Hez if you are having trouble getting rid of bugs, have you thought about sending your source to someone else very experieced with MMF such as DW or LarkSS? I'm still up for beta testing if need be.
Sounds good! Hopefully you will be done in the next week or so, I'm sure people are just as excited as me to play the full game considering how good the demo was.
Congrats on 'finishing' your project Hez! Good luck with that last bit of testing, I'm definitely looking forward to the final release! I'd offer to help, but I have a knack for NOT coming across bugs and glitches when I'm playing a Sonic game, unless it's absolutely riddled with them like '06.
This is how the new Ghost mode in time trials will be like. An arrow indicating where your ghost is, and a bar on the bottom to show progression of the level. If you do not wish to have these, simply say no to ghost mode and it will play like a normal level without the bar or ghost. Normal Ghosts will just be a transparent sonic. If you choose to race one of my ghosts, my 10 year old sprite of myself will appear. NOTE: No, I am not changing my shitty Hez sprite, It's there mostly for my amusement.
Damnit I wanted to be the awesome one when Megamix got released with ghost mode Joking aside, the release of this should be pretty awesome, it'll be nice to get a true fully completed Sonic fan game for once
Ghost racing mode is always a good thing, curious though, why orange? I always thought a pale blue would fit more nicely. Whoa now, easy fella =P
As much as I did enjoy playing through a bit of Sonic Classic, I really got irritated with this one 'bug' I found in the game where if you hit the bottom of a floating platform. Even when it's not moving you will instantly die from it. I dunno if that was done intentionally or not, I hope that was changed/fixed at some point.
Oh man, that is so great. Racing your avatar is pretty damn awesome. Can't wait for this game, maaaan.
Nah man, it's gonna get finished. Probably tonight. Also, on a side note. I made it now that you can play time trials with all three characters. It used to be only sonic, but I figured people would throw a bitch fit. While on that note...should all three characters be available for challenges? (I left knuckles and tails out because of fear that people would spam the fuck out of tails)
Are there some challenges that could work if they were character specific, with most of them being for Sonic? I don't know much about how your challenges/missions/etc. work, but there's an idea I guess. If that won't do, and you're worried about people using Tails to clear everything, go with Sonic only. It is challenge mode after all, right? Being able to use Tails and Knuckles in Time Trial should feel liberating enough.
I agree with TJ. If they challenges were made with Sonic on mind you shouldn't really bother adding in the two extra characters, and I'm not only saying this just because I want to play the game earlier. :P Also, with that on mind, I think it's time to change your signature. :P
I would say Sonic only. He's always taken the most skill to navigate, since Tails and Knuckles have ways of going up and over obstacles.
I'll have to echo everyone else here and say stick with Sonic only for the challenges if they were made with him in mind. Although I think it would be pretty cool if you added one or two Tails/Knuckles specifc challenges to the mix. I can't wait to play the final version of this, the demo was really awesome! Great job on this Hez!
I think that's what I'm sticking with. And time trials have seperate slots for each character. So if you get a high score with knuckles, it won't count for sonic. No cheating =3 EDIT: I found a new semi-big bug...Ghost Ghost data....if you clear a level with a faster time, pieces of your previous ghost linger.