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The Earthbound Split Disassembly Project

Discussion in 'Technical Discussion' started by Armada, Nov 18, 2008.

  1. Armada


    Sometimes I do things Member
    Hello everyone, it's time for one of my fabulous topics again. You see, I enjoy Earthbound and the mother series. I've been a member at for a good while now, and I looked in their hacking forums. They have a nifty tool called "PK Hack", but I was surprised to see the lack of a decent split disassembly. The ROM has been disassembled, and the source code is out there, but it hasn't be investigated at all (with the exception of maybe using it to create a ROM map and decompress art for PK Hack).

    I guess it's because I was so used to split disassemblies that I decided to begin this motion. I understand good hacks can be done without them, but the benefits to having them are great. I can also see this will lead to more interest in analyzing the source code, and creating more useful tools (like an art decompression tool).

    Anyway here is the link to the project topic on If you're willing to help, drop in and see what you can do.

    I may have over glorified disams too much. :U
  2. Flygon


    As I said on, I am looking forward to this heavily (Mainly for the benefits of having everything in seperate files, much cleaner to back up) but unfortunatly I don't know the first thing to proper ASM hacking :P
  3. Armada


    Sometimes I do things Member
    Thanks for the support Flygon. it's not that it's hard, it's mostly getting people to search for pointers for the splitting program. That's Goal 1. Goal 2 would be picking apart the source for include tags and figuring out what certain subs do.