The idea that EggRobo got it back up and running is quite a good implied explanation. That said, it would also be cool to see the ship crashed with a different background, on fire, etc. :v: But in terms of the effort required, and since Tiddles doesn't want to take too much creative license, it's probably not worth it. The entire subject—whether to move the setting of the ship, whether to move the level order, whether the level order should be different for Sonic/Tails and Knuckles, etc.--is confusing. It's probably a good idea to leave things much as they are for the moment, as Tiddles said.
While we're at it, it'd be really cool if the ship crashed on the ocean, or a big lake or something, so that half the ship is underwater. :D I'm a big fan of underwater levels. XD Might be due to the exclusion of water levels from all 3D games Since Adventure 2, until Colors reintroduced them. One of my favorite things to do in Sonic 2 is, I go to the near end of Chemical Plant 2, cause a flood to the whole place, and then go back to the very beginning of the level, and start it over again, only this time, half level is underwater. :D If the same could be done to Flying Battery, it would seriously kick ass.
I think the idea of an underwater flying battery level for Knuckles sounds awesome too. It wouldn't be too different either, just needing some air bubbles added throughout once you'd handled actually putting it semi-underwater.
Although that is probably more creative license than Tiddles would like to take, it would actually be interesting. Plus, it could be thought of as Sonic and Tails giving Knuckles a taste of his own medicine—screwing up the zone so that he has to go underwater, like he did to them in Carnival Night Zone. :v:
-Sonic and Tails Story —FBZ takes place between CNZ and ICZ —Crashes —Level transition in MHZ: character hitches ride on fleeing Egg Pod. —Falls on Sandopolis -Knuckles' Story —FBZ is in its usual location, between MHZ and SZ —Cutscene plays out as normal. —Implied re-repair of the vessel. Yes?
I had an idea. You know how in Sonic 2, Super Sonic's music is different than the Invincibility music? My idea is, have Super Sonic (and Hyper Sonic) use the S&K invincibility/super music, while the standard invincibility music remains the same as it was in Sonic 3 alone. That way, it will be like Sonic 2 where the Invincible and Super music are separate, and in addition to that, both S3 and S&K themes get some love . OR Have Invincibility AND Super use the same S3 theme, but reserve the S&K theme for Hyper. It would be interesting for Super and Hyper to have different music. Of course, none of this would really matter for those who prefer the S&K music. Originally I preferred the S&K music, and I just got the HBC on my Wii, so I was thinking of doing a playthrough of this hack, but with S&K music. But even though I prefer them, I was kinda getting sick of them (I haven't played through the original 6-Zone version of Sonic 3 in years), so I decided to just use the hack with no patches for a breath of fresh air. When I got all Chaos Emeralds, I remembered why I dislike the S3 themes so much, which made me came up with the idea of having Super use the S&K invincibility music. EDIT: Another idea: Let us collect Super Emeralds before reaching Mushroom Valley. I got 7 Emeralds by the time I reached Carnival Night Zone, and was kinda disappointed that I still can't access Hidden Palace from the S3 zones. EDIT: Also, another idea, let use choose specifically which zones use S3 layouts and which zones use S&K layouts. Weren't a lot of the S&K changes to the S3 zones done to fix glitches? Better yet, just make a patch that uses S&K layouts, but use S3 layouts for only Launch Base. EDIT: Also, I'm sure others have mentioned this, but would it be possible to edit the S3 0517 music to use the S&K sting at the end?
I like this one :3 That doesn't kinda null why the Super Emeralds are in the game? To have emeralds through the BIG game? (That's why they don't appear on other games) If we can get them since the beginning, it defeats their propose, imo.
Of course not from the beginning. What I meant was you should be able to collect Super Emeralds as soon as you have 7 Chaos Emeralds. For some weird reason you can't collect Super Emeralds until you reach Zone 7, which is kinda weird, and annoying if you collected 7 Chaos Emeralds way earlier than that.
The thing is, once you enter the hidden palace, you lose Super Sonic. It's nice being able to get big rings once you've got the Chaos emeralds, and it's certainly helpful to have Super Sonic at the end of Launch Base Zone. Besides, it's plenty possible already to get all the super emeralds in Mushroom Hill Zone.
Yes it's possible. Besides, it has to be because big rings seem hard as fuck to come by in the zones that follow.
This isn't me, but here. I've only done it once, and that was when I download S&K on XBLA, for the Chaos Emeralds Achievement.
In my opinion it's easier and quicker than getting all 7 in Emerald Hill...mainly for the ring collecting part before being able to get in them though
Hehe, me and my younger brothers used to get all 7 every time, and I was only 12 at the time. Piece of piss + - Although, we were pretty obsessive
All 7 chaos emeralds by Hydrocity act 2, and all super emeralds by mushroomhill act 2. Too easy and can do it everytime... :P
I swear I'll murder you Alternatively, I could just read a guide. I never owned Sonic 3 so I don't have the same level of expertise with it like I do Sonic 2.
yeah, it's pretty awesome getting all 7 right before Robotnik in GHZ. :v: not sure what the earliest was I've gotten them all in 3 or S&K... hmm...
When you face Robotnik in GHZ you can have 2 emeralds at most. Unless you cheat and/or you exploit a glitch, of course.