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How would you redesign Sonic the Hedgehog?

Discussion in 'General Sonic Discussion' started by The Pulse, Jan 18, 2010.

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  1. BuffaloWilder


    One of these men cannot be right. Member
    Well, yeah - I agree. That's what I was saying - that those two design elements need to balance each other out, because there's been kind of a propensity in this thread to go too far in the former direction, I think.
  2. Jen


    #lapidot Moderator
    Various drawings
    Oh wow, there's some seriously nice artwork and designs in this topic :D

    If I were to re-design Sonic, I'd pitch the design somewhere between the classic look and the modern look as many others have already said - but not exactly in the middle of the two though, I'd lean more towards classic Sonic. I'll show you one of my pictures so you can kinda see what I mean (this picture wasn't done to demonstrate my design idea; rather, this is how I always draw Sonic, it's just my style - I tend to take elements from both classic and modern Sonic and then put my own spin on it):

  3. 0r4ng3


    This is a minor nitpick, but I see that the majority prefers the peach coloured eyelids. I always found it bizarre in the classics and liked the change to blue. I don't know exacly why, maybe because it looks more solid.
  4. DigitalDuck


    Arriving four years late. Member
    Lincs, UK
    TurBoa, S1RL
    Same here. While peach is his skin colour, and should be his eyelid colour too, it just looks a little... weird. I think it's because most of his face is blue.
  5. Alpha Wolver

    Alpha Wolver

    Yeah, I agree. Peach eyelids doesn't look natural for some reason. It just doesn't fit with the rest of his face.

    Also, that classic Blaze is the most awesome thing I have seen today, except I think the tail looks a I'd totally buy Blaze the Cat 2 if it were real.
  6. MastaSys


    Eggman Nega's cloth Colors (except the cape support/triangles section) should be reversed, that's only make sense, comparing classic Eggman/Robotnik with Nega.

    The colors of the pants are switched with the top section, implying more of the alternate/reverse thing :P
  7. Phos


    Going for the high score on whatever that little b Member
    Typically if you draw Sonic winking you should probably have his brow touch his muzze so the eyelid doesn't have that strange cut off. In fact, you should probably do that if his eyes are closed as well.

    Sonic's eyelids are a thing that I've probably given a lot more thought to than they really deserve, but I did notice a few things. The peach eyelids tend to be a better choice when dealing with a limited pallet or resolution, so you can tell that he still has eyes. Blue eyelids in 2D make it appear as though his eyes have vanished. In 3D, shading technology, textures, and greater clearity allow for blue eyelids to be used. Peach eyelids might be jarring in that situation. Blue eyelids follow more logically from his forehead, but peach lids follow more logically from his muzzle. Personally, I can't help but think it makes more sense to follow from his muzzle, as it being blue might imply he has fur or quills on them.
  8. More of my mess =)

  9. Sonic Warrior TJ

    Sonic Warrior TJ

    Time for a buzz, cuz Member
    Those are great Stric, they've got a lot of personality, and he more closely resembles a hedgehog while still maintaining that classic Sonic feel.

    Mine's like a mix of classic and modern Sonic, perhaps how classic Sonic would look like if he were a year or two older.
  10. Thanks man :)

    If you haven't already, you should make a quick sketch of your Sonic, really want to see it :)
  11. Sonic Warrior TJ

    Sonic Warrior TJ

    Time for a buzz, cuz Member
    Will do, but it's in my sig if you didn't catch it before.
  12. Ah ok, I assumed that was just something for a Sonic anniversary event. Anyway, it looks really nice.

    Edit: Lmao, I was wondering when they were gonna kill off Sonic in your vid, pretty hilarious.
  13. It definitely has some flare. The quills just look a bit too short for my tastes though.
  14. Solid SOAP

    Solid SOAP

    Nut Lord Member
    Those are actually fantastic, Stir. Of all the Sonic designs I've ever seen, both official and fan-made, that might just be the best I've seen yet.
  15. It's nice that you've turned to Sonic CD and the OVA for inspiration but the execution is awkward. To add to what Iconoclast said, the spikes are also too short and too upward pointing, the torso looks overly bulky, and the pose on the right is really unbalanced.

    The face is really squished looking around the eyes, and it appears as if he is looking downward in every pose. Looking at your previous posts, one constant that's been bugging me is that his eyes are drawn as a plane wrapping around his head like a visor instead of conforming to the overall sphere of his head. I realize this isn't too dissimilar from Sonic CD but it seems overly exaggerated in your version.
  16. Sparks


    Sondro Gomez / Kyle & Lucy
    I thought this was the "How would you redesign Sonic" thread, not the "make every design like the Sonic CD design" thread :colbert:

    I like the short quills personally
  17. Well he himself said that it was based on Sonic CD so I used that as a guideline for comparison. I personally prefer longer spikes but he drew the short spikes well so that's just a minor criticism. The bigger issue though are the facial proportions and poses. Even with cartoon characters, there are certain anatomical guidelines. These aren't really rules but following them tends to produce a better result a vast majority of the time. I'm not saying his drawing is wrong, just slightly off, and with some minor adjustments would look considerably better. For instance the pose on the right seems to ignore gravity, which is distracting and I doubt it was intentional. Another example is the facial expression in the middle. He seems to be furrowing his brow, but accidentally pulled his entire face down and forward in the process. The ears are pointing forward at the viewer and the spikes are nearly vertical, yet somehow he manages to maintain a level gaze.

    StriCNYN3's drawing are of fairly high quality but there are several inconsistencies that could be improved upon to enhance the overall design.
  18. Thanks for the criticism. Lol believe it or not, you are the first person to actually ever critique what I've done wrong in a logical way, and I appreciate that Thanks for the tips :)
    Also, the sonic on the right, I was going for a pose as if he were to lean on something, but yea he does look like hes just bending physics lol.
  19. Blue Warrior

    Blue Warrior

    Sonic 1 soundtrack
    I'd prefer it about exactly the same as how he appears here. The green eyes look pretty good in the old style.
  20. Alpha Wolver

    Alpha Wolver

    That's too chibi and WAY too Sonamy.

    I think his current design is just fine, but the limbs need to be shorter.
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