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Later Hidden Palace build mystery solved

Discussion in 'General Sonic Discussion' started by Drakmyth, Jul 9, 2003.

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  1. Drakmyth


    Inspector Drakmyth Master at your service. Oldbie
    In the void beneath the ancient maze...
    Sonic Eclipse 2, Return of the Hidden Palace, Unnamed Sonic 2 Hack
    I was creating an update for soned when for some reason I went and looked at the Final (Glitched) Hidden Palace and then I figured it out. Since it has been discovered, people have said there was a Hidden Palace build after ours because you automatically roll into a ball when you go down the first tube in the final but not in our beta. I have found this to be false. It turns out that, if you notice, the pinball activation tags used for the "tube rolling" had not been written yet in our beta. So what they did was, after the pinball tag had been created, they went through and put it at all the tubes in the game (plus many in CNZ). So therefore, the Hidden Palace zone level itself was not edited but merely two items were placed: one to enable pinball mode and one to disable it. I figure that everybody already knows this but it has never been specified to me why this didn't work so I thought I would point it out just in case.
  2. Simon


    Other than the tubes, the Tails 1-up monitor was replaced by the Sonic icon. So they did work on the level to some extent. I'm not sure if anyone has compared the level layouts itself to determine if they're exactly the same.
  3. Quexinos


    Since 1997 Oldbie
    Uhm... no it wasn't =/
    It's always been Tails.
  4. Simon


    You're right. I messed it up with the part where it doesn't actually give Sonic an extra life.

    *feels like a damn turd*
  5. Mystical Ninja

    Mystical Ninja

    For old time's sake. Oldbie
    New Castle, Delaware
    Nothing that concerns this place in the least.
    But for some strange reason, the Tails 1-UP Box seems to give Knuckles an extra life, but not Sonic. I don't know what the deal is with that.
  6. Timecrash


    I, Timecrash, will knock you all down! Member
    Wait, I'm confused, how did Knuckles get into the forum?
  7. Mystical Ninja

    Mystical Ninja

    For old time's sake. Oldbie
    New Castle, Delaware
    Nothing that concerns this place in the least.
    We just got finished talking about the Tails 1-UP icon in Hidden Palace Zone. And it is somehow possible to get Knuckles into HPZ on Sonic 2&K.
  8. Rob Jinnai

    Rob Jinnai

    Not really master of theory debunking anymore Tech Member
    Custom Game Engine Prototypes
    Not hard. I did it easily. Nothing out of the ordinary except that for some reason when the screen X coordinate goes slightly beyond where the ol' "breakable block" emerald is, the game will spontaneously reset. I've mentioned that somewhere else on this forum. The reason has never been specified.
  9. Drakmyth


    Inspector Drakmyth Master at your service. Oldbie
    In the void beneath the ancient maze...
    Sonic Eclipse 2, Return of the Hidden Palace, Unnamed Sonic 2 Hack
    Did you edit a savestate or do it on the cart? If you di it on the cart (glitched graphics expected) how?

    What happens if you use the Hidden Palace GG code on S2K?
  10. Mystical Ninja

    Mystical Ninja

    For old time's sake. Oldbie
    New Castle, Delaware
    Nothing that concerns this place in the least.
    Well, I've played an edited savestate of Sonic 2 & Knuckles that enabled Knuckles in the Hidden Palace Zone, but I don't remember exactly where I got it.
  11. LocalH


    roxoring your soxors Tech Member
    Rock Band 3 Deluxe
    Probably nothing, unmodified. Because you're modifying a part of the game that is now $300000 bytes higher in memory. You'd have to convert the GG code to raw hex, increase the patch address by $300000, and then reconvert it to GG. And even that probably wouldn't work because the actual game code is in the hidden 256k ROM. Shouldn't take an experienced hacker that long to figure out what piece of code the GG code modified, and hunt for that same code in the S&KUPMEM, and generate an equivalent patch. Matter of fact, I might take a stab at this next time I dig my (messy, uncommented) disassemblies out.

    Other than that, without a Pro Action Replay, it's not easy to get that on hardware. On emulation, it's an easy matter of patching offset 12288 (RAM FE10+$2478) with $08 and reloading.
  12. Mystical Ninja

    Mystical Ninja

    For old time's sake. Oldbie
    New Castle, Delaware
    Nothing that concerns this place in the least.
    Hmm, you sure to know alot about that stuuf.
  13. LocalH


    roxoring your soxors Tech Member
    Rock Band 3 Deluxe
    I know hex like the back of my hand. I even did a class project in an advanced studies class back in 7th grade, on the differences between binary, decimal, and hex :D

    Want the decimal power of 2 up to 1MB, off the top of my head?

    1 2 4 8 16 32 64 128 256 512 1024 2048 4096 8192 16384 32768 65536 131072 262144 524288 1048576

    That would be much easier to write in hex:

    $01 $02 $04 $08 $10 $20 $40 $80 $0100 $0200 $0400 $0800 $1000 $2000 $4000 $8000 $010000 $020000 $040000 $080000 $100000

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