Not a big fan of the character designs (the environments look pretty cool, though!), but the show can still be good if it manages to provide consistent amounts of action and funny elements, as well as a decent storyline.
Actually looks pretty decent, the fortnite dances aside. But Mighty No.9 taught me to be wary of great looking concept art. No reason that the actual show will look like that. So I'm still optimistic with a lowered eye, so to speak.
The "lights" are a nice nod to the SatAM/STC/AoStH Robotnik versions there Interesting that Amy has a hairstyle similar to Blaze's. Plus, Sonic's gloves and shoes are different to the other pictures. Also, lol that Amy appears to be 'hunting' Sonic
What is wrong with me? Those Robotnik ball lights really ARE a reference to his SatAm/AoS design. I mean I saw them and I got it but it just didn’t hit me. I guess I was just distracted I don’t know. I’m sure they’re aware of fans talking about them online but it at least proves they’re not flat out ignoring their existence. Whether they’re officially part of the story is still unknown of course.
You know, I would really like this 2D artstyle for the whole show. It looks good. I know that it's cheaper to make 3D animation but... Donkey Kong Country TV Series
Because if they change literally anything else, the fans (fanboys?) Would kick and scream? I mean they would scream about shoes too.
I've heard it's basically identical in cost to produce 2D and 3D. I don't know a ton about production in the long term but it seems like 3D has an up front expense that gradually becomes cheaper as production continues but I also have to imagine they don't use just one single model for each character. About the only benefit to using 3D models is that you can basically get any angel of a model but the model still has to look good over all and if you want more expression you're going to have to make new models to emphasize among other stuff. So it really sounds like cost wise it would be about the same for both.
The way I understand it, good 3D is as expensive as good 2D, but cheap-ass crap 3D is cheaper. That's why all those rip-off children's films are 3D, especially since you can just take premade assets and animations and reuse them a hundred times.
There better be the opposite too. They better have a Miles Prower with one tail, but identical to Tails in every other way except flight.
I mean what else is there to change? Sonic's core design is very very specific (as much as people want to pretend they look nothing alike, Classic and Modern look 90% the same and differ only in proportions and a few tiny color changes) and he doesn't wear clothes besides shoes (Amy's redeign was like 90% a clothing change with a small change to her spines). About the only thing you can change is his shoes. ...or you can try messing with his physical look, and as Sonic Boom shows us, you can barely change anything to begin with and even that looks looks weird as hell. Sonic is from an older time where male funny animals would often wear almost nothing (even though female ones would be fully dressed) and that means that you can't just give him a snazzy new outfit...though I'd like if they did. LET clapemoji SONIC clapemoji WEAR clapemoji CLOTHES Spoiler Damn that looks sick. (Those shoes are impressively hideous though, that much is true)
Just noticed the Echidna pirate flag in one of the time portals. I like how there's multiple versions of interdimensional eggmans.
Just now noticing how the old Eggman has what seems to be a Cluck by his side in the above posted image. I wonder if he may be a send up to SatAM Robotnik? Even if it's not the same entity, having Jim Cummings voice him would be a fantastic homage to that iteration of Eggman if that is their intention with this.
The green one seems to be the one where cave(wo)man Amy was, and the bottom one seems to be a game level, but I'm not sure which one.
Hoping this means that he's just been organizing a good timeline for them to work off of and not that Sonic will act as the world-famous golden boy superhero :P
I like Flynn's work from what I've read of the comics. He generally really gets the characters and does some enjoyable plots within the confines of what SEGA will permit. It's nice to hear that he's involved with Prime to some extent. And it's nice to be reminded that Prime exists too. I keep forgetting that it's even a thing.