I'm going to agree with this. The position of the cloud overlapping the text isn't where I would expect it to be, and also that there is an identical cloud that he could have used to paste over the text right near it, in the same screenshot.
Yeah, check here. About the in-screen text, it's really hard to know if it's actually part of the game with this quality. It does look like it uses the same red shade as Sonic's shoe though, and it would seem a strange thing for the magazine to do.
Those two shots were shoved into the magazine at the bottom of the page, almost out of sight. They've not been noticed for over 21 years. It doesn't make much sense for the editor to go to all that trouble to insert that text. And why would he/she do this with just the Sonic shots? And why would a magazine go out of its way to put what is essentially "coming soon" text on a single screenshot placed on a page filled with games which are "coming soon". Pretty sure it'll be part of the game itself.
Wow, the Sonic series really could have been very different if this ever went much further, I mean this isn't a badnik in the typical sense.
It isn't a badnik in any sense, since it predates the inception of badniks. He's a cute little fella, reminds me of those Boglin things that were sold in the late 80s/early 90s.
It's pretty interesting to see they went with organic enemies to begin with, I wonder what would have happened if Sonic attacked it? Does that mean that footage of the CES demo proto that one guy had was fake? Because while that had some nice scrolling, that baddie was never in there...
Where have you been. We debunked that last century Regarding the monster, this has made me want the proto version even more just to see what the gameplay was like before it all changed. I will say that I'm glad it didn't go this way. There were too many platformers that focused on smashing monsters (if we are comparing with the likes of Wonder boy, Alex Kidd, Mario) so not only were robots fairly unique but the really define the series just as much as Sonic.
Well I'd hadn't heard otherwise, should have checked the related topic I guess, though it was only posted a few weeks back... I sort of assumed it was at least sort of legit because Naka commented on it on Twitter but eh.
I honestly thought that was a ghost image of sonic this whole time until seeing the scan. It's bizarre getting new footage from magazines twenty years after the fact. Gets me all nostalgic =)
I reckon that is exactly why they decided to go a completely different direction with the enemies in the end. This game was developed with the intention of rivalling Mario, but maybe some of these early designs were a little too close. It's why they cut out 'Madonna' after all. This scan is fantastic, you can really see the detail on that creature now.
It's awesome to see they actually made sprites out of that early concept art. This discovery makes me even more bitter that we can't get our hands on the Sonic 1 proto.
This just gets better and better every time I open this thread. Honestly, get any more and I'll be throwing money at your PayPal account. Well, maybe.
Maybe the letters are there to show off the multiple layers of scrolling. (If they are, indeed, a part of the game.
Which is precisely why Sonic 1 prototypes are so interesting! The world of Sonic was still being conceived, so it could contain all kinds of crazy things (such as organic enemies, different physics, power ups, level design principles, and so on).
This is some mind-blowing stuff right here. Sonic's sprite also has some interesting things going on.
You know I just now noticed that next to the word "Hersteller" off to the right hand side in the photo above, there are two company names that appear, SEGA and Virgin. I believe I recall hearing that name from somewhere before, but where? I think it had something to do with the 8-bit version of sonic 1, but I can't be sure. Edit: Ok I know nobody cares but I have to correct myself, it was Ancient that produced Sonic 1 (8-bit) not virgin. Derp.