*Crashes in through the wall... while sleep-moonwalking, magically turns a bunch of other forum members into green chickens, takes a piss on the carpet and then settles down on the ceiling* You guys were expecting someone sensible? :P I suppose it's only right and proper that I make an appearance in this topic, isn't it? Now that I've finally managed to bash my way in here (the Jamie-proof, impossible-to-register-on forums of both Retro and SFGHQ in recent years were ridiculous, whoever was responsible needs a good kick in the teeth for that!), though apparently I only have 20 posts to show that I'm not a turd, a dumbass, or being an assclown for no reason... so me with all my silly humour? Watch me fail with style! lol "(no Godzillas rampaging through Slide City)" Why didn't I think of this for my original version?! I want an ARMY of BILLIONS upon TRILLIONS upon SQUIDILLIONS upon CHOCOPIZZARILLIONS of Godzillas rampaging through Slide City, causing ultimate destruction! Heck, make the main character a Godzilla! Sonic the massive blue Godzilla thing: Time Attacked, now that's a successful game waiting to happen! :D
HOLY SHIT IT'S SONIC TIME ATTACKED I used to play the shit out of this yooo! I never could get past the stage after Slide City, I don't remember what exactly it was but iirc I fucked something up and glitched myself into a wall or something, and I got so mad that I uninstalled the game and...never...played it again.....Huh. I remember looking at all the citizens in Slide City and going "WHOOOAAAAA" because each one was so crazily unique (and wasting loads of time looking at each one), I didn't know back then that those were OCs submitted. I used to have a really bad recolor OC back in the day but I don't really have any character, much less sprite, that I use to identify myself nowadays so don't count on me getting a Visa for Slide City anytime soon, maybe I'll go on vacation there some day in the future :v:/>/> I do see one thing that bothers the shit out of me and I'd like for it to be changed but at the same time I understand if you think that would be unfaithful to the original, but could you at least make it an option or something? It's nothing huge but...Sonic's jumping bothers the shit out of me, even back then I was always worried that if I hit an enemy while uncurled, I would get hit. I like the idea of Sonic not curling into a ball right away but if you're gonna do it, at least do it like Generations where he's only uncurled for the first few frames of the jump, not until he reaches the peak of his jump. Also, in other news, did the music for Slide City originate in Time Attacked? Because I could swear I heard that exact same MIDI in a million other super old fangames to the point where it's engraved in my brain...or maybe the song just reeeally got stuck in my head and my memory is fucking with me. Regardless, I'm glad to see this is being remade and I wish you the best of luck in the development of this remake.
what the fuck. Interesting... The level definitely has a pace going to it but the structure of the level doesn't exactly seem that well put together. Not only is it short but it feels like part of the level was copypasted; that's probably not what happened but that's the feeling I got. Probably feels monotonous or what have you because the level doesn't have any sloping structures whatsoever; everything's either a straight line or a diagnonal. Not the most engaging thing in the world :/ I know this is still in alpha but gonna be honest, it kinda needs some work. Doesn't look awful at all, just has some obvious shortcomings.
Well is the layout a kinda copy paste of the original layout? It's a remake/port afterall, if that's what the layout was originally I wouldn't expect any changes.
It's a bit off topic, but spoilers: playing the LOL SO RANDUM xD card here isn't going to look good in the long run for you. I've been a bit more lax with Trialling of late because of some complaints, I'm beginning to wonder whether I was right in the first place (ref also to the Forces topic earlier that I've trash'd).
Thanks for the advice, I'll take that on board, though admittedly it's not a 'card' I'm playing, it's just who I am and the way I've always been since my early SFGHQ days. But I was just making my usual insane entrance, that's done now, so will likely be toned down from here on as everyone else here don't seem too wacky. I'm not planning on spamming this forum with too many posts anyway. We'll see how I go, I've got another eighteen posts after this one, if I can gel with the crowd, great, if I don't fit in, then I'll just have to accept it's not meant to be.
Good to see you here Jamie. It'd be a crying shame if you don't make it in, given you're a legend from the SFGHQ days and created arguably the best Sonic fangame of that era. Hope you get member status. Or Oldbie, since technically you meet the requirements and you're thus deserving of that too.
Thanks, it's good to see you too! I got a bit excited when I stumbled across your post requesting oldbie status earlier today, I thought 'Wait, is it THAT 360?!'. I'm so used to everyone at SFGHQ getting excited every time I suddenly appear, Retro is clearly a very different place, certainly no 'Cheese and Moon Pies' here.
More posts like this and you'll be fine. =P We're not super hardcore strict, we just don't look too kindly on stupidity (even mock stupid).
Gonna be real, I saw the roleplay stars, "expecting something sensible? :P " and a whole lot of what looked like it was supposed to be on an "introduce yourself" post on a *fangame page* and my brain kinda shut off rofl. No disrespect, just... outta context of you being the guy who made the original game that looked really weird. Since you seemed to have been the guy who made the original level, I'll just refer to my previous criticisms. You apparently have a reputation of oldschool famgames that were actually pretty sick, which is super good, though I have tosay the video shown on page 3 doesn't look all too appealing and I'll up and say that's prorbably not your best wor.k :I I will say, though, that if this remake isnt going to be restrictive in the sense that the level designs have to be 1:1 the originals, then I say the guy remaking it should overhaul the level. It'll improve the game by a longshot and even if its not mania/sonic 3 A++ level design, you'll have more variety then go right, go left, and just have a better time with it.
Indeed, Time Attacked, it's original movement 'engine' and level design were all the product of both the time the game was made and what I was capable of, and to be fair, I'm more an artist than a genius programming wizard ala Taxman. The levels were essentially made of massive blocks, a bit like a 2D classic Tomb Raider (heck, very early on, the game was even NAMED Zone Raider), that and the lack of proper classic Sonic physics means the game has absolutely no chance of stacking up against modern fangames, especially the likes of Mania (truly amazing game, by the way), but at the time, though there were a few fangame projects recreating the proper physics much better, Time Attacked was clearly something for fangamers to get excited about. By the end of Time Attacked's production, other SFGHQ members had started using 360° movement engines which allowed their fangames to better replicate the gameplay of the official classics, but I made sure not to fall into the trap that many others were, in which they would keep restarting their project from scratch because they could do better, and never finished making their games as a result. From past experience, I know my fellow SFGHQers can be rather protective of the game, and someone wanting to remake it has been known to be a bit like, well, someone turning up and making a totally zany forum entrance post here at Retro. :P Okamikurainya is in a bit of an awkward spot when it comes to the level design for the remake, as you can't please everyone. I'd expect some fangamers who loved and remember the game from back in the day would prefer the remake stick closely to the original level designs they remember (though Okamikurainya is adding/adjusting bits) but with a better movement engine, then there are other people like you, who don't have nostalgia for the game and just see how bad the aged levels really are. And if the level designs change too much, which is exactly what would be needed for it to even be compared against fangames of today, is it really still Time Attacked?
Hey man, yeah it is me! Sonic360 from the SFGHQ days. The ex-SFGHQ mod and ex-SFGHQ review writer. Much older now though and hopefully wiser. Left SFGHQ for University and a screenwriting career that's still on-going then migrated to Retro around 2010 and have been here ever since. I did briefly return to SFGHQ circa 2010/11 or so but the place was subsequently shut down so Retro has been my permanent home ever since. It's a lovely place with some truly amazing and kind members. You'll love it here once you hopefully get member status. It was really awesome to see someone as awesome as you from the old school SFGHQ era re-appear here so I was really glad to see your post. Time Attacked was beyond amazing when it released. You were so far ahead of everyone else at the time (real grinding physics!) it was unreal. Thoroughly enjoyed your game by the way. Played it to completion back then and had a blast. Thought it was fantastic. So what have you been up to all these years? Any projects since Time Attacked? Hope you get approved!
Great to see you here Jamie! I hope you make it past the trial stage. If I can get a level designer on board I'd be more than happy to do full remakes of the stages, though keeping the original layouts in as well for nostalgia's sake. Alas level design is one of my many weak points. There are some extra routes added in so far + - for collecting Chaos Emeralds but these are fairly simplistic at best. There are also slight modifications due to the difference in physics, like in one spot I had to add in a booster pad because there was no way for Sonic to run up a wall that high without any help, and some block positions are lowered or raised here and there. Either way, I'm indeed in a tough spot and the majority of the original layouts have to be in the game in some form or another... If on the chance I do get a level designer, I think the ideal situation would be having the new layouts for a ++ mode after you'd beaten the original game, or the other way around. Sonic, Tails and Knuckles using their Sonic 2 sprites and gameplay will also be available after certain requirements are met so I'll have to factor them in when I get to the polishing stage. Yeah, "Classic" Sonic gameplay can be unlocked. Add that to the list of characters I have to port into the engine. :v:
Whoo! Okamikurainya's here, 360's here, I'm here... and we even have an Overlord! We got ourselves a little party goin' on now! :D 360 Turned out to be a very clever username choice, you had a lot of SFGers' movement engines named after you at one point... and a games console. lol SFGHQ did return, but like Retro, had a weird forum registration bug which meant I couldn't get past the registration form page (though Retro's seems to be fixed now, hence why I'm here). Eventually I managed to register on SFGHQ, but then the place got overrun with spambots and everyone buggered off somewhere else. Admittedly I don't do anything, well, career-wise, but times have changed and I so rarely go on the PC any more aside from to do odd things here and there that require a PC (was required to specifically use a Windows desktop PC and Internet Explorer specifically as I was being forced to change an email password at one point, ridiculous). I think it was early 2014 I was going to start making games again, even went as far as getting a newer version of the Clickteam software and it's iOS and Android converters, but didn't get too far. Always on the iPhone though, if they made an iOS-compatible version of the main software, I'd be ALL over it, beavering away on game-making. If you do end up having both new and old level designs, maybe you could have the option to play either version of the game from the start, so those accustomed to modern fangames and new to Time Attacked don't have to suffer through a whole game of the original level design (they probably won't bother), and those who want the more familiar experience don't have to play a whole new game that isn't the Time Attacked they remember before getting what they want.