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Would you rebuy Sonic Adventure 2 on XBLA if it had enhancements?

Discussion in 'General Sonic Discussion' started by Diablohead, Apr 29, 2009.

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  1. Diablohead


    Indie dev Oldbie
    Near London
    I know Battle is on the cube with it's extended multiplayer but I was thinking about all the Dreamcast ports we are seeing on xbox live arcade like Virtual on, Ikaruga, MvC2 (dreamcast base code), SSF2T(dreamcast base code) others which I can't remember right now.

    With a port of SA2 to the 360 there should be some ample spare power and with that I think the game could have:

    Revamped models but instead of the slightly improved Battle models sega could pull their finger out and try to use the Unleashed models or style.
    Rock solid 60fps in all areas, though the dreamcast does this very well already
    Multi online using the Battle setup.

    Then other things like achievements for beating the game as good, bad and final ending, perfect super final boss fight etc.

    Oh and of course the chao garden with online races and breeding.

    It would be rather awesome :)
  2. LordOfSquad


    bobs over baghdad Member
    Winnipeg, MB
    making cool music no one gives a shit about
    Oh, yes please. Battle's multiplayer on Live would rock so much.

    While they're at it, they should shoehorn Sonic Adventure on to the PSP.
  3. MykonosFan


    MODE CHANGE. Moderator

    I kinda "eh"'ed as I read your post, I liked SA1 better, but then I got to that part.

    I'd gladly take an SA2/SA2B XBOX Live Arcade Port 8D
  4. Afti


    SA2 sucks. Extremely linear, shallow gameplay with large chunks of level that amount to cutscenes? No thanks.

    I regret paying for it once; I certainly wouldn't buy it again. Okay, so it has online multiplayer. I could give Superman 64 online races through the rings; that wouldn't make it a good game.

    EDIT: Okay, I would pay for Crazy Gadget multiplayer, because that level was actually good. You know, unlike the rest of the game.
  5. Enzo Aquarius

    Enzo Aquarius

    20% Cooler. Member
    Canada, eh.
    Sonic TV Scripts, Sonic Comic Wiki Work
    "Somebody should shoehorn Sonic Adventure on to the PSP." Fixed. :)

    With enhancements and such, SA2 on XBLA would probably do well, same with the original SA. If multiplayer over Live was also implemented, it would be a plus that would definitely garner attention from the community.
  6. Dark Sonic

    Dark Sonic

    Working on my art!
    Oh absolutely, if they really updated the game I'd love to rebuy it again, same goes for Sonic Adventure 1 (But that game would need a serious overhaul in order for me to consider rebuying it). SA2 was a pretty good game, and just imagine how awesome it would be to have the game use models from Sonic Unleashed. No more lanky Sonic.
  7. BlazeHedgehog


    A "Community Enigma"? Oldbie
    Absolutely. I've been meaning to track down a copy of Sonic Adventure 2 Battle since my Dreamcast is kicking the bucket.
  8. Diablohead


    Indie dev Oldbie
    Near London
    Disc trouble right? My DC died on me (well the pad ports broke due to my young brother) as I was replaying Shenmue after all these years, I've never had such bad withdraw :)
  9. BlazeHedgehog


    A "Community Enigma"? Oldbie
    Yeah, I think it's the disc drive. If I play Sonic Adventure 2 for more than 20-30 minutes it'll stop reading data and eventually the game will freeze. It only happens on some games, though. I can play Shenmue just fine, for example. But I can't play, say, Spider-man.
  10. Ayla


    I shat on your desk ^^ Oldbie
    West Linn, OR
    Hacking Contest, StH Overlooked, Personal Indie game
    my dc still works and I've had it since launch >.>;;

    I have sonic adventure 2 battle, which I like much more than the original (mainly because of the chao "menu" if you get what I'm saying). I want more chao stuff. That was the main attractiveness of the game to me. That and GHZ for all emblems :O
  11. The Pulse

    The Pulse

    Super Sonic in levels

    Is this really so hard for them?
  12. Secret Bonus

    Secret Bonus

    I'm walking in snake piiiits, oooooOOOOooooh Member
    Make that for PSN as well and I'm on board! Especially online Chao action, I always hoped for something like that.
  13. muteKi


    Fuck it Member
    Considering that from SA2 they've tried to make Sonic's top running speed be really fast, presumably near the limits of what the engine can do, I'll have to say yes. Not that it would really add anything to the gameplay experience anway for anything from SA2 on.

    I might get a PC port of SA2 but I can't see myself getting a copy of it for XBox, certainly not for download (I'm an old-fashioned guy fond of digital media).
  14. Afti


    SA2-360 could handle it, though- DC's limits are considerably lower than the 360's, obviously.
  15. Skyler


    Neonネオン Cowgirlカウガール Site Staff
    The next audtion
    Eh, I dunno. I think SA2 is very overrated - great, but overrated. I think they've done enough with that game enhancements-wise with the GC port. On the other hand, SADX was a small update to the game with "Director's Cut" slapped on there for an "omg itz a nuu vurshun" response, at least in my opinion. I'd rather see SA1 get a graphical and mechanical overhaul (FPS issuses, lip syncing, camera, etc.) on the 360 rather than SA2.
  16. Sonic Warrior TJ

    Sonic Warrior TJ

    Have an ice time Member
    SADX was more of an update than SA2B was, but content wise. They rebuilt everyone's character models from scratch, replaced the Sonic R models in Sky Chase with newer ones, enhanced several textures, and even changed some. On top of that we also got a Mission Mode, which you have to admit isn't really all that bad for a Mission Mode in a Sonic game. We also got rereleases of all the Sonic GG/MS games, and an unlockable Metal Sonic skin(with slightly different animations and new SE) for Sonic. Framerate was also upped to 60, though it still had some issues. It's also not without several of the original's glitches, as well a few new ones. So yeah, never mind, I pretty much agree with you I guess.

    SADX also helped Saz unearth the Sky Chase Dragon after all these years, remember that.

    That aside, I'd buy a "next gen" SA2 in a heartbeat. I still feel that it's aged quite well. It's probably one of the ones in my collection I've played the most. Battle Mode is insanely fun, but I haven't had a player 2 since High School.

    Oh, if there was one great thing about him it's that he was actually good at it and presented a challenge. I'm going to be proud to be one of his groomsmen come August. Damn. Fucker's getting married.
  17. I hate to say it, but this would probably be a killer app for me. The chances of me buying a 360 would skyrocket. Added content would have to be pretty hefty, but just the game being there in a format would definitely increase my willingness to buy one.

    SA2B was my first game, obstinately due to growing up in my latter years with Nintendo hardware, and I think it was probably the series' most cinematic game. Each level is designed for the specific character, so that the levels become part of the character. Segmenting the levels into platforming, combat, and exploration is also a good mark, though I think it might have suffered from making the three required plays for each story instead of separating them out (I.e., a Sonic story, a Knuckles story, and an Eggman story). Regardless, the story itself is engaging, if a bit corny; unlike other games, you play both sides of the story, instead of just different degrees of heroism. The music being kick-ass doesn't hurt, either.
  18. LordOfSquad


    bobs over baghdad Member
    Winnipeg, MB
    making cool music no one gives a shit about
    How about both? =P
  19. evilhamwizard



    I don't want to be a whore but, I actually saw it first. But I guess you should thank Saz/Jimmy the most for properly documenting/confirming it. :P

    I wouldn't take full credit for it though, since obviously anyone with the right amount of curiosity could've tried what I did. But it was a great feeling to post it before anyone else did, no denying that. ;)

    Also have to thank Jimmy for getting it to load in the Dreamcast version. The fact that it went undetected all 10 years of the original game being released blew my mind. I knew it's textures looked familiar, but it wasn't enough to confirm my suspicions at the time. I thought they were mostly textures for the Egg Carrier when I first saw them.

    But anyway, I would LOVE Sonic Adventure 2 on XBLA. Even if it didn't have enhancements and was just the Dreamcast version, I'd still buy it. Any Dreamcast game would be awesome to have on XBLA - even Sonic Shuffle, which might become a possibility someday.
  20. Diablohead


    Indie dev Oldbie
    Near London
    I don't think shuffle would sit well for sales after it's bad feedback from reviews but it would indeed be nice with the added net play which the game was originally going to have on the Dreamcast, some of those mini games would have been broken with dialup lag though.

    I just been playing the port of Virtual On which is now out on xbla and it runs silky smooh and looks great without any jaggies, something like this kind of improvement for SA2 would me beautiful.
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