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Best Mega Drive Harware/set-up

Discussion in 'General Sega Discussion' started by doc eggfan, Jan 2, 2012.

  1. doc eggfan

    doc eggfan

    Are you pondering what I'm pondering? Wiki Sysop
    GreatMegaLD, GreatSC3k, Great SG1k
    With so many variations, what is the best mega drive hardware set-up in regards to picture and sound.

    I've always had a soft spot for the model 1 with the built in headphones. You seem to get better sound direct from the hardware, but it does make setting it up with the mega cd and 32-X more fiddly. The model 2 is neater in that regard.

    I thought the laseractive was supposed to have the best picture as I thought it had component video outputs, but, although I don't have mine yet, it doesn't appear to be the case. Do the wondermega's and the multimega's have better video? What about the terradrive and the megatech arcade board?

    The Nomad is alright, but the screen does suffer from ghosting and blur. I did appreciate hooking it up to my tv to play sonic 2 in full-screen 60Hz NTSC for the first time. PAL sucks hairy balls.
  2. Miles Prower

    Miles Prower

    Renard Oldbie
    Yeah, the PAL version basically sucks. At the time, Sega did not bother about the games' speed, so we got a slow Sonic in PAL territories. Oh well.

    Both the Megadrive I and II have a RGB output. The Megadrive II tends to actually have a clearer, better sound output (see this and this) albeit a bit lower in volume, but Sega's SCART cable ruins it. Follow both those tutorials to fix it : and
    Some more stuff on Igrekess' SegaKore as usual:

    Keep in mind that there are various Model1 designs too.

    Don't know about the other hardware variations.
  3. Flygon


    CCAMed Mega Drive II's and a good Sega CD II. I can't really think of anything better, unless you want to pay someone to shove a 32x inside the Mega Drive II case as well.

    I've found that the image (especially when using Composite and S-Video) tends to vary wildly depending on the TV, however. Granted, you need to get modifications on the Mega Drive to obtain S-Video, but I've found that when using it, some TV's will show the image as being extremely close to RGB, yet others will show it as a blurry mess, as with Composite would generally be. Despite being able to handle RGB perfectly fine.

    I'm guessing some TV's just have incredibly bad S-Video/Composite decoders.
  4. ICEknight


    Researcher Researcher
    After listening to those examples, I think I like the model 1's sound better. =\
  5. Miles Prower

    Miles Prower

    Renard Oldbie
    Turn up the volume a bit when listening to the MD2 samples.

    Oh. Here's my setup.

  6. The Taxman

    The Taxman

    Tech Member
    Retro Engine & Related Projects
    If we're talking stock hardware:

    - Model II's tend to have a bit more distortion (especially with DAC samples) and don't have as rich bass sounds to an early Model I unit.

    - The Multi Mega / CDX has nice crisp sound quality, and offers 3 ways to output sound: headphones, line out and through the 9 pin video out (SCART, composite etc)

    - RGB from the 9 pin connector is the best video quality regardless of model but if you're stuck with composite only, a 32X will give you the best output by far.

    - Both Wondermega models (but not the X'Eye) offer s-video as an output. I think the sound quality is meant to be excellent, but I've never heard one with my own ears.
  7. TmEE


    Master of OPL3-SA2/3 Tech Member
    Norway, Horten
    X'eye has loud PSG and somewhat muffled FM. S-video can be very easily added, you only need a S-video connector, a knife to cut the hole where s-video connector should be and 2x 75ohm resistors, plus little bit of soldering. Results are awesome.
    Best sound comes form a CDX, when it comes to unmodified machines, it is bright and crisp, but has slight bit of video noise in the sound.
  8. cornholio857


    The Great Cornholio Member
    Jacksonville, FL
    In search of TP
    The Nomad is also supposed to have pretty good sound. Comparable to early Model 1's IIRC. But out of the consoles you have a few options:

    • Early Model 1's have a better sound circuit but lesser video quality compared to some Model 2's. Rainbow Banding is notorious on Model 1's.
    • If you want better video and sound a CCAM'ed Model 2 would be the way to go. (It was mentioned already)
    • The X'Eye is good but as TMEE said "has loud PSG and somewhat muffled FM".

    I have never played a CDX so I can't comment on that but I really only hear good things about it, and it's asking price. LOL My setup is a Model 1 HDG Genesis with a Model 1 SCD. I have a 32X and yes, its video output is better than my Model 1. But I only connect the 32X when I want to play a 32X game. Having to plug in three AC adapters is a bitch and because of that my 32X doesn't get a lot of play.
  9. 아힝흥행


    A fan movie that is about 10 minute

    Ya, it was a pain if you didn't have those mutil cord things. If you wanted to play 32x cd game... Well let's just say you better have one of those universal plug things :v ( I do not remember their name :v) also, I found attaching cd hard to attach on model 2 than model 1 :v
  10. cornholio857


    The Great Cornholio Member
    Jacksonville, FL
    In search of TP
    I have yet to try a 32X-CD game on my setup. I think I need to change that. Aside from Virtua Racing Deluxe, Knuckles' Chaotix gets the most play on my 32X. And let me tell you, the music in Chaotix sounds so good on a Model 1 HDG Genesis. :)
  11. My own setup is similar, except
    1) US region consoles
    2) Model 1 Genesis has a region-mod switch. (Unfortunately I'd need to mod my 32X cartridge slot to be able to accept the JP carts, the US CD doesn't run in JP-switched mode, and the only game I got for this is Dragonball Z.)
    3) Arcadian 6-button Joysticks instead of official Sega 3-button joysticks. These are -marvelous- with Super Street Fighter II.
  12. Miles Prower

    Miles Prower

    Renard Oldbie
    The Megadrive shown here is a HDG one, complete with a 3-way region switch, a button to halt to CPU clock at will, and a switch to overclock it and play Sonic 2 2-player mode with none of those annoying slowdowns. I do have issue with this setup and the MegaCD though, and at the moment my 32X video cable (the one with a grey jack outputing to SCART) seems to be busted. And it's freaking HARD - not to mention expensive - to find a new one.

    This photo was taken at a Sega-Party we organized in a retrogaming association near Bordeaux, France, and more can be seen here right before the doors opened.

    The only reason why I chose a HDG MD1 in my setup is because it looks badass. It's actually harder to plug a 32X on that beast, and MegaCD1 are sparse in Europe so it clashes a bit. Maybe I should paint the lid button greyish to fit the whole setup, and match the Reset button color.
  13. ICEknight


    Researcher Researcher
    Am I really the only one who likes the original MD1's stronger bass? I dare to say that it even has some charm to it...

    I wish the current emulators also took these sound differences into account. =\
  14. cornholio857


    The Great Cornholio Member
    Jacksonville, FL
    In search of TP
    No. I love it! :) That's why I have one and as I said earlier, the music from Knuckles' Chaotix sounds so good on it. I also recorded the entire Chaotix soundtrack using my Model 1 HDG. If anyone wants a link to the OST just message me I guess.
  15. Andlabs


    「いっきまーす」 Wiki Sysop
    Writing my own MD/Genesis sound driver :D
    YM2612 emulators won't be totally accurate until they start behaving like the actual chip — emulating cycles and only producing one channel of output at a time. I was working on such a thing months ago; I should get back to it soon...

    As far as I can tell, each individuate MD has a different filter, but all MDs in a family wire their filter components identically, thus the "MD2s have worse sound than MD1" generalization that is by the way entirely subjective — you have to find the one you like best (and CCAM IIRC is totally unfiltered).
  16. LockOnRommy11


    That is the most epic set up ever. I also have that Sonic Doll, have had it for years and years and years.

    I myself just have my relatively new MegaDrive I with both it's controllers, which I found for £10 about 2/3 years ago. I had (and still have) my MegaDrive II and all of the games and stuff to that, but it's owned by my family rather than just me, and it's only got an RF cable. I gave the MegaDrive I a good clean, also opened up and totally rinsed the controllers and such, bought an RGB with headphone jack socket, and now it's connected to my '19 Bush LCD with surround sound. Also got a mint condition Sonic 1 and 2 for myself for it- I can't be a fan and not have those three items all for myself now :v:

    Got quite a few games already from MDII; Sonic 1, Sonic 2, Sonic and Knuckles, Sonic 3D Blast, Sonic Spinball, Mega Games II, SpeedBall2, Mutant League Football, Jurassic Park, JP The Lost World, Urban Strike, Desert Strike, BallZ, Batman Returns, Monaco GP, Fifa '95, PGA EU Tour 1994, Pacman Tetris Thingy, Micro Machines and Kawasaki Super Bikes.

    Only problem with my set up is that the Mega Drive Cables don't stretch far, and having somewhere to put it is a friggin' nightmare. The controllers themselves don't stretch far either, not like the MegaDrive II controllers which are double the length. Can't find some extenders anywhere anymore which aren't massively expensive either.

    Also; sound on the MDI is superior, especially with that built in headphone jack ;) If anyone's ever played The Lost World, hearing the music in the game from the MDI with surround sound is awesome;
    (if you've never heard this music/played this game, just click the video, seriously, it's some of the best music on the MegaDrive. I promise you'll remember it).
  17. cornholio857


    The Great Cornholio Member
    Jacksonville, FL
    In search of TP
    Hey! I remember renting Lost World BITD. The bass from the early Model 1's really compliment Lost World's great music.

    Two examples of where having an early Model 1 is better IMO. These tracks thump when connected to my surround sound.

    One of the best tracks the Genesis has to offer IMO. LOVE those Genesis drums!

    Jesper Kyd tears it up this one.
  18. SeanieB


    Chief Server Monkey Administrator
    San Diego, CA
    Fixing Sonic Retro
    This thread is pretty awesome. I think those two you posted are emulated right? I wouldnt mind a fat genesis just to play something like MUSHA or jurassic park on it for the music.

    MUSHA's another ridiculous one:

    This guy's playing on the original genesis he bought when he was a kid, so it's probably the best source of the music in the review from real hardware.
  19. cornholio857


    The Great Cornholio Member
    Jacksonville, FL
    In search of TP
    Yeah, it is. I have the actual Sub Terrania cart and could do recordings on my Model 1 HDG like I did Chaotix (might one day). Also, I rented OutRun 2019 BITD and it's music has always stuck out to me. I need to pick that up so I can record its music as well. Really easy to do with a Model 1 because of the Headphone jack.
  20. Miles Prower

    Miles Prower

    Renard Oldbie
    I found this post to be very informative regarding sound:

    Anyone has schematics for a CCAM on a Model1 HGD Genesis?