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Nostalgia Critic reviews Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog

Discussion in 'General Sonic Discussion' started by TimmiT, Feb 18, 2009.

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  1. InstantSonic


    Just add water! Oldbie
    I really enjoyed his AoSTH/SatAM review, but it's hard for me to watch Nostalgia Critic anymore. His "reviews" have boiled down to nothing more than complaining about every little detail, and him putting a gun in his mouth or BIG LIPPED ALLIGATOR MOMENTS. That got old really, really fast. I haven't really watched a video of his feeling informed in... any way, and I can't bring myself to watch his new stuff. You can only complain about shit so much before it becomes stale.

  2. nullaccnt


    Here, here. I agree with Instant on this, we actually both realized it at the same time watching through his newer videos. They just don't have the same degree of wit or hilarity anymore, and tend to resort to, well, the above, as well as outlandish, far too long and just unfunny segments (see: the Casper review.)
  3. RevFirst


    I'm with El Gran Gordo on this. It's the only NC video I didn't like... Well, this and that Nostalgia Chick one.
    Even back then, I never felt the need for Sonic to get serious so I just can't relate to SatAM nor those topsy turvy comics.
    Sure AoStH's a Loony Tunes ripoff, but I'd take Loony Tunes over Loonatics any day.

    I feel that's done more damage than good. Unlike Mario who played it safe, Sonic was already throwing in too many different ideas.
  4. nullaccnt


    I can agree there, because now we have a franchise that doesn't even know what to do with itself sometimes. Take Unleashed/Black Knight for example, throwing in the chili dog bit out of nowhere. It shows that they are either bored with Sonic or are actively trying to please different sects of his fans. IT IS A MYSTERY.
  5. test-object


    By Torm, no! This is terrible! I... I had no idea Member
    That ending was grrreat, but the timing-joke was pe-retty damn lousy.

    I like how nowadays the Critic's got okay to hilarious movie-reviews and the Nerd's got really bad or hands down amazing videogame-reviews.
    Oh, also, everyone should DEFINITELY check out the Nerds normal movie reviews. They're really interesting and entertaining videos.
  6. nullaccnt


    I agree it was funny, but just went on a smiiiiiiiiidgin too long for my tastes. Also, yes, that "timing" joke was done to DEATH.
  7. Erinaceus


    I'm Hamilton Member
    I would say that the perceived "dwindling" quality of Doug's reviews has more to do with the subjects of his recent reviews, rather than any lack of effort from Doug himself. When the Nostalgia Critic was first beginning, he had already proven-popular internet comedy gold to work with in films like Super Mario Bros., Street Fighter, The Wizard, and Batman & Robin. But his latest reviews have been digging a farther and farther into the obscure, like Cool as Ice, Blank Check and the Captain America Movie. It's a bit harder to laugh his complaints and gags when his reviews are where you're first being acquainted to these films in the first place. I would say that the funniest of his most recent reviews was of "Alone in the Dark", and that was simply because of the already well-known infamy of Uwe Boll.
  8. Phos


    Going for the high score on whatever that little b Member
    Basically this, he's long since cease reviewing the outrageously bad movies, and now has to review the plain old boring ones.
  9. InstantSonic


    Just add water! Oldbie
    Can he even call himself the "Nostalgia Critic" anymore? He doesn't feel nostalgic towards... any of these subjects he's reviewed over a long period of time now.
  10. nullaccnt


    I don't think he's digging deep enough into the nearly limitless supply of terrible movies. He seems to be focusing on the ones people are likely to remember, which I understand, seeing as his position is "Nostalgia Critic." At this point, it seems like the better idea would have been to go the route of a Mystery Science Theatre 3000-esque show premise, because there's only so many movies that this generation is likely to remember, as opposed to ones that are just plain bad which can be made funny with proper humorous dialogue added.
  11. Chimpo


    I Gotta Be Me Member
    Los Angeles, 2029
    Don't Forget! Try Your Best!
    He's criticizing our nostalgia. He's not making these videos because he feels nostalgic.
  12. nullaccnt


    I doubt he doesn't also feel nostalgic. He's just being more objective about it, hence the criticizing for the humor of it.

    Either way, he still seems to be running out of steam.
  13. 0r4ng3


    There are things that weren't that good to be honest. First, the guy compares some movie shots made withn CGI, a high budget and where the storyline is based on epicness; with some shots from a weekday children's cartoon with a low budget and that bases itself on nonsense and randomness. I don't understand why he's taking the piss on Tails or Robotnik either. Tails always defied the laws of physics in the games, it wasn't the show's fault at all and close to every villain wants to / has taken over the world (let alone, in a kid's show). I think the randomness of the show was half the fun. I agree with Urkel though sinceI never liked that voice. The cage and 911 call do bother me a bit right now (as the wall trap on the first episode that he forgot to mention I'm sure) but I think he's hating for the sake of it, or for the sake of the other show. I don't know if he was, but he sounds as like those obcessed SatAM fanboys who hate everything else with Sonic in it.

    SatAM... well, he's got one part right since some of the action scenes are nice to look at. The rest, I disagree, Sonic doesn't fit into a dark and edgy tone either, the extras contributed nothing (or contributed too much) and Tails was downplayed, which isn't a plus at all. I was never afraid of Robotnik (besides the voice) since he always lost at the end of the episode. I don't know what's he speaking of subtle environmental message either. It's fairly obvious what the show's message was all about.

    I think he was far too harsh with one and far too nice with the other. I am an adult, and still I don't think one show is better than the other to be honest. It's a matter of taste, because if one delves deeply into SatAM ready to hate it, one will find a lot of bad things to complain about.
  14. nullaccnt


    Yeah, unfortunately he isn't objective about everything.
  15. Shadow Hog

    Shadow Hog

    "I'm a superdog!" Member
    Sorry, but I'm just not really seeing the hate. I haven't been following him for the longest of times (started watching when Sidekicks was the most recent review), but he's managed to stay pretty consistently fresh, funny, and all-around amusing. Even the movies I've never seen before, I can get a good chuckle out of. Plus, although he has running gags, he's admitted to retiring a couple of them (Burger King is no more, long live the Burger King), so it's not like the guy isn't aware that you can't do a joke too many times and have it remain funny.

    Played for laughs, etc. The creator's commentary on the video - the reason this got bumped up to begin with - actually shows that Doug likes AoStH. It's just that people don't usually find "liking something" to be a very humorous concept, so he accentuated the negative - especially to contrast with the other show, which, even ignoring the accentuated "hatred" for AoStH, he still vastly preferred.


    ...which is another joke he hasn't used recently. See, he knows what he's doing!
  16. 0r4ng3


    He only had bad things to say about AOSTH and good things to say about SatAM, so of course I'm going to say the guy hates one and loves the other. If he had presented a balanced review for each, saying what he likes and dislikes in both of them, then my opinion about his bias would be different.

    I didn't see the second video yet though, he might redeem himself there.
  17. The Pulse

    The Pulse

    Has he mentioned Sonic Underground yet? I wanna see his view on that one.
  18. Shadow Hog

    Shadow Hog

    "I'm a superdog!" Member
    ...dude, I just cited the second video in that quote. Of course he redeems himself.

    It was brought up at his... uh, "seminar" (I dunno the term) at Youmacon. I forget the exact response, but I think it was along the lines of "I've never watched it, so I wouldn't really be able to give it a fair review".

    Same for Linkara and the Archie comics, for that matter. Both say if they're going to tackle any more Sonic, they want to give the material a proper look.
  19. muteKi


    Fuck it Member
    In the case of Mario's shows though because they stayed too close to the source material, in general, they weren't really able to a lot of interesting storytelling. At times it felt like I was watching someone narrate a Super Mario World playthrough. While it's probably my favorite game ever, doing that basically misses out on everything that I like about it.

    Unless you mean the franchise on a whole, in which case Mario's status as the Coca-Cola of the Videogaming world is not accidental. :P
  20. AnimatedAF


    Yeah, I guess, it's a bit of a double edged sword really. Other game companies have got away with it though, like Nintendo with Zelda with two completely different art styles next to each other and Capcom with Megaman's countless different sub-franchises (but then again you could also say Megaman hasn't been quite the same since they did that too). At the time it was probably a good idea to get the franchise up there with the biggest, but in the end years later it's become quite a mess. They tried to make the series globally the same from Sonic Adventure but then you had fans of some of the old variants complaining they were left out.

    Back then I preferred Sonic because of the variety in games and shows and the comic, whereas I thought Mario all felt pretty much like 'seen/played one, played them all' to me. My opinion has changed since then, obviously, though I seem to prefer the 3D Mario games (well, 64 and Galaxy) over the 2D ones.
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