BobTehMidget said that he was going to post these, but his Internet connection is "dying," so he asked me to post 'em instead. So here you are: $469A3 - Angel Island Mini-boss $47159 - Angel Island Boss $47E07 - Hydrocity Mini-boss $48D6F - HydroCity Boss $5639B - Marble Garden Mini-boss $4A149 - Marble Garden Boss $4C037 - CNZ Boss $4E439 - Ice Cap Mini-boss $4ED65 - IceCap Boss $4F4A1 - Launch Base Mini-boss $5044F - Launch Base Cannon Boss $4F9D9 - Launch Base Rocket Boss $50CF9 - Final Boss $4DBCB - Flying Battery Boss (Unused, obviously) Note that these are only for the act 2 bosses, with an obvious exception. He said "screw the mini-bosses," or something to that extent. :P EDIT: He sent me mini-boss (act 1) hitcounts, now, sans CNZ because it's glitchy.