I managed to produce a savestate to allow S&K 0525 to be played without the Sonic 3 rom attached. However, the backgrounds, title cards, and various other sprites are glitched. Here it is for anyone who wants to mess around with it. You start at the stage select screen -- if you try to exit to the title screen, the game will lock up. Just pick an S&K zone and enjoy the glitchfun.
If you fight Knuckles (HPZ) as Hyper Sonic, Knuckles won't take damage when you stand next to him. You have to actually jump on him to register a hit. Sonic doesn't take damage from Knuckles' punches when Hyper though. The animation order for Knuckles punching the wall before the teleporter is different. Final: Wake up, run over to wall, show knuckles on hand, punch wall Proto: Wake up, run over to wall, punch wall, show knuckles on hand
It's not all that interesting though, technically speaking the only difference is the fact that the game won't be able to load graphics and other static data from sonic 3, but aside from that the code is the same.
Sorry to sound like a n00bish turd but can I have the link to this or has it been posted somewhere else. If it is can I have the link?
Surprised nobody's pointed this one out yet... Go to MHZ1 as Knuckles. Knux falls from the sky normally, then when you get to the first set of breakable walls, the S&K Knuckles intro starts playing in that location. After the intro is over, you start MHZ1 over again, but when Knuckles falls, he's in his standing sprite instead of the falling sprite: This time, you can pass the breakable walls and play the act normally.
Something interesting I just noticed, and not sure if it's been mentioned yet, but I used the all emeralds code (2 4 6 8 in sound test) and I turned into Hyper Sonic normally, but there were no stars, and he still had the star trail that Super Sonic had. (You would say that it's just regular Super Sonic with Hyper's colors, but that's not so. He can still do the "double jump.") However, when hitting a S monitor, I got the cool-looking orbiting stars.
Something sounds weird with Knuckles' theme, the synth kick drum is off, at least in Kega. Has it been mentioned that the medley for the credits is NOT 26 anymore? *DC* is the regular S&K credits but it has the S3 ending.
Sound $DC (the credits medley) slightly differs from the final version; it's mostly the same, but there are some minute differences, such as the ending and a few of the fills from song to song. VGM here.
Also, looking back (man, it's hard to distinguish all the protos some of the time) the transition where the lava cools in Lava Reef 1 does occur. The rocks turn blue (probably an error) after the end of level screen instantly and then the lava cools. In case you're wondering, the lack of transition from the stage select wasn't fixed in the final per se. What they did was lock the screen in front of the lava so you can't see it. This means that you also can't access the first flamethrower if it kills you.
In this proto, I managed to get Hyper Tails. I went through the game getting chaos emeralds to get Super Tails and I found out that Super Tails lacks flickies but glows like normal. I used debug mode to get the S box like normal to get Hyper Tails Hyper Tails has golden homing flickies like Super Tails in the final does and he may be able to breath under water like Hyper Sonic and Hyper Knuckles. Edit: If you want screen shots I'll happily give them.
[quote name='GARY 'M 9' post='181181' date='Feb 25 2008, 06:35 PM']I went through the game getting chaos emeralds to get Super Tails and I found out that Super Tails lacks flickies but glows like normal.[/quote] Are you trying to say that you can get Super Tails with just the Chaos Emeralds? Your message is rather vague.
Yes, you can get Super Tails with just Chaos Emeralds, but you can get Hyper Tails with the debug S box or Hyper Emeralds. Screenshots will be coming later when I get them. Edit: Screenshots are attached.
Now that is interesting. I'm betting they scrapped the dual-form concept for Tails because he couldn't go super in the original Sonic 3. Bit of a pity—would have made playing with him loads easier.
Yep, encountered that myself. Normally it's Super Tails without the flickies. But if you use the S-monitor, you get "Hyper" Tails with the flickies.
Isn't "Hyper" Tails just called Super Tails in the final? Due to the fact he only has one stage of transformation.