Ever wanted to spice up an old broken or corrupted VMU? <a href="http://gamersweb00it.registerblog.splinder.com/post/1207164470/Dreamcast+iPod+nano" target="_blank">http://gamersweb00it.registerblog.splinder...mcast+iPod+nano</a> Who wants an iPOD nano now? I know I do XD Unfortunatly, no longer seems to save DC games USELESS! lol
Accept according to this page http://devcast.dcemulation.org/other/prototype/prototype.php that was a prototype that never fully existed in any kind of retail situation, and since it was 2004, it probably could only store about 50 tracks lol
implying the one posted in the OP exists in some kind of retail situation? Some dude on assembler has one. It was beyond prototype at one point.
Why you gotta 1up me, why dude why? im just premoting a cool case mod and your all "pah! theres a better official product floating around" lol (that to get one would probably cost more than god now)
Someone on assembler has one, which means it transforms people into gods. We'll never, ever see another for sale, assuming it's the only working version.
Now if they can get the ipod to have a vmu app and have it fully function like the vmu that would be sweet. Otherwise, nice case mod.
I never thought about gutting out an old vmu to stick a cheap mp3 player in it, no way I'm going to bother doing it myself :P cool though. Someone now needs to change the dreamcast into a dvd player.
iPods don't take memory cards do they? for all other things, the dreamcast vmu connector was removed so you can put in the ipod connector, and I belive the earphones come out a little hole in the bottom. but you know, once it is in, why would you want to take it out? haha
Poor poor poor VMU. Not only turned into an Apple product, but used to play BRITNEY SPEARS? The shame it must feel. =P
Yeah seriously, that's exactly what I thought when I heard about this. Honestly though I won't consider buying an iPod unless I can install Rocksbox on it. Apple is so far behind the times they way they expect you to sync everything with their moronic software. This sort of shit was supposed to die with the Palm Pilot, people. And honestly, ever since I got my HTC Hero with a head phone jack, the one Rocksbox iphone I do have has been languishing. I don't even know or care where it is frankly.
I was going to do that with the broken karaoke attachment I've got, but I never got around to it From this To something like this Also And this is still the greatest VMU in history: