OutRun does... did. Easier answer is SoA is in California and that's the only location worth caring about, Japan and England be damned.
Yeah, but I don't think that most people outside the UK would think a Ferrari with a UK numberplate was right =P
Hey guys, it's Sonic and Micro-transactions racing transformed! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IvYFgwmit4s Jesus Christ. I mean, FFS you have to pay rings to play harder missions, you have to unlock multiplayer and grand prix modes, and you technically don't start off with anyone unlocked.
Hey, at least Danica Patrick wasn't in the roster amirite? It's nickel-and-diming like this that I would hope turns people off free-to-play games like it does for me.
That's depressing. This really did have the potential to even kick the 3DS version square in the nuts. But to rely on pay 2 win? No. Just no. I see it's out on iOS. Android will be the fun one though for more folks because hurr durr modding or something. You know it's gonna happen. Just not here, but you get my point.
Only played very little of it, because for some reason the game freezes whenever it goes to the main menu so I could only play the tutorial stage, but it seems like it'd be a great port if it wasn't for SEGA trying to rip you off with a shitton of micro transactions. It's the same case as Sonic Dash at launch: it's a game that's meant to be free to play, but they attached a price tag on it anyway.
Also I just love that they have the nerve to charge $5 for a dumbed down port of a game that came out a year and a half ago that is frequently on sale on steam for $5. Or you could just buy the console version for like, $20 or $30.
Managed to get to the main menu now, played some more of it. The micro transactions aren't as present as they first seemed, they are mostly present in a menu seperate from everything else. You also get enough rings and stars by winning events that you don't really need them. I do still think that they're a dumb addition, but they're not as bad as in something like Sonic Dash. You can play the game without ever noticing them. That being said, the Vita version is by far still the best handheld version.
On mobiles? No... You've got to complete the weekly challenge for four weeks running to unlock the ability to buy him. No word on when he'll arrive on PC yet, or if he even will make it to consoles.
"Unlock this character by completing a full streak of weekly challenges" A full streak of them is four. A streak of daily challenges is five days. So yeah, a month of playing one specific mission per week to unlock Ryo. I was slightly wrong in what I said before though- it seems you only have to unlock him, not buy him. I got Gum earlier (weird that she's in but not Beat) by unlocking her in GP and then buying her for 3000 rings. Ryo on the other hand lacks the ring requirement that she, Eggman and some others have.
I just want to emphasize again that you don't have to pay a god damned thing besides the entry cost to play this and progress and have fun. I could make a bed of all the rings and stars I've gotten playing World Tour mode and sleep on it at this point and I'm only on the third tour. Microtransactions are strictly optional, by no means necessary.
This is much better designed that the original ASR. While microtransactions in that game was were also optional technically, you would have to grind and grind relentlessly to actually make any progress. Here there is a much nicer balance. Although... where on Earth is my 'single race' option?
https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.sega.sonic.transformed Just came out for Android and somehow it just...runs terribly on my tablet. Way more slowdown, no multiplayer at launch and lots of freezing issues. Somehow it performs well below Sonic 4 Episode 2 THD and its hogging 140MB of RAM as it plays. I can understand considering the amount of detail the game has going on for it compared to other racers but jesus. If only Steve Lycett had summoned the Tegra gods would this game run better, but alas.