I'm sure we all know about the inaccuracies in sound with Sega's MD emulator for the Wii Virtual Console (such as the end panel in Sonic games), but this glitch I've been having takes the cake. Sometimes, when I load up a VC MD game, Sonic or otherwise, the sound is very crackly - as if it's being played through a faulty amp. The only way to resolve this is to go back to the Wii menu and reload the game; resetting the emulation doesn't work! Anyone have any idea why this happens, and what (if anything) can be done to stop it happening when I play MD games on the Wii? I've attached a sound file - it's Sonic Spinball going through its startup and demo mode, with the audio problem. Oddly it only affects the right channel on this recording, although I have had it affect both channels before on Sonic 3...
Also, I believe the sound skips each 5 seconds or so, at least with the first games they released. Streets of Rage 2 sounds terrible due to all this. Some of these bugs might be caused by the 50Hz conversion, by the way.
Well, yeah, I just meant porting the emulator to PAL systems. It uses a different screen mode, and it might not be optimized to handle it properly.