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Water loading problem

Discussion in 'Engineering & Reverse Engineering' started by Fluffy Clouds, Apr 22, 2008.

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  1. Fluffy Clouds

    Fluffy Clouds

    WAS A KID. Member
    San Fernando Valley, California
    GTA San Andreas trainer SCM hook.
    Alright, I did some water editing in my S3K hack, and I've got a problem. I put water in MGZ2, but when I finish Act 1, the water won't load. I just put 0C 78 02 01 EE 4E. I also removed water in HCZ1 (for a test), and when I finished the act, the water loaded for Act 2, but it won't load after I finish MGZ1. So, what did I do wrong?
  2. Robjoe


    In your specific instance, you'll wanna use 0C 38 02 01 EE 4E. You see, 0C 78 looks at a word (two bytes), so using that makes the game care about the current act. Using 0C 38 only addresses the very next byte, so it'll then only care about the zone ID, and load water regardless of the act.

    It's been a while since I messed around with S3K (I should totally do it again sometime for shits and giggles) so if that doesn't help, feel free to look through this guide by ThunderSpeed, it lays out most water-related information pretty well.
  3. Fluffy Clouds

    Fluffy Clouds

    WAS A KID. Member
    San Fernando Valley, California
    GTA San Andreas trainer SCM hook.
    I looked at that guide already (heck, I even have it saved on my computer.)

    Thanks! I'll go try this. But there's one more question, would this put water in both acts? Because I just want it in MGZ2.

    EDIT: Tried it, and it adds water to both acts. Sorry, I'll clarify. It's like there's no water in CNZ1, and when you finish Act 1 and go to Act 2, water loads. When I finish Act 1 of MGZ and then go to Act 2, water doesn't load. You get my point now? I'm trying to ask how I can make water load only for MGZ2 when I finish Act 1.

    EDIT2: Another question, how would I add the rippling effect (AIZ underwater) to MGZ2? I've been wanting to do that for a while.
  4. Uberham


    King Of Oblivion Member
    Considering I know next to fuck all about sonic hacking, wouldn't it be logical to assume water is present in CNZ1, just when act 2 kicks in, the water is raised to the appropriate level?

    Just keep the water REALLY low on MGZ and you should be fine, although it MIGHT fuck with the screenwrap. obviously someone with more knowledge than me could help with code and whatnot.
  5. Thehackery


    Sonic The Hedgehog 1.1 and Sonic The Hedgehog 2.1
    I added water to Sonic 2's MCZ1 using Sonic Tweaker, and (Except for the surface design) It worked like a charm. Kudos to whoever made that utility.
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