Figured that since were waiting on our hands for this guy to either blow our minds at an amazing discovery or go "hahaha lawl gots you f00ls!" we can talk something Sonic 1 Beta related: Anyone see this commercial before? I ran across it recently and thought it was interesting.
Ah, neat. Still cool to learn about these things even after the fact, like I never knew that the wrecking ball was supposed to be red with a rotating star at one point. And that spring, I'm guessing at one point they were making different kinds of springs based on how far the player was going to be pushed. It'd be neat to see those re-created in later hacks or something.
I seem to recall someone saying those were added to the commercial in post-production, and aren't actually in the game.
I know we did interview Naka a few years back, but is he really so tight with us now that we can just shoot him off an email about any old thing we find? Seriously? I just didn't realize we kept in touch with some of the members that closely.
Post-production? as in added after the game was finished and sent out? do go on, this intrigues me. Well he isn't apart of SEGA anymore and I don't think all of his secrets of sonic developement are "MJ music in Sonic 3-level" classified that one I think he has to take to his grave I'd bet. Besides I think it would peak his interest knowing what us fans are up to.
Well, the ball looks awkward just because of its motion, looks how fluid it moves and how its rotation is not a multiple of 45º (Which is commonly used) (AKA, its moving like 210º or even more). So it seems it was edited after the video was made in any common video editor. --- Going back to proto type...Welp, I'm always calling a prototype this important fake until I see a disassemble of it, line by line :P So fake until proved real. Edit;typo.
Could have been because the ball flash would not have looked well or not appeared at all on standard TV framerates (Broadcasts at either 30fps or 24fps)
I tweeted the video to Yuji Naka. Hopefully I should get a response soon enough. If this is just a tech demo, then it's possible that it may not have any audio at all. How many tech demos have audio anyway? The more I look at the video the more I think that this could be the real thing—even if the physics aren't correct.
I'm comparing both videos with the original screenshots, and this so-called prototype looks like a near picture-perfect replica of the original screenshots, from Sonic's model to the trees on a different plane, etc. If this is fake, the creator really did study the screenshots down to the last visible pixel as MetaRyan said. Opinion based on first video: EXTREMELY tough call IMO, but I'm going to call it a hoax/fake; because if I found a missing prototype, I would do a hell lot more than just upload a camera-recorded video of the beta with no sound, a basic description, and then leave the scene entirely. :/ Additionally, the “Welcome” sign somewhere within the level is missing; if this really was the prototype, the guy recording the footage should had shown that too (as well as the startup of the build itself). Opinion based on recent second video: No doubt about it, it's (a) fake/hoax. This is the description the uploader put in for the video: “I do not sell it im sorry If you think it fake it is your problem” What a weak-ass defense. If the prototype was real, I would put up a much bigger fight than that to assure people that it's real, and with much better grammer to boot. Compare it with the previous description, which language was written entirely in Japanese: “???????????? 1990? Additionally, he keeps playing the “prototype” in the same area of the level, and not once has he actually went all the way to the beginning of the level. And still no sign of the “Welcome” sign as I said earlier in the previous post. No sign of the start-up screen, either, which wasn't present in either videos. He might as well just admit that the video's a fake and stop causing this drama already. I also hope that when he does so, he puts up his fangame/hack, because even though it's a hoax, it's pretty damn cool. He really did do his homework to make it look like it's the read deal.
Its kinda funny actually, because if he really was japanese, he would never ever write "Demonstration" like that... he would just write "Demo" (??) because in the Japanese language you use to abbreviate English words like this one in something people will get easier, just like PV means "Promotional Video" and you say "Makudo" for Mcdonald's. Plus, the date should had the kanji for Year (aka; toshi/?)... Its kinda important when talking about numbers in Japan because that's the way you know its a year and not something else. Also, yeah, weak english response after it. You know what people tell about lies, its even harder to come out of them after messing up one time.
Actually I'm not even sure if "tech" (from "tech demo") should be in katakanaicized English. Essentially about every computer-related term is English turned into katakana (with very few exceptions).
"if you think it fake its your problem" haha ok man, sure. The evidence that this is fake is piling up, he really has to pull his finger out and prove otherwise with some solid evidence of it being real. Just filming a screen is not enough.
We have a winner! Putting 'Demonstration' into babelfish gives you "??????????" What has he got in his desc? "??????????" (Just for reference, typing demonstration into google translate gives '??' )
I just put in the description in Google Translate. The result was nearly the same, but with added letters: "?????????????1990" Anyway, here's something. Someone posted this picture, which shows Yuji Naka posting it on his facebook page and saying it was real (it won't let me show the image in my post, so here's the link): ^ This picture I'm calling BS. When I checked facebook, none of the Yuji Naka accounts I saw had that icon for the image (and even if it did, it was probably a fake Yuji Naka account. Not to mention that all of the other existing accounts won't let you see what they post on their wall). And why are the Japanese characters blocked out?
Yuji posted it on his Twitter "さんから このソニック1って開発中の多重スクロールをやっているバージョンだね。ヤシの木や岩が手前にあるのがわかるかな?どこからこんなROMが出てきたんだろうね?しかし懐かしいなあ" google roughly translates what he said to "I was doing a scroll multiple version of What a Sonic in development from the acid. Try to guess it in front of palm trees and rocks? I wonder does this ROM came out from? But good old days." If anyone can translate that better please do.
Perhaps it means something along the lines of 'I was working on a multi-parallax version of Sonic, in development from the beginning. (Is this guy) trying to guess the order of the trees and rocks? Where does this ROM come from, I wonder? But they were good old days'