Try this: Run Sonic 2, do the level select and debug codes Go into 2 player vs mode Go into any level with debug enabled Select the animal container thingy (last object) and place it Crashes everytime. Was this previously known? I see no reason for it to crash. You can do that just fine in other emulators and on the actual cart. That's the second bug I've found in Kega.
Ouch, the entire emulator crashes. Yep, definitely a bug. Probably something in the VDP code for interlace mode 2. Steve popped his head into SpritesMind a few days ago, and made a non-committing mention of a possible update to Kega, in light of the new YM2612 info. You might want to send him a PM about this crash, and the other bug you've come across. It's probably pretty easy for him to fix. Here's a link to his profile page.
Hah, that's pretty weird. I've also got it to do a Windows crash once while I was porting the S3K rings manager over to S2 and hadn't fixed up the teleportation RAM vars list - IIRC whenever you activated a teleport monitor in 2P mode the rings manager RAM values would screw up, but instead of the game crashing Kega itself would have a windows crash :o
Fusion crashes a lot when you use write buggy 68k/sh2 code. I'm not sure if it shouldn't, but it'd be nice if it threw an alert instead :P
Yep, does it here too. Until today I had no idea debug mode was even DOABLE in 2P mode - what were you doing at the time to find this bug? =P Also, if Steve's updating Fusion, get him to throw in that SVP code the Picodrive guy wrote
Well, I wouldn't start talking about a new version of Kega like it's a sure thing. A bugfix release is one thing, but significant enhancements are something else entirely.
Hopefully one of those things is SVP emulation, then I can finally start using Fusion as my only MegaDrive emulator again =P
I wonder if a certain limitation will actually be removed in the official version, like I have in a special version...
Debugging related mayhaps ? I'd love a Fusion debugger...... Nemesis seems to have something nice being made, but I'm not doing any MD dev on my Gaming machine...
Mmmm, if I remember right, Snake told me the debugger he uses for development needs fixed up to be able to be released (it crashes or something like that, can't remember).
Steve being active again is exciting. I wish he would make a VGM tracker though. That would seriously rock.
If you have any examples of this you know where I am My answer is: if it's going to significally impact other things, then I won't fix it. Otherwise, I will. Yes No :p