I think it would be really neat if the mini-bosses were in reference to the original bosses for the classic levels (But not carbon copies), while still allowing new and unique bosses for the Eggman fight.
I've been staying out of this thread to avoid spoilers, but I was wondering if *theoretically* could Mania be ported to Dreamcast. I'm not asking for it to happen, or expecting it to happen, I was just wondering. I know the engine was built to be easily portable to all manner of systems, but I doubt the Dreamcast's ageing hardware was considered as an option. Of course, I understand anything is *theoretically* possible, but just curious if it would be relatively easy, or require years of optimisation and down-scaling.
Tax has said that the current retro engine uses a bespoke software renderer, which would probably cause problems in the port. The DC isn't built for software rendering, you'll run into some nasty performance problems. Also, if the RetroSDK isn't made to easily change resolutions, the aspect ratio would cause problems - I've been able to output a 16:9 image on the dreamcast by rendering to an anamorphic texture then stretching it to the screen, but for 2D games that looks pretty ugly as you lose horizontal resolution in the process (read: pixels get stretched). Also, the old Retro Sonic dreamcast build was built using the WinCE libraries, which is really frowned upon in the DC homebrew scene. Tax would have to learn a bit about KOS if he'd want to avoid that scorn. It'd be certainly cool if it happened, though.
A bit of the luster rubs off when you realize there are members who could fill in all the blanks in the mystery, though lol Part of the fun of digging up the past is playing detective and trying to figure out the bigger picture
Yeah, but some of the most fun we've had has been datamining the hell out of protos, and then asking devs what is going on! :v:
I like that idea too. I mean the US soundtrack used JP past songs, so it wouldn't even be that jarring for us yanks.
According to this, Amazon briefly showed up a April 25 release date for Sonic Mania, just before changing to ye olde May 31th date again. Even though those kinds of leaks tend to be confirmed later on, it just looks to good to be truth. But well, I thought you guys might wanna know.
Okay, I've decided. The Switch in handheld mode is how I want to play this game. Curled up in my bed, collapsed on the sofa or sitting on the train, I want to play Mania on this gorgeous system and on the go. It's a crying shame that it doesn't look like the Special Edition version for Switch is coming to Europe (and I'm not going to pay the extra to import it), so I'll just stick to the PS4 special version and download it directly on Switch. I just want to see it on the small screen. It's going to be so wonderful!
Same here. Hell, I would've played it on the 3DS, even, had the option been offered; the portability factor simply tops everything else for me.
Hell, 3DS version even offers the possibility of 1:1 pixel mapping to every pixel! I would quite enjoy one, myself. Paying off the (presumed) Switch physical copy at EB Games. Apparently their placeholder price is $80, and I've paid off $60 so far. Either this's a hell of a special edition, or their placeholder is way too high. :v:
I doubt that's it. 3DS can handle stuff like Project X Zone and full-on 3D models, I don't see why it couldn't handle Mania. My bet's that Nintendo wants to generate hype for the Switch, and are gonna put the 3DS on the backburner for a while (or permanently, depending on how well the whole console/handheld hybrid factor goes over). Either that, or sales for 3DS games have been declining over time, and they don't think it's worth the investment.
Hell, I'd even bet money on the Mania engine being lean enough that it could run on my old K6-2 desktop. Power definitely doesn't seem to be an issue.
While Stealth was able to somewhat port Sonic CD to the DS, he commented that the DS shouldn't support a scripting-based engine like the Retro Engine. Don't know how much powerful the 3DS is in comparison with the DS, anyway.