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Sonic Frontiers Thread - PS4, PS5, Xbox, Switch, PC

Discussion in 'General Sonic Discussion' started by MykonosFan, May 27, 2021.

  1. Bad voice actining in this game? Not for me, at least. I genuily thnk it's one of best voice action in the series, not sure if better than Sonic Unleashed, but I think it's pretty damn good. I had to get used with Roger's deep voice, but now I'm used to it and I really like it as well.

    I'm just glad I wasn't cringing all over the scenes like it was in Sonic Forces, Lost World and honestly even Generations a little. The quality in cutscenes sometimes can be weird, but other times it can be pretty nice, especially when it has some action.

    Too bad this game didn't had any CGI cutscene like the trailers tho'.
  2. kyasarintsu


    Even if you were being hyperbolic on purpose, this is still an odd thing to say. The opinions I've seen are all pretty nuanced and people are definitely aware of the game's flaws. Some just don't consider them deal killers, or may believe the game is more than the sum of its goods and bads.
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  3. MykonosFan


    MODE CHANGE. Member
    I haven't finished the game yet, but I can still remember multiple awkward reads from Forces that I'm still surprised weren't redone. I haven't had much stick out to me here like those did.
  4. RikohZX


    Yeah, I am not gonna heap praises and blind cheer onto this game. Cyberspace sucks, there's too much mini-challenge stuff hijacking your controls and too much 2D in that, and various elements of the game have a Forces tier lack of polish or refinement. It's just really fun to go around and tear the environments or enemies in my path a new one, and elements of the story are refreshing even if I feel the payoff is Kishimoto fare.

    The important thing for a lot of folks is the feeling that even for as rough as this is, the modern Sonic Team tried again even if they're too scared to step too far outside their boundaries.

    It's not $60 quality by far, but it's not a trash fire nor does it make me irrevocably bored. Some folks act like we're eating up slop for it, but I'm not here in this fandom or series for refined standards at this point, I'm just here to enjoy what I can of the ride. This is the kind of game that needs a better team, better budget and better management (and no COVID interruptions) for next time.
  5. User scores up on Metacritic and PS5, PC and Switch at sitting at 9.0 while the other versions are at around 8.8, add that with the decent review scores and this is definitely a good way to close out what's been a very good year for Sonic.

    ...forgot about Prime, nvm
  6. It was a hyperbolic statement. But let's remember that these are problems that have been plaguing the series for years now that have yet to be addressed.

    All I'm saying is that Sega either isn't aware or simply doesn't care about these problems or they don't consider them to be problems to begin with is all despite how often they show up in these games.

    Because as I said, fans are gonna buy the game regardless of its issues unless its straight up broken.

    And this isn't a "Sonic fans accept mediocrity" statement. I'm just saying the fandom have different priorities when it comes to what they think are acceptable flaws or not
  7. charcoal


    Be Cool, Be Wild, and Be Groovy Member
    Yeah, I definitely agree. Sonic's voice in games like Forces just felt like someone doing a bad impression of Sonic to me. Now that I've gotten used to his voice in Frontiers, it feels just so much better and more natural. He can actually have emotions in his voice other than 'cool and snarky' now, which is a breath of fresh air. Reminds me of the voice acting from the Boom games a little bit, except Sonic has a deeper voice here.

    Anyways, I just arrived in Chaos Island in Frontiers and I'm liking it already. The theme is so cool looking, and it's just fun to navigate so far. It's so fun to dropdash down the steep cliffs, I really do wish you could just roll manually in this game by holding a button.
  8. Laura


    Brightened Eyes Member
    Sonic Frontiers has by far the worst 2D controls ever in a console Sonic game. Absolutely atrocious.
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  9. RikohZX


    They should've made the slide a Roll, honestly, because it does react to hills and slopes. I don't think a single sequence in the entire game short of maybe a Cyberspace stage I skipped even uses the slide.
  10. Laura


    Brightened Eyes Member
    Rolling in 2D is the least of the game's concerns! Locking your movement when airborne (the game likes to do this throughout the game and its awful). Sequences not even working (2-7). The run being hopelessly slow but too much for platforming when air boosting.

    It's just an absolute travesty. Give me back Sonic 4. Lol.
  11. Sneasy


    Sneasy Member
    I wouldn't say it's the worst but it's not good. I don't know why they cap your speed so hard. Even with the Power Boost, you're barely as fast as your level 1 boost speed

    That problem applies for both Open Zone and Cyber Space, but the former still has a degree of air control at least.
  12. Even if its not worst, it's still pretty garbage.
  13. charcoal


    Be Cool, Be Wild, and Be Groovy Member
    I didn't like the 2D controls much at first either but now that I've gotten used to them I find them perfectly fine. The biggest issue I've encountered is that some levels are clearly designed around more advanced slope physics than this game has to offer so it becomes kinda awkward at times. The 2D Cyberspace stages become busted wide open once you start abusing the Dropdash though, it's so much fun to use.
  14. The Joebro64

    The Joebro64

    I've played it for about an hour. I really like it! It's a bit jank but it's a lot of fun. I'm a big fan of collect-a-thons like Mario, Banjo, and Donkey Kong, so this is right up my alley, and having more boost stages to chew on is excellent. Controls are great, the combat is simplistic but weirdly satisfying, and just moving around feels fun. Performance on Switch is great even if the visuals did take a bit of a hit.

    also it's funny to see people claiming this has the worst voice acting in the series as if they've never even played the Adventure games/Heroes/Shadow/06/basically any Sonic game pre-Unleashed/Colors
  15. jubbalub


    #1 Sonic Superstars defender Member
    I have officially softened on Cyberspace. They're a lot of fun to speedrun once you get a hang of the controls. Almost all of the levels on the final island are original, and they're easily the best in the game. They do some very interesting things, and they're actually a decent challenge at points. There's one in particular that'll really give your air boosting skills a workout if you want to grab all of the red rings.

    I've found that the levels based on SA2 and the fully original levels are the absolute best, because they've been designed with the control scheme (or something close to it) in mind. The levels from the boost games suffer in comparison.
  16. charcoal


    Be Cool, Be Wild, and Be Groovy Member
    Yeah, the Unleashed and Generations levels do suffer a bit due to the lowered speed. Really makes you realize how much Sonic just fuckin books it in those games. They're still fun though TBH, I do really enjoy replaying the levels over and over again to get all the challenges and the fastest time I can.
  17. Rosiero


    Mmph! Oldbie
    I don't understand how they had tolerable 2D controls in Generations and then just spent a decade making them worse.

    Also, all the voice actors sound like they're asleep, which means that Big the Cat gets the best performance because he's supposed to sound like that.
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  18. RikohZX


    Every game after Generations has more in common with the folks that did Colors than either Unleashed or Generations, and then there was the big employee shift that led to a lot of new faces handling the series with Lost World going forwards with oldbies in charge.

    I wouldn't be surprised if whole swaths of code for Frontiers is still, at its core, Lost World logic. Heck, the boost being on the right trigger might as well be a run button again.
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  19. Londinium


    People actually read these? Member
    I don't like the boost, it doesn't feel powerful.
  20. Kyro


    Yeah im strictly disagreeing with the idea that this game is even close to the worst coice acting in the series. I can agree that its a bit more boring, but im not cringing, and thats a big step up.

    I think its also worth noting that I think its really only so dry when its one of the optional side stories with characters on the map. These feel incredibly subdued but its definitely because most of these are just normal conversations. I think everyone sounds pretty alright in the main scenario cutscenes once you get to ares island (i actually enjoyed knuckles and sonics interactions the most)

    Coming from the performances in forces, its very welcome, imo. I liked roger, not as much as the other sonic voices, but Ive always thought he was fine. But him using a bit more of his natural voice instead of his over the top sonic voice feels to me like its letting him have just a bit more range. He sounds much closer to his usual sonic voice in some cutscenes like when meeting big, so I dont mind if we keep it toned down when we arent snarking or making big jokes.