like anything is truly new or original and I sometimes think Sonic can be a victim to that. I'm ready for something different, even if there's a chance it'll be terrible.
  18. Sonic Adv was mainly made for Saturn and we've also had something very different in the shape of Frontiers.

    I love to see a remake/master like Prime on the Switch almost 1 to 1 only with current gen visuals and fixes to the controls. Though I'm more looking forward to a Sonic Frontiers 2 given how well the team did on their 1st go.
  19. BenoitRen


    Tech Member
    Then you want source code, not a port that'll be less accessible the older it is.
  20. DefinitiveDubs


    As much as I feel this, there's a reason for that: a game like Sonic Adventure simply isn't profitable these days. Or at least not profitable enough for these big corporations. Usually when we get a singleplayer experience these days, it's some kind of epic open world experience touting hundreds of hours of content and a grandiose cinematic story. I suppose back in 1998, SA1 kinda was one of those games, but the difference is back then, titles like that were so rare that they carried a lot of prestige. Now they're boring, so we have a lot more people asking for smaller games.

    So the way they make up for a lack of smaller games is remaking older ones, to fill the void, since making those epic games I mentioned earlier takes years and years of development time and billions of dollars, and comparatively, remakes/remasters are pretty cheap and easy. There simply isn't any room for risk these days compared to 20 years ago. And it works, kinda. I mean, how many of us are actively playing new games rather than replaying the same games we grew up with (or games from our era) over and over? Unless it's a franchise I'm familiar with, I know I'm not. I'm 30 years old. I don't give a shit about the games being made nowadays because they're not for me, just like how modern radio hits aren't for me. I'm sticking to my era and my style just like how someone would stick to listening to classic rock.

    Of course, you can say indie games pick up the slack, but it's pretty rare for an indie to do something so original and interesting that it grabs the industry's attention. Usually when an indie gets attention, it's only because it fills a market that's no longer being filled, not because it creates a brand new one. Bloodstained, Yooka-Laylee, and Shovel Knight are all basically just retooled versions of older games (Castlevania, Banjo/DK, Megaman) with less memorable worlds and characters, rather than anything truly original. The rest either fly under the radar, or need a big publisher's help to get pushed.