As it stands, if Sonic 2 HD is ported to OS X, it will probably be Intel only, simply because of ease of porting. Cider translates Windows code to code readable by OS X. The way that Cider translates code, however, calls on Intel only addresses and functions, so it cannot be ported to PowerPC using this method. Yes, many do still code Universal Binaries that work both Intel and PowerPC, but to do that you would basically have to recode the engine, which LOst probably doesn't want to do just to have it run on PowerPC processors, and many game developers are starting to make Intel Only games because it is easier to port their Windows code to Intel Macs than PowerPC. Quite simply, it would be far easier to run it all on Intel processors, since it could easily be ported using Cider or Source Code tweaks, both easier than rewriting parts of the engine.
And herein is the crucial difference. Universal binaries are written for Mac OS. Sonic 2 HD is written for x86. See the difference here?
Absolutely, my friend. PPC is essentially dead and gone, and for games, it was dead already. Time to upgrade. If you're on a PPC machine anyways, it's likely an iBook, and the graphics cards in the iBooks aren't strong enough anyways - my MacBook's GMA950 had troubles with this demo. PPC is being left out in the cold for Snow Leopard anyways >.< EDIT: TEMPORARY FIX FOR MACFAGS: Install Codeweaver's Crossover. Download the 4x demo, provided you're running a decent graphics card - READ: this will not work with the GMA950's in the MacBooks and won't until the rediculous system requirements are toned down. CTRL+Click the "" Open the Contents/Resources/Transgaming/c_drive/sonic2hd folder. Open crossover, and in the 'programs' menu, select 'run command.' There's a browse button, hit that. It'll open up a open file dialog box. Drag the "S2HD_TechDemo_SR_4x.exe" into that box and release it when you see a 'plus' cursor icon. Hit 'run.' ????? Profit!
Anyone can confirm this method / post a video about it? What about framerate e/o issues? If it's true.. great find Lostgame! ^^
Framerate is horrible as always, only get up to about 50 FPS at most, but that's to be expected, I don't feel that it's a very well-written demo if it requires such ridiculously high system requirements. I obviously have huge amounts of faith in the programming team that they'll get it to work on reasonable hardware - there's no reason it shouldn't run on a GMA950. I'm really working on trying to get the cider to work though, just gimme a bit.
If the code was compiled in a form of debug mode, then it would definitely require higher system requirements because the code does a lot more than just actually guide the game itself to work. In release mode, I suspect that it will all work fine at saner system requirements...
Got the original version (tech demo v2?) to open using CrossOver, although after the 'Game Settings' box it just shows a white box. Running: 10.4.11 Macbook Pro 1.83 ghz Intel Core Duo 2gb Ram Crossover Version 7.10 Downloaded your version, 4x, and it just sits there with the Super Sonic logo Hope that Helps, Shane Just did your trick and it works =] only odd thing I noticed, although probably not to do with your mac version, is that sonic on the swing seems to blur as he moves? nice work on getting it to work =]
If there is going to be a Mac release, any chance of making it work on Tiger as well as Leopard? EDIT Disregard that, as I suck at reading the forum properly.
From my tests, Sonic 2 HD should work nicely (see: Great!) using Crossover WINE emulation which you can get for free if they accept you as an advocate. But, of course, getting it to run natively through some form of package generator would be great too. For those having trouble with Crossover, try Crossover Games instead. I'm using Crossover Games with no trouble.