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Sonic CD, 712, 920

Discussion in 'General Sonic Discussion' started by Drakmyth, Jan 30, 2003.

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  1. Drakmyth


    Inspector Drakmyth Master at your service. Oldbie
    In the void beneath the ancient maze...
    Sonic Eclipse 2, Return of the Hidden Palace, Unnamed Sonic 2 Hack
    I checked the board rules so don't flame me abou this.

    Does anyone know where I can get ISO's of SCD Full, SCD 712 Beta and SCD 920 Beta? I need them for screenshots but I have gone all the way around the internet twice and still can't find these files. I managed to get what I think is the 510 beta off the SCD Beta page on SSRG before it was shut down. Any help would be appreciated.

    (Note: I made sure to check the board rules before asking this and ther was nothing in there about roms/iso's as of the time this topic was created.)
  2. Meat Miracle

    Meat Miracle

    First I'll clear the Sonic CD versions for you:

    - There is a 510 beta, which was up at SSRG. This beta is an obvious press release, since after 3 levels it will leave you a "Coming Soon" message.

    - There is a 712 beta, built from the 510 one. It's almost finished, oly small differences are in it.

    - Then comes the Japanese final: "Sonic CD final JPN 806"

    - then the EU final, "Sonic CD final EU 827). Only difference between the JPN one is that its in 50 Hz.

    - Then the US prerelease version, which is the 910 one. This one has the gameplay differences built for the US version (like you can reset one life by pressing a button while the game is paused), but the CD audio tracks are the same that's used for the JPN and EU versions. Most people call it 920 because the date of the files in the ISO is 20th September, but the header says 910, so I use 910.

    - and finally the US final, "Sonic CD final US 1006". It has totally rewritten music on the CD tracks and in the videos. Ah yeah, and the files dates are 10 way off in this one too, its 1016 while the ISO header is 1006.

    if you want to get them, check the SonikTeam FTP
  3. Drakmyth


    Inspector Drakmyth Master at your service. Oldbie
    In the void beneath the ancient maze...
    Sonic Eclipse 2, Return of the Hidden Palace, Unnamed Sonic 2 Hack
  4. Drakmyth


    Inspector Drakmyth Master at your service. Oldbie
    In the void beneath the ancient maze...
    Sonic Eclipse 2, Return of the Hidden Palace, Unnamed Sonic 2 Hack
    Slight problem. I downloaded what apperas to be the Japanese final (920 beta) and a european version. However, when I try to run them all I get is a CD Player screen. The Japanese one has a CD-Rom button on it. (This is missing from the European version) when I click it, it appears to start but then Robotnick (Eggman) shows up holding a sign written in Japanese and no matter what I do I cannot get my game to start. I am using Gens 2.11 and have downloaded BIOS files for all three countries. (US, EUR, and JAP) and have tried using all the country selections available. (At least on the japanese version I tried the US and both Japanese settings) Does anyone know what's wrong?
  5. Meat Miracle

    Meat Miracle

    once again:
    510 - beta
    712 - beta
    806 - Japanese Final
    827 - Europian final
    910/920 - US prerelease
    1006 - US final

    If you have the JPN final, the CD player comes up before the game starts, just press start on the CD player screen.
    If the Robotnik sign comes up, you need to reformat your RAM cart. Read the readme file of Gens.
  6. ICEknight


    Researcher Researcher
    Well, as in the other prototypes the real version number was written in the CD, and that's what it should be called...
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