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Random Hack/Mini Project Thread

Discussion in 'Engineering & Reverse Engineering' started by Malevolence, Jul 4, 2009.

  1. Kyuu


    Memory Access Violation Member
    There might be a better thread for this, but eh. Something relatively simple I haven't seen done - Converted the Sonic 128 SonED2 project files to work with KingofHarts' HG S128 port (Also works if you're stubborn like me and ported over the 128x-related stuff yourself).

    There are two files for each act of GHZ - One of them is set up to use a single, combined 8x8 file, the other is set up to use both (as the disassembly does by default).

    Download link

    EDIT: Can't believe I forgot to mention - The object definition file included assumes that 03 is the object being used for the planeswapper. If you're using KoH's HG port, the planeswapper is object 10 - to fix this in SonED2, open s1obj.lst in Notepad++ (or similar), and on line 767 and 1619, exchange 10 for 3 and vice versa (the "Object ID" line).
  2. E-122-Psi


    ChelseaCatGirl wanted to show you what she's been working on since her account quota ran out:

  3. Dark Sonic

    Dark Sonic

    Working on my art!
    Lol I find it fun that that character no longer exists
  4. AkumaYin


    Okay, so here's a small hack that Chaoxilla, another hacker who doesn't have an account here, made.


    He calls it "Springy Sonic". In this hack, you press and hold up to bounce and press jump upon landing to bounce higher.
  5. Lapper


    Lappering Tech Member
    Sonic Studio, Sonic Physics Guide, Kyle & Lucy, Freedom Planet 2
    Added a second hack to me series of Slightly Off Sonic 1 Hacks:

    First we had Sonic 1 Invincible. Where he is invincible against all and any hazard sonic games throw at him. Even bottomless pits. Very fun to muck around in.

    Now we have Sonic 1 Wall Editon. Where he is utterly unaffected by gravity when on the ground. You'll see what I mean. Can help speedrunning a lot and people might not even notice.
    LZ is a treat too, try it.

    Edit there's a bug where you cant accelerate on the ground sometimes... only had it in LZ, oh well.
  6. nineko


    I am the Holy Cat Tech Member
    Those are awesome.

    A little bug in the gravity one: if you try to stand still where you're not supposed to be, Sonic keeps on walking on the place.

    Also in the invincible one: jump when you're inside a crushing pillar in MZ, and get stuck.

    I'd play them more but I don't have much time. Still, awesome works.
  7. Lapper


    Lappering Tech Member
    Sonic Studio, Sonic Physics Guide, Kyle & Lucy, Freedom Planet 2
    Sadly I cant fix the invincible one, though I should be able to fix up the other one at some point. Thanks for playing!
  8. Over the last few days, I revisited my port of Sonic 1 for 32X for the first time in a year. I threw out most of my old code, and started again using the current SVN disassembly as a base. I spent the last couple of weekends modifying the Sonic 3K SMPS driver to support PWM, and this rom is the result:

    Sonic 1 32X with Chaotix Soundtrack.

    There are no other changes to the game besides audio, and the playlist is probably strange, it's just a rom to show PWM support.

    I still have no method of testing this on hardware, so if somebody could try it and get back to me, that would be nice.
  9. Caverns 4

    Caverns 4

    Sonic: Retold
    Can you guys beat Green Hill Zone?

    You can?

    Okay, well, what if... It was underwater, there were no objects (besides a signpost), and you had no air bubbles to grab?
    (Yeah yeah, the title screen shot isn't from THIS build.)
    Sanik Quest mini-build

    I was adding a few more zone slots to the hack, and had some "Dummy" layout/object/ring layouts in place, and the water height table wasn't fully extended, but I notice that it's beatable, with a bit of trickery, and a friend thought it was cool, so you guys give it a try and have fun.
    As there are NO object minus the signpost, loops DO NOT work.

    Important stuff you almost certainly won't know prior to reading this:
    -Sanik's spindash requires multiples revs to GOTTAGOFAST, and pays off better than the base game.
    -Pressing jump in the air does a jumpdahs, functionally identical to Sonic 3k's fire shield
    -Jumping or jumpdashing into a wall while holding the appropriate direction will make Sanik cling to the wall. Jumping while clinging will, as you would assume, make him perform a wall-jump.

    Quick credits: Thanks to Deebs for the Sonic sprites, .Luke for a few sprite adjustments I couldn't do myself, Mercury for the wall-jumping code from ReadySonic which I modified, Clownancy and the rest for the new and improved Clone driver. The usual faces such as MarkeyJester and Mainmemory too. Also, KingofHarts and ShadowsofYesterday, for a lot of miscellaneous help.
    Yes, this is part of a much larger-scale hack, that's why I need to plug so many credits.
  10. AkumaYin


    Oho, inspired by Sonic UMZ, are we? Well, I have yet to beat this, but I can tell it requires heavy abuse of the Jump Dash and reset button.
  11. Caverns 4

    Caverns 4

    Sonic: Retold
    Not inspiried by UMZ at all actually, I was just adding placeholder zone slots (Hence why the title card says "BONUS STAGE"), using GHZ's information by default, and noticed it was actually playable if you know what to do at a few parts. I explained this in the post, but there's a lot of text there.

    Also, unless KingofHarts found a different path than me, the WallJump is required too.
  12. JojHeywood


    Arbitrary. Member
    obligatory new page edit:


    Fun as heck. 10/10


    Still fun as heck 10/10
  13. RetroKoH


    S1Fixed: A successor to ReadySonic
    I didn't need the wall jump... actually the video just posted above me is quite similar to how I did it to... a mere exploit of the weaker gravity when underwater to cheese through the layout.
  14. Dario FF

    Dario FF

    Tech Support Hotline Tech Member
    I forgot to upload this for a while, and this seems like the right place for it. This is just an Xbox 360 mod, so only people with a modded 360 will be able to try it out. The layout could probably be converted to Generations though, if someone was willing to recreate the suffering pretty well with the skateboard. It's not exactly a new concept when it comes to hacks like these, but it was more about the novelty of being a Sonic Unleashed mod.

    In our series with Melpontro of modding shenanigans for Sonic Unleashed, we showed off a very terrible Jungle Joyride Daytime layout that caused about 250-300 lives to be lost, 2-3 hours of suffering and 2 game-overs. All because Jungle Joyride is now a Bobsleigh-only Level. :v: The purpose of the stage was to be as terrible as possible while still being beatable, no matter how many tries it took. Many objects were added only for the sake of making the frame-rate even worse than it was.

    (Not the livestream's vod but a later recording)

    After the stream I got lots of requests to release the files, so here they are. You can just overwrite these files on the root of the disc and it should work. If anyone wants to make a Generations stage out of it, feel free to try it out.

    No new tools were used for this mod, as most of the Generations PC tools are usable with Unleashed with the right organization.

    EDIT: This mod should also work with the PS3 version if you swap out the relevant terrain files.
  15. kazblox


    Diassemblies and decompilations.

  16. Orengefox


    Snooping as usual... Researcher
    Right in front of my computer.
    Some artwork, a ZZT game, and a hack.
    Sweet. Just out of curiosity, what you do have in mind for that project? :)


    I've been working on something similar these past couple of weeks. The plan is to have GHZ, SHZ, and UZ with prototype tiles and layout. Might even sneak this in as an alternative tile set for GHZ or SHZ. I also plan to sneak this and this (the GMZ stuff) in and all.

    To be fair, I might say all this and end up making something completely different (I.e. new levels, layouts, etc). At the moment, I'm just getting a feel for hacking SMS Sonic 2 :v:
  17. kazblox


    Diassemblies and decompilations.

    *speaks while bugging Ravenfreak to fully update the Sonic Chaos disassembly along with a GG version

    Obviously, this was just a test art import so I can get the hang of Aspect Edit. But I might have plans to turn it into a full-fledged hack, just like you...

    Also, issues list of my hack so far:

    -Rings use some loop tiles
    -Parts of loops overlap Sonic, including very tall flowers
    -Loops still need to be downsized before I can add shade tiles
    -Ring pallete. Will need to talk to Ravenfreak about that, but you seem to have it pretty worked out.

    EDIT: Crap, Schezo's working on the same thing too!
  18. Orengefox


    Snooping as usual... Researcher
    Right in front of my computer.
    Some artwork, a ZZT game, and a hack.
    You first need locate where your ring artwork is at in the art_ghz_level_tiles.bin file. Open up ring_art_pointers.asm and insert the new location in the parts that are highlighted in red. That'll stop the rings showing up on the loop tiles.

    Aspect Edit - Open Mappings (mappings32_ghz.bin compressed) - Open art_ghz_level_tiles.bin (compressed) & palette_ghz.bin (SMS) - Block Editor - Each block will have their "High Priority" checked. Uncheck them if you want to remove the overlapping. Vice versa if you want to something to overlap Sonic. Half the loop was done to overlap Sonic on purpose to give it a sort of 3D feel to it.

    For now, the only thing I've done was straight up matched the prototype loop tiles to the ones from the final. What I could do with is figuring out how to edit the collision detection and stuff.

    Open up rings_ucmp_ghz.bin (uncompressed) - Open palette_ghz.bin (SMS). Using the palette, manually repaint the ring artwork so that it's right.

    I think a lot people will be doing these sort of hacks. It's been done to death before with the Sonic 16-bit prototypes. At least each person has their own interpretation of what it should look like.


    The cute one here Tech Member
    The most amazing dynamic palette hax!!!

    So, I had an idea to poke fun at dynamic palette hacks with making actual day/night cycle using 4 base palettes and a quickly written palette shader. It looks a bit goofy, just due to that its automated code and without making palettes for each transition it wont look nice whatever I did, so I decided that it looks good enough as is.
    Also thanks to Joe Greiser for making the morning, evening and night palettes!
  20. KalHal


    What the hell are you lookin' at? Member
    The 7th Layer of Hell
    I have no fucking clue. ._.
    Well, that is pretty good for a first try. But the sad thing is, when the pallet isn't loaded correctly at the right spot when it should, like when I died in GHZ 3, it just goes to a blank screen.
    Also, call it nitpicking, but the cycle flows way too fast, but it is excusable, all things considered.