It's happening, boys! Bayonetta 3 is being made and is a Switch exclusive. Here's the teaser. Also, Bayonetta 1 and 2 are being ported to the Switch and will be released February 16th, 2018. Nintendo is killing it and thank you Platinum and based Kamiya.
I'm actually surprised to see this since 1 & 2's stories exist in a closed loop, but I"m all for it. Looks like she's going to get destroyed by this new foe. It'll be fun seeing how she handles getting back on her feet. As much as I disliked the creators changing her design in Bayo 2, it feels weird for them to go back to the original outfit instead of making a new one or even keeping the Bayo 2 outfit. I'm glad it's back regardless.
When she falls, her legs fall in opposite directions, and you can make out the top of her legs for a small moment when she falls. If that implies her dying a la Toy Story 2 intro style, then that's kind of disturbing. My guess though, considering it used her 1 design, is that it's probably time travel
Well I've held out for this long but I just can't anymore. Fine Nintendo I'll buy a switch. Still salty about the WiiU though.
Nintendo really wants to hold on to Bayonetta, huh? Either that or Sega doesn't want to put money into the franchise. I enjoyed 1 well enough on PC, but not sure if I liked it enough to buy a console for the others. It's making a lot of people happy, though, so good for them.
Something that just clicked with me: the Bayonetta series has been on 3 console generations, all have had roughly the same graphical capabilities. 360, Wii U, and Switch, over 8 or so years. It's strange to think about considering the graphical leaps 4th-5th-6th gen had by comparison.
Glad to see these games getting a port. I may finally pick it up depending on the price; it always looked like a fun game.
Oh no, Bayonetta must not lose. Both games are pretty difficult but once you've found a comfortable play style it's such an original package. I basically want to marry her. Development time feels like pope election.
I knew this was an inevitability, but even so, I love how soon this was announced after I bought Bayonetta on Steam. Uncanny timing. It's good to know I'll be able to play Bayonetta 2 after I finish the first one on my PC. I absolutely suck at it but I love these kinds of games, and Bayonetta just exudes style. Plus I never got a WiiU, so I am pretty much in favor of all Switch ports.
Meanwhile, I'm more than glad to pick it up on Switch, for I have it and would kill to play some Bayo on the go. Though- I personally find it strange they're going back to her original design, since I expected them to do another new design.. Prequel? Then again, never know what to expect for a series' third entry.. Could go anywhere from here!
After a million years, we got news! Game is coming out next year! There was gameplay shown in the recent Direct. I'm at work so I can't link it.