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AoStH Spanish Theme Lyrics?

Discussion in 'General Sonic Discussion' started by PastelPlushie, Jan 7, 2018.

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  1. PastelPlushie


    TheSonicMotive (YouTube Channel)
    So recently I have been planning to make a video compiling all of the theme songs from all Sonic TV shows, since I noticed that other countries sometimes created their own songs that I personally feel should be known about. (Also most of the videos I've seen are pretty outdated as they don't include Sonic Boom.) I've downloaded the videos off of YouTube and have been adding in lyrics for all of them, but soon came to find out that there was no documentation on the internet of the lyrics for the Spanish theme for Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog.

    Maybe I wasn't looking in the right places, but I couldn't find anything myself at least. I was actually surprised when I first found the song, since I had been referencing the Sonic Wiki for the themes I was looking for and just happened across the video. I am unsure if there is actually a reason for the song not being documented of the wiki or if no one has added it to the wiki, but I'm only curious if anyone could transcribe (and possibly translate?) the lyrics for the song since I still want to include it in my video.

    Link to video
  2. Linkabel


    Hola chicos, tenemos un campeón que nos encanta
    (Hello guys, we have a champion that we like)
    Es un portento, es veloz como el viento, un camino para la libertad
    (He is a portent, he is fast like the wind, a road to freedom)
    Tiene por meta liberar su planeta devolviéndole la serenidad
    (Has a goal to free his planet and bring back serenity)
    Es un luchador valiente, un amigo de verdad
    (he is a brave warrior, a true friend)
    Generoso con la gente y nunca cambiará
    (Generous with people and will never change)
    ¡Es algo especial!
    (He is really special)
    Sueña que un día ya no habrá tiranía en su mundo luminoso y feliz
    (Dreams that one day there will be no more tyranny in his world, luminous and happy)
    Sus compañeros son también sus guerreros y a su lado seguirán hasta el fin
    (His friends are also his warriors and by his side will fight to the end)
    Oh Sonic, Oh Sonic lucha contra el Doctor
    Robotnik, Robotnik y contra su escuadrón
    (Oh, Sonic, Oh Sonic fight against Dr. Robotnik, Robotnik and against his squadron)
    Oh Sonic, Oh Sonic y un día llegará en que tu planeta liberado será
    (Oh Sonic, Oh Sonic the day will come when your planet will be liberated, will be)
    Oh Sonic, Oh Sonic nunca te atraparán
    Oh Sonic, Oh Sonic they will never catch you)
    Oh Sonic, Oh Sonic siempre los vencerás
    (Oh Sonic, Oh Sonic you will always beat them)
    Oh Sonic, Oh Sonic todos te aclamarán y tu buenas obras recompensa tendrán
    (Oh Sonic, Oh Sonic everyone will acclaim you and your good deeds will be rewarded)
    Eres astuto, de todos los peligros sales cada vez
    (You're clever, you escape danger everytime)
    Como ninguno, tú vida sabes siempre defender
    (like one else, you always have to defend your life)
    Oh Sonic, Oh Sonic lucha contra el Doctor
    Robotnik, Robotnik y contra su escuadrón
    (Oh, Sonic, Oh Sonic fight against Dr. Robotnik, Robotnik and against his squadron)
    Oh Sonic, Oh Sonic y un día llegará en que tu planeta, en que tu planeta, en que tu planeta
    liberado será
    (Oh Sonic, Oh Sonic the day will come when your planet, your planet, your planet will be liberated, will be)
  3. PastelPlushie


    TheSonicMotive (YouTube Channel)
    @casshern Thank you so much! I didn't expect a reply so soon, but I'm very grateful for your help!
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