More things for Retro CDN: Here's over 100 scans of "Game Champ" (????), a South Korean video game magazine from back in the day. We could do with this content being mirrored... though it's hidden behind an in-browser javascript reader, which means it's difficult to access by normal means. I've got this far: (change the number at the end for different pages) can anyone see a clean way to download entire magazines? Google translate isn't playing ball with this one, and I don't want to be writing scripts to download this stuff en masse if I can help it. There's also another pressing issue, and you might have noticed it already - I don't understand this magazine at all. This is entirely undocumented in the Western world - there are issues called "Game Power" sprinkled in here - different magazine? Supplements? Name change? Some of these magazines also aren't dated - it's dififcult to document things if we don't know what they are. Now I know these requests rarely get off the ground, but here's some encouragement as to why we need to care: Undumped Sonic 2 prototypes you say? But of course!
Well... it looks like a mix of three or four different magazines ( the "Go Power" one, seems to be a supplement)... I've downloaded a couple of things before... also hidden behind an in-browser javascript reader ... but page by page...
Yeah, I don't see these being pulled out without some sort of scripting. I might have a play tonight, see what I can whip up. EDIT: The first prompt is the ym value, the second is the number of pages in the issue (you need to look manually on the issue's page on the website at the moment, I don't know how to detect if a page doesn't actually exist. I'm not that great a coder). I'm successfully ripping the 2000_12 mag. This works for Python 2.6, anyone else willing to help rip these? =P
I would help... the problem is that I don't even know how to use that... I know this was a totally unnecessary comment... my apologies for it... Ding! Python 3.x fans will need to replace the "raw_input()" call with "input()" (and maybe other things) - I was impressed to find that a Python 2.x interpreter was already on this box, so that script worked a treat. This does take a while though (even if you were to knock down the sleep time), so I'd very much like to spread the load as much as possible.
Well I've got most of 2000 now so I guess I'll just continue working backwards, if you start from the end and work forwards.
I have downloaded all of the GameChamp scans, but the archive size is about 9.5 gigabytes. Should I upload it somewhere?
Few issues in and I'm finding that the page numbers are sometimes a bit screwy. I'm uploading as-is because it's difficult to make the call where pages should be (and the chances of finding replacement scans are slim right now), but it's something to bear in mind. Also while I don't know if these are just translated Japanese magazines, there is a lot of potentially useful information in there. I've found all sorts and I'm not past March 1993. eek follow my lead: download this make PDFs upload to
I'm down to 1999_8_1 now - I also did an update to the script, btw: Nothing new in how the files are downloaded, just a few start/finish timestamps and some formatting changes to make it look a bit prettier. No real urgent need to replace the old one. EDIT: Welp, hadn't seen the above. Guess I should stop then =P
Mediawiki will stop people from uploading the same file more than once - if you've followed exactly the same steps I did, you're probably clashing with the magazines I've already uploaded. p.s., probably want to keep the same naming scheme (e.g. "GameChamp KR 1993-03.pdf" - things will get lost if there's just numbers in the file name (remember: there are 6000+ files on Retro CDN).
Descriptive and consistent file names is a strange definition of "flaw". If this set is missing a magazine, it'll be tough to notice if every file is called random things.
I uploaded all PDFs here in case anyone wants to take over the uploading work for me:
The biggest strength of the wiki is being unable to edit file names after upload? After uploading one magazine incorrectly it can't be corrected? This is beneficial how to naming schemes?
For the record I am still interested in this, I just currently lack the time and patience to single-handledly upload 4380392480324GB of files. (which is why I made the topic - to encourage people to do the work and take the credit, and start feeling comfortable with the software) I haven't found anything super interesting about other Sonic prototypes, but there's a lot of other content, including data about how the games industry worked in Korea (which is extremely useful for people like me who are still fighting 25-year-old console wars). And that's cutting-edge information as far as video games goes. The English language (and hell, even Korean language) history of Korean gaming can be currently summed up as "it happened"... which is pretty poor for a first world country with 50 million+ residents.
It'll be interesting to trawl through some of the 1993/early 1994 copies of this to see if there are any articles on City Heroes, the Samsung published Streets of Rage clone that was all-but finished but never released.