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Sonic Adventure DX for Mac OS X

Discussion in 'Technical Discussion' started by HyperShadowDC, Nov 17, 2008.

  1. HyperShadowDC


    ***Download Here***

    It took me a couple of days to get this to work. I had to remove the windows dialog boxes and recreate them in aqua. I'm working on recreating the configuration utility in Cocoa or Carbon I haven't even started yet, lol. I tried updating the cider library to 1835 'cause it has some fixes to the rendering api that I think might fix the ring bug but 1835 completely breaks the game (models load, but textures don't). So I'm gonna have to wait for a new version of cider to fix that.

    SOUND DOES NOT WORK! If someone could get me the codec (.dll files) for Windows Media 9 and let me know where they go in the Windows Folder (I'm not so much of a windows expert) I will be able to get sound to work. Until then just put iTunes in on the background and enjoy your rockin tunes while playing.

    If you find any additional bugs not listed let me know.

    Sonic Adventure DX PC Cider 1310 (Get Info says 930, but I didn't update Info.plist)

    Minimum System Requirements*

    - OS: Mac OS X 10.5.5 Leopard / Mac OS X 10.4.11 Tiger
    - CPU: Intel Core Duo Processor
    - RAM: 1024 MB
    - Video: ATI X1600, NVidia 7300 GT, or X3100 Intel integrated graphics chip

    * Dual analog gamepad recommended

    This game will not run on PowerPC (G3/G4/G5) based Mac systems (PowerMac).
    This game will not run systems with the Intel GMA 950 integrated graphics chip.

    Optimizing Gameplay

    If you are experiencing slowdowns or poor performance, we recommend that
    you try turning down Options settings such as:

    - Turn off all the video options such as Filtering, Special Effects, Anti-Aliasing, Fog, etc.
    - Reduce the resolution.

    If you have many programs running in the background, this can also cause Sonic Adventure: DX to slow down as CPU power is being used by other programs. It is recommended that all non-essential programs are exited before running Sonic Adventure: DX.

    Fullscreen Switching

    This title supports the ability to toggle between fullscreen
    and windowed modes. Use the following keys combinations
    to enable this feature:

    Command + Return: Toggles the game between windowed and fullscreen modes.
    Command + Tab: Minimizes the game when in fullscreen mode.

    Known Issues

    This section documents known issues with Sonic Adventure: DX:
    - Rings don't spin for some reason

    - Emeralds aren't see-through

    - No Sound

    - If after starting Game with a dual analog controller plugged in, its buttons are not bound properly you may be able to fix this by:
    * selecting Controls - Gamepad
    * selecting Defaults
    * confirm by selecting Yes

    - If you unplug a gamepad from the Mac and replug while playing, your character may start moving without prompting. If rotating the analog sticks in a circle does not correct the situation, you may have to exit and restart the game from a previous save point.

    - Always quit Game by using the in-game quit menu option.

    ***Download Here***

    The following Cider components are covered by the GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL):
    dlls/advpack (libadvpack.dylib)
    dlls/avicap32/ (libavicap32.dylib)
    dlls/cabinet/ (libcabinet.dylib)
    dlls/crypt32/ (libcrypt32.dylib)
    dlls/dbghlp/ (libdbghelp.dylib)
    dlls/dnsapi/ (libdnsapi.dylib)
    dlls/iphlpapi/ (libiphlpapi.dylib)
    dlls/msacm/winemp3 (libwinemp3.dylib)
    dlls/msdmo/ (libmsdmo.dylib)
    dlls/msi/ (libmsi.dylib)
    dlls/odbccp32 (libodbccp32.dylib)
    dlls/powrprof/ (libpowrprof.dylib)
    dlls/quartz/ (libquartz.dylib)
    dlls/riched20/ (libriched20.dylib)
    dlls/richedit/ (librichedit.dylib)
    dlls/rsaenh/ (librsaenh.dylib)
    dlls/schannel/ (libschannel.dylib)
    dlls/sensapi/ (libsensapi.dylib)
    dlls/setupapi/ (libsetupapi.dylib)
    dlls/sfc/ (libsfc.dylib)
    dlls/urlmon/ (liburlmon.dylib)
    dlls/usp10/ (libusp10.dylib)
    dlls/winhttp/ (libwinhttp.dylib)
    dlls/wininet/ (libwininet.dylib)
    dlls/wtsapi32/ (libwtsapi32.dylib)
    programs/regsvr32/ (libregsvr32.dylib)

    Note that the LGPL license does *NOT* apply to any other components you may have obtained at the same time. Please see above for more details.

    Source code to the LGPL components is available via CVS access through:

    ***Download Here***
  2. Howabout some more specifics? Is this a 10.4+ only kinda game, or will it work on 10.3.9 and under? Did you make this? Did someone else?
  3. Neat, I have always wanted to play this. I might wait until there is sound, though.
    Trunks, it was made with a porting program.
  4. HyperShadowDC


    I updated the OP. I just kinda threw this on here 'cause I was about to pass the fuck out last night.