I'm less than digging the current variety in the forground tiles, though I'm not sure if thats a legitimate complaint yet.
The looks like - no, it is - a spiritual successor to the second level in Sonic Chaos, down to the out of place loops and the large squares. I'm not sure how I feel about that. I am far more interested in doing work in this project then Sonic 2 HD (For the reason that I can do pixel art and more importantly - Level art), I'd like to see some completely original works. But I suppose if we're retro... I'm going to go ahead and leave this post open ended. Make sure I read everything before I go on much more. There could be a very good reason for it's obvious take on that zone...
Alternate names: Megalopolitan Night/Twilight/Dusk Metropolitan Night/Twilight/Dusk Utopian Night/Twilight/Dusk
Since it appears to be some sort of industrial walkway high above the city, I think "Aerial Boardwalk Zone" would be a good name for this zone. One of the Badniks in the zone could be an imitation traffic cone. If Sonic gets close to it, it would wake up and start bouncing around. Also, I have a great idea for the Robotnik fight in this zone. Robotnik could have some sort of flying crane with a wrecking ball, to match the level's city motif. It'd be like Sonic 1, but instead of the ball just swinging back and forth, it could actually cause metal debris to fall when it hits walls. Robotnik would be flying high above the ground, so the only way to reach him would be with bumpers.
Just a couple of quick questions: Would this come before or after Blue Mountain Zone? I would, in a way, kind of like the cliché trick of BMZ being the last level instead of the obvious high-tech-city-eggman-complex-hyphen. If not, will the final boss be a seperate level after this, like The Doomsday, or inside the same level, like Metallic Madness?
I think the art direction here should go for a star light zone/Stardust speed way mix. The level design and art of star light mixed with the fast paced action of star dust.
Perhaps it's just me, but the light blue is a bit blinding, and a bit repetitive, too. The orange doesn't mix as well with the light blue, either. I can't quite think of a perfect color at this exact moment, but if I'm the only one who thinks the art direction of the tileset should change a bit, I'll shutup. Also, will the level theme gradually change as you progress (Depending where you started)? Because I'd like to see it so you start off lower in the city if you came from the underground zone, and work your way up. Which would probably involve some changed up art depending which zone you came from.
Personally I have never considered blue and orange to be very clever as complimentary colours. Maybe it's my general dislike of orange, or maybe the fact that it comes straight from a RYB colour wheel... I don't know. Of course, the more pleasing-to-Jay's-eye scheme of yellow and blue wouldn't look as dynamic. Tough call. This said, I'd rather see something more original than these upscaled-and-upgraded Sonic Chaos graphics (Almost). They're excellent, but I don't think this is the place for them.
It might work if it was a different shade of blue/red, at the moment it seems to be almost opposites with the primary blue and orang/red. Maybe take the red in the other direction and put some purple in and it might start to fit, whilst still making the sections standout
Well, the perfect match for a blue color is a yellow one, but I thought it would look unplaisant to the eye. And I followed the Gigalopolis sheme.
Random City Zone Mock-up I'm really good at concepts when it comes to certain things, and this is one of them. I modified S3's Tails because S3's were edits of S2's, and I thought "Why not do it to S4?" :v:
I agree. I enjoyed playing both of those stages. Perhaps we should compose music with inspiration from the 8 tracks between the two stages (Meaning looking at not only Star Light's but also all times for Stardust Speedway from both soundtracks and using that to compose our own original track) Which actually makes me want to ask this question: Are we doing like in Sonic 3 & Knuckles where the acts have different yet similar music tracks?
I would hope so. My music for Act 1a of this (highway route from Canada Zone) should be made only for that. (I'm going to upload the music later). That being said, this is going to be a pretty highspeed level, right? And is there any concept art for Act 1b (sewer)?