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How do I use IPS files?

Discussion in 'Engineering & Reverse Engineering' started by FozzY2K, Feb 4, 2004.

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  1. FozzY2K


    Fozzcat Member
    I have downloaded an IPS file for sonic 2 beta, and I have no idea how to use it, can anyone explain how to use it?
  2. Quickman


    be attitude for gains Tech Member
    omg porjcet
    Type "IPS patcher" into a search engine and go from there.
  3. Chronix


  4. Trigahd


    I am your gahd!! Member
    Somewhere in the skies
    Nothing worth mentioning
    We keep getting this topic over and over. Why?!?!?
    We need a pinned topic about IPS patching so that we can stop getting this question.
  5. XFox Prower

    XFox Prower

    x86 Assembly, Tails Search Assistant
    An IPS file is nothing complicated. Let's say you compare an original Sonic 2 rom with a hacked Sonic 2 rom. For the most part, it's the same. But there's some small differences here and there. The IPS file that a comparing program (some IPS making program) produces contains the addresses and changed values that you can apply to the original file to get the hacked file. I don't know the exact format of the IPS files, but it's not important. All you need to know is that you need a program to apply to the patch.

    IPS (International Patching Standard) is not just for Genesis games. Other rom formats use it too. It's not even just a rom thing, it's used everywhere. So you're not limited to rom sites to search on. All I see on google is IPS patching programs for the Mac, so find something here:
  6. Timecrash


    I, Timecrash, will knock you all down! Member
    It's amazing you're not a tech member, XFox.
  7. But what if one game is patched with, say, a robosnail in EHZ and you patch another IPS on it that doesn't have robosnail in emerald hill. would the robosnail disappear?
  8. XFox Prower

    XFox Prower

    x86 Assembly, Tails Search Assistant
    When applying a patch, be sure to follow the instructions that the person who created the patch provided. In most cases, you would have to patch a clean unpatched Sonic 2 rom. If you're patching a rom that already had some other patch or hack, then there will be unexpected results (bad checksums, rom crahes, etc).

    There are two types of patches: There's a direct patch (most common) that would patch a clean unmofified (unpatched, unhacked, etc) file. Let's say you had a patch to convert Sonic 2 into Sonic 2 X v1.04. It's direct since it took you from the original to the end result.

    Then there's cumulative patches. Let's say someone had Sonic 2 X v1.01. They couldn't use the patch that was designed to patch Sonic 2. There might be patches specifically designed for v1.01 to v1.02, etc. Don't try to patch an already patched file unless the patch says to.

    Also keep a backup of your roms so you have a clean copy to work with. Most patches are to be applied to a binary file rather than the SMD format. Be sure to keep a copy of both if you don't have a program to convert between BIN and SMD.
  9. so, use a patch for the hardest part of your hack and add the other stuff yourself.
  10. Kampfer


    That's just common knowlege. You don't need to be a tech member to fighure that out.
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