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Sonic The Hedgehog Treasure

Discussion in 'Fangaming Discussion' started by Mejokiv, May 8, 2024.

  1. charcoal


    Be Cool, Be Wild, and Be Groovy Member
    Your key art sucks ass, nothing at all would be preferable to AI slop
  2. Devon


    your mom
    I think the game is too early of a state to be presented like this, ignoring the crusty AI crap that stands out like a sore thumb compared to the rest. It's basically a prototype of the general physics engine and other basic gameplay aspects in a test map (some of the textures are weirdly stretched out, too, and the lighting is weird). The controls are pretty janky. Sometimes a homing attack won't register even when there's a target, and turning is very sharp. I also don't really care for the key bindings. Collision with anything that isn't a flat surface is also pretty janky as well. For instance, on the one floating sphere, I ended up running so fast that I ended up launching off of it into a wall, and I could never successfully go through a loop or corkscrew. Also, those motobugs go really fast.
    Speaking in general here, we should bring back optimizing games so we don't need this. :colbert:
  3. Mr. Cornholio

    Mr. Cornholio

    I'm also concerned that several sentences in the original post appear to be AI generated.

    is a really vague term that's referred to as 'Time's Treasure Place' later on in the same paragraph. It's then later referred to as 'the Treasure of Time Place!' in the post. Some of the word structuring in the plot synopsis is also very unusual.

    I would highly recommend the author of this topic edits the original post to address this. Since not much has changed from the homing attack proposal topic, I'm not sure if the game in this state warrants a plot description. It seems kinda vague in the state it was left in, and it seems like the game currently focuses more on showcasing it's movement concepts than anything else.
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  4. Mejokiv


    The idea of the art was just a demonstration of leveraging the Sonic Jam concept, that's all. I left the link without the video, what's the problem? I played fangames on the forum that had their topics opened in a state that I noticed was less finished than this. You could have said this in the Homing Attack topic (maybe in a polite manner).

    The intention of the topic was to provide the download of what was done in the other topic, since the subject was being diverted, and to discuss alternatives for the 3D environment, as the game offered an exploration alternative and in the Homing Attack.

    The only thing you have shown is disinterest in the topic and the game proposal. Are you moderators to prevent the creation of the topic?

    Besides, I am not a native English speaker, "thank you" for the help with the translation.
    Last edited: Jul 17, 2024
  5. saxman


    Oldbie Tech Member
    I haven't downloaded anything at this time. I might. I do want to say I like the logo picture you posted. Looks pretty cool. I know nothing of the other art, but if I didn't like it, I sure as heck could find a nicer way to say it than @charcoal.

    And I'll just add that I hope the criticism doesn't bother you too much. It's tough to get it sometimes, and some people aren't good at figuring out how to say it without being complete jerks, but most of the criticism I see is perhaps worth taking into account. If it is in the state they suggest, perhaps waiting longer before posting about it will help in the long run. Lord knows I have been there a couple times -- the more you have to show, the bigger the splash, and the more of a following you will maintain.

    Also, I too wondered if the text was AI, but now that you mention English isn't your language, it make so much more sense now. I think we forget there is language translation software in existence. No worries here.
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  6. Mejokiv


    Alright then.
    Last edited: Jul 17, 2024
  7. Palas


    Don't lose your temper so quickly. Member
    I think @saxman did put it very nicely. As someone who's been browsing English-speaking forums for over a decade and considers themselves functionally fluent, but still has trouble not talking like a robot in English, I know what it's like. And communication can be tough in these situations -- I've been banned from every Sonic forum I've ever been in except Retro, so God knows I understand how unwelcoming a community can feel, especially when it criticizes something you put your heart into. The question of AI art is especially sensitive to those who have artistic aspirations, so please understand where they could be coming from, too.

    But if you can get through the rough patches of communication and figure out what you'd like to work on next and what you'd like to show, it'll be alright. I maintain what I said in the previous thread! I think the solution to objective structures is very clever, because it adds purpose to the environment in a way that's noncommittal yet engaging. I think it can be iterated on however you want, so experimenting is the key.
  8. Susumu


    As an artist, I genuinely prefer unskilled amateur art to AI generated art.
    One has heart, soul, and effort put into it, the other is souless and without effort or skill.
    People who make fan games and romhacks are artists, so of course they're going to be hostile to AI art. It's invading everything.
  9. Mejokiv


    So, is it forbidden to use artificial intelligence?
    There are people with different skills and time in practicing and making arts, perhaps they might like the image. Can someone be condemned for using it?
    Last edited: Aug 18, 2024
  10. jubbalub


    #1 Sonic Superstars defender Member
    To me, there is a difference between using AI to automate something menial, labor-intensive, and would open the door to more creative applications of your labor in other places, and using AI to create an entire image or video for you.
  11. Mejokiv


    It's not a video of mine, with my artwork. It's a video of the game, and I credited the artificial intelligence, at no point I claim that I made it.
    And the artwork is part of the game's creativity. The tool is open to use.
    Last edited: Sep 16, 2024 at 4:57 PM
  12. Susumu


    I don't think using AI art generators is creative. It's just typing words and letting a machine throw something together it thinks fits.
    Even Oshima hates AI art!

    Attached Files:

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  13. I can't download your demo. Can you please reupload it? Considering the AI Art and the other stuff, it seems like you're very much a beginner. My suggestion is that you should study stuff that will make your fangame's code more optimized.
  14. Mejokiv


    Look, the goal was just to demonstrate a continuation of the Sonic Jam idea, nothing more than that.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 17, 2024
  15. Looks like I just kept clicking the wrong button on the "Too big to scan" screen. Thanks for lending a hand, though.
  16. Alright, I just played it. Here are my thoughts.
    • Homing Attack and Drop dash need to be mapped to separate buttons. It's very inconvenient when I want to drop dash, only to do a homing attack.
    • In speaking of the Homing Attack, I feel like the required distance from an enemy that allows for the move is too short. Also, it just feels imprecise. It feels more like sonic is merely being nudged in the enemy's direction. In fact, it makes Sonic move slower!
    • There needs to be a menu that allows me to remap my keys.
    I appreciate what you're doing, but you obviously have a long way to go. My advice? Study the 3D Sonic games that you like, figure out what makes them fun to you, and then expand upon those fun things. You should also find some places that can help you get a better grasp of Unity and the Bumper engine.
  17. Overlord


    Now playable in Smash Bros Ultimate Moderator
    Long-term happiness
    I have merged your two threads, given they're about the same thing there's no need for two of them.
  18. Mejokiv


    Last edited: Jul 18, 2024
  19. CL_Supersonic.wad


    Professional Breather Member
    I think it might be better to just update the original post with the files and post an update changelog and put it in the original post also so you don't clutter up the thread.