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Find What's left of Project-S?

Discussion in 'Fangaming Discussion' started by Jammin', Feb 7, 2024.

  1. Jammin'


    Extremely into X-Treme Member
    EDIT: I just now realized I accidentally posted this three times. Sorry about that. I pressed the Create Thread button multiple times by mistake.

    In 2006, Chris Senn began working on a remake of Sonic X-Treme called Project-S.

    In 2010, it was cancelled, and soon after Senn shared material involving it.

    I've been trying to find said material for a solid minute.
    I have been attempting to figure out if one of the videos he shared is the same as another we already have.
    That being "paths_first_run.flv". Due to the similarity in the name, I've thought briefly that the video below could possibly be the same as the FLV file just mentioned.

    Although if that's the case, that means the 4Worlds footage is also from Project-S too, but it's too hard to fact-check using archives of an almost 20-year-old forum.

    I also sadly have no clue what "early_blesse_field.flv" could be. Maybe the field for the Fang boss?

    I'd be grateful for insight anyone could give me.
    Last edited: Feb 8, 2024
  2. Shoemanbundy


    Chicago, Illinois
    selling shoes
    That video you posted is a capture of a VHS video taken during the development of Sonic Xtreme's PC build back in the mid 90's, you'll notice the credits to Ofer Alon who was the programmer behind that project. He certainly never came back to work on Project S after how much he resented Xtreme's development. Any other videos Chris shared were the same I'm sure, taken from the original game and not Project S.

    I forgot Project S even existed until reading this topic, that's a distant memory now. It never got off the ground and remained in a concept stage forever, I think? There certainly never were any videos of it, it took until somewhere within the last decade with Andrew's Project AXSX and then Sonic Ztreme for there to be any actual fangames that look close to what Xtreme was intended to be.
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  3. Andrew75


    Technical Artist Member
    Project AXSX(Sonic Xtreme) + Misc Projects
    Just for the record Project S never had any builds that resembled sonic xtreme. I believe they did have some gameplay, but I think there was some kind of issue with the programmer, and he left, I think that was like halfway through the projects life when that happend. I can’t recall clearly. But yeah, nothing about that build looked anything like Xtreme.
    The project was all over the place and changed several times. if memory serves correct, the initial concept started out as being kind of like a sonic Xtreme remake, but that evolved quickly into something else. I was part of it briefly, but wasn’t interested in what was going on so I left the team.
    Last edited: Feb 8, 2024
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