Okay, newbie question... How comes that only certain images such as "yamaguchi.iso" give a "corrupted image" error when trying to open them in 7zip or mounting them under Windows? And what's the recommended way to open them? Bit late, I know, but I wanted to see if I could re-rip some of these with untampered and indexed palettes with Noesis.
Sorry to bump an old thread, but I just noticed that this page is also "new" - like the "Live Under the Sky" mockup, it's absent from Tom Payne's 2009 scans. Why is this noteworthy? Because it has a line art illustration of Meleon / Newtron in its missile form. This art wasn't included in the manuals, or Sonic Jam. The only place I've ever seen it is in a low quality scan from a 2014 style guide.
I wonder if the original ball sprite on this scan had more colors that the crappy 90's printer could handle.
Hey guys, it is me, RobiWanKenobi. I use Linux, which is apparently what is needed to extract the ISO's, I was able to get this done, so have the contents of the ISO's. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1FVF3w3wHUOHFkCzDdqjNKDJgczhVskUe/view?usp=sharing This also contains the ISO's themselves in case you find anything cool. Also, sonic_enemies_backup.iso contains part of the Sand Shower / Winter Zone mockup art You can find it using TiledGGD with width 320 px, the resolution of the genesis horizontally. I used Color order RGB. You need to use 16 Bit Per Pixel format to see anything in here correctly.
I knew about the Sand Shower thing, that is why it wasn't the main point. The main point was that I extracted all of the disk iso files and put them in a zip file.
Incredible stuff right here. But how does someone as un-tech-savvy as I open any of these files as images?
The best I know what to do for this is TiledGGD, and that won't work for every file. EDIT: for LBM files, use XnView, it can view them and convert them to a normal image format. Dig2LBM can help turn some of the files that aren't LBM to LBM files.
Something I wanted to do a few months back when the SSZ art was found was to determine approximately where the file would have started, which could be calculated in part by adding the pixels and making an educated guess based on the sector size. Why? Because however much space is available before the start of the image file might give us clues as to what the preceding content could have been (e.g. more mockups with the same dimensions?). I don't have the kind of time I'd like to have to do these things myself. Anyone else with time on their hands interested in figuring this out?