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Sonic 1 (2013 - iOS/Android) Post-Release Bugs/Fixes/Suggestions

Discussion in 'General Sonic Discussion' started by Skaarg, May 17, 2013.

  1. Tets


    one rude dude Oldbie
    As soon as I read about that, I had to try it. Got four rings out of three on my first go at it.

    That's a neat little bug, I never even thought of the possibility of two player characters collecting a ring simultaneously.
  2. ICEknight


    Researcher Researcher
    So I just got back my LG Optimus Black... and, unlike Sonic CD, it's not compatible with it. :(

    A bit disappointed that I can only play it in slow motion in Bluestacks...
  3. DustArma


    Santiago, Chile
    Learning Python.
    Weird, there's literally no reason why the Optimus Black shouldn't be compatible with Sonic 1, the device is old but should still be able to handle it.
  4. Alright, I've been trying off-and-on for a few weeks now: How do I get this to work in Bluestacks?
    I've legally purchased it and tried playing it on my phone and while it's nice I'd LOVE to be able to play on my computer screen with a controller!
    I am simply not seeing Sonic 1 in the store in Bluestacks, and the "sync apps from phone" option doesn't appear to do anything with my recently-purchased Samsung Galaxy SII.
  5. ICEknight


    Researcher Researcher
    Are you searching for "Sonic 1", by any chance?
  6. ICEknight


    Researcher Researcher
    Double post due to actual reports:

    -Sonic's jumping animation starts with the wrong (fifth) frame. The original first frame made the transition between Sonic's standing/walking/running sprites and the jumping animation more seamless, like this: FIXED
    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]

    -Also, the first walking frame, which also acted as a tween of sorts between the standing and pushing animations, can barely be seen before Sonic starts pushing against something.
    NOTE: Didn't happen in v.1, but did in v.0, Sonic 2, 3 and S&K.

    -You can't get out of the first "secret" room in Star Light 1 by just bouncing on the monitors (no buttons need to be held), as seen here: FIXED
    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
    This is also noticeable in Marble Zone's secret rooms with monitors.

    -Sonic can't avoid the Orbinaut projectiles by spinning on the floor, like this:
    He will correctly succeed when crouching in place, though.

    -Sonic can't make his "slippery entrance" in Labyrinth 3 (just hold right from the switch place and he'll "graciously" slip inside the cave):
    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]

    -The 3D objects in the menus seem to get progressively deformed the closer they are to the sides of the screen.

    -This one's kind of important and affects gameplay: In the remake, Sonic can only make the colored blocks in the Special Stage disappear one by one, meaning that the blinking/disappearing animation of one block must end before another one can start changing colors.

    -I also had the feeling that, in the Special Stages, the momentum caused by bouncing off a bumper was sometimes cancelled when jumping, causing Sonic's jump trajectory to be completely vertical when it shouldn't.

    -Not sure why the Green Hill boss intro was changed so that you can't hit Robotnik anymore. Being able to destroy him before he had a chance felt like a reward for expert players, and not being able to is inconsistent with other boss fights. The original behavior kinda made it look like Robotnik was too careless because he still didn't even suspect what he was facing. =\

    -In the Final Zone, if you run towards the right side of the boss arena and aim a jump towards the top yellow and black band, Sonic will behave as if he had hit a ceiling and immediately start going down from his jump.

    -Also at the final boss, having the spark generator as a solid surface can lead to some very frustrating deaths, when trying to escape from the rightmost piston by walking to the right (happened to me many times).

    -Also, it looks a bit odd having the quick saw blades fade in out of nowhere, in Scrap Brain. I feel that just making them appear from below might have done the trick better.

    -Since the extra characters are official unlockables and not just easter eggs like, say, the debug mode, it would be nice to allow them into the Time Attack mode in the same way that was done in Sonic Advance: Select Time Attack, choose a character, select a level with the records for the selected character.

    -The records for "with spindash" and "without spindash" modes ought to be separated as well, since the latter always has an advantage over the former.

    -Spin Push ability is missing :(/>
  7. ICEknight


    Researcher Researcher
    Some Tails-related reports:

    -Some frames for Tails' walking animation are shown in the wrong relative positions, making his fist stand still for two consecutive frames for example. This also happened in the Sonic CD remake.

    Left Sonic 2, right Sonic 1 remake:
    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    For reference, here's the same animation in Sonic 3 and Sonic Crackers (using Sonic 2 sprites):
    [​IMG] [​IMG]
    The latter would have felt at home in the Sonic CD remake (along with his Sonic 2 run cycle), since Crackers shared Sonic's animation style with CD. =|

    -As for his running animation, it's using the wrong fourth frame, which causes his hair, ears and feet to move only for one frame out of four (also, having the "blurry" frame in there is inconsistent with his Sonic 2-styled sprite set). FIXED

    Left Sonic 2, right Sonic 1 remake:
    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    For comparison, here's how Sonic 3 did it:
    Yes, SEGA got the sprite priorities wrong, in both his walking and running animations. =P
  8. Black Squirrel

    Black Squirrel

    no reverse gear Wiki Sysop
    Northumberland, UK
    steamboat wiki
    Yeah without a spring in his step while running, Tails looks fat.
  9. From what I recall, "Sonic 1" didn't return anything so I just searched for "Sonic" and found Sonic CD and Sonic 4 Episodes I & II, but no Sonic 1.
  10. ICEknight


    Researcher Researcher
    I've finally been able to install it in my Optimus Black, even if the store kept telling me that it's not compatible with my device. Since I had bought it in Bluestacks, it appeared in the Google Play Store under the "My apps" menu, with a working "Install" button next to it. So I guess I found a useful bug in the Google Play Store. =P

    Now that I've been able to play it at the correct speed, I've noticed a few more things, which might also help polish the next remake before release:

    -There's something with Sonic's rolling behavior: In the original, walk just a little and start rolling, then press the opposite direction. The curled up Sonic should start rolling in the opposite direction for a small moment after he completely loses his speed. This can't be done on flat surfaces, in the remake.

    -Also, when Sonic is rolling in the opposite direction he's facing, he should start facing forward once the player presses the "correct" direction, but he'll always keep facing backwards in the remake. This is most noticeable in Star Light.

    -Tails' pushing animation plays noticeably faster than it should. FIXED

    -Tails' ledge animation should play 10 frames at normal speed, then two faster frames, then loop the animation. The two frames are always played at the same speed here.

    -According to Sonic 3, Tails should stay flying in his tired animation when being bounced off a bumper (or balloon, which could give a skilled player some advantage when traversing certain areas.

    -Knuckles should have two different ledge animations, depending on the direction he's facing. When he's facing the cliff, two frames are added (kind of like happened in 2 when Sonic wasn't facing the ledge, but more noticeable). In the remake, these two frames are always part of the animation. FIXED

    -Also, when Knuckles is turning while gliding, the front-facing frame takes more time than the other two, when all three frames should be shown for the same amount of time, for a smoother animation.

    -The walking animations should play much slower, right after grabbing an air bubble (I think this was carried on from the CD remake).

    -Something relevant about the engine: Enemies respawn when the screen scrolls away from them vertically. This should only happen when getting away from them horizontally.
    (Updated report here)

    -There's something wrong about either the rolling max-speed or the horizontal red springs, which makes it reach the secret area at the beginning of Spring Yard 1 much more difficult (in no Spin Dash mode). In the original, rolling into the red spring would make you almost reach the third green line in the right wall, whereas in the remake you'll only surpass the second one.

    -Might be related: If you roll into the initial spring in Spring Yard 2, you'll fall through the gap once you bounce off the bumper, instead of going back from where you came.

    -As somebody else reported earlier, the colored desintegrating blocks in the Special Stages do indeed seem to have a smaller collision box than usual, which can lead to some accidental falls.

    -The 1-Up jingle is sometimes stopped when collecting rings, probably due to it being treated like a sound effect (which can cancel each other) rather than a song. Also, it won't stop when pressing the "pause" button, for that same reason.

    -The screen doesn't get locked vertically in Marble Zone 1, during the "falling blocks into lava" section. Not a game breaker, just odd that the screen lock doesn't happen. Also, and more noticeably, doesn't happen at the end of the level as somebody else reported earlier.

    -Robotnik is missing his last animation frame (which is just his normal standing frame) when jumping on the switch, in the Scrap Brain 2 cutscene.

    -I'm not sure I see the point of the Tails/Knuckles-only invincibility placed in Marble Zone 1, since it doesn't make them invulnerable to the crushing pillars (which is the area that comes next). An extra life might serve a better purpose in there.

    -Also, somebody mentioned the unfair positioning of the backwards-facing Catakiller in Marble Zone 3's "shortcut" area for Tails/Knuckles... I agree that if feels somewhat cheap. =P FIXED

    -Might be my phone's fault, but I'm sometimes getting some slowdown in the Special Stages (I mean, even with the "Up" blocks active =P).

    -Also not sure if it's my phone, but there's a small but noticeable sound gap whenever the speed shoes get activated or wear out.

    -This might fall into "personal preferences" territory, but since the spindash (more like "Sonic 2 mode") is an added extra to this port, shouldn't the "no spindash" option be the default one, so people will start playing the game as originally intended and then toggle the extras when they feel like they actually need them?

    -The app doesn't completely close when exiting. This means you can't get back to its title screen anymore once you get past it (might also be a bit of a bother to have it eat RAM when you're not playing it anymore).
  11. Black Squirrel

    Black Squirrel

    no reverse gear Wiki Sysop
    Northumberland, UK
    steamboat wiki
    IIRC the home button in Android is purposely engineered to take you back to the OS without closing anything down, if that's what you're pressing. Programmers can configure it to do otherwise but I believe shoving things in the background is "standard" behaviour.

    It's the assumption that most Android apps are akin to a web browser as opposed to big RAM-eating games
  12. ICEknight


    Researcher Researcher
    Oh, I mean properly exitting by pressing the "Back" button and saying "Yes" to the "Are you sure you want to exit?" message.

    EDIT: Curiously, exiting through the "Home" button does allow you to return to the title screen, even if it doesn't really shut down the application. Odd.

    Also, more stuff:

    -Sonic can start moving one second before the timer starts, in Time Attack mode.

    -Removing the 1-up monitors in Time Attack is a mistake, since they could sometimes be used as part of the level strategy, to bounce off to certain places (there's a specially useful one in a secret room of Marble Zone 3). There's just no benefit in getting rid of them...

    -I just got an extra life in the Green Hill ending demo, when Sonic destroyed an enemy. I guess the scores are not completely disabled.

    -I loaded a game where I had earned a lot of continues, got killed, and there was no "Continue" screen.

    -Suggestion: Once there's no more Emeralds left to get, since there will be no other way to earn continues, it would be useful being able to get them in Sonic 2-style.

    -By the way, it would be nice being able to select the level in cleared save slots like in Sonic 3, so you can aim for a perfect game with each selectable character, and not have to delete them when you want to revisit a specific Zone (since the Level Select code is technically cheating), or when you want to get the missing Emeralds, earn more lives and continues, or increase the score.

    -The crumbling ledges in Green Hill are using the wrong sound (#CB instead of #B9).

    -Newtrons can't be destroyed while they're appearing or disappearing. This makes it useless to memorize their positions in advance, as it won't be possible to bounce on them on the fly. Due to this, at least one (useful) enemy chain in Green Hill 3 can't be done anymore.

    -After drowning in Labyrinth, the water level starts lowering/raising on screen to its original level, before the screen fades out.

    -This tile in Labyrinth has something going on with its solidity: FIXED

    -Wrong sprite priorities with the spikes and platform: FIXED

    -Ghost Tails: In Sonic & Tails mode, let him hit by spikes right when he's going to drown. He'll pass through every object and won't be able to deal damage to the enemies. FIXED

    -Carry Sonic by his hair: This one's tougher to achieve. Have Tails carry Sonic before a big bubble touches him, then carry him again right after he breathes it (before he touches the ground).

    -The seesaws in the Star Light boss arena are overpowered. No character should ever be able to reach Robotnik from their middle part.

    -I got crushed while standing on one of the Scrap Brain 1 "long mesh block" thingies, on their way down. I was just pressing left so I'd enter the gap once I had the chance (playing as Tails, if that matters). I remember similar stuff happening with those moving groups of blocks of Wacky Workbench, in the CD remake.

    -Tails should be able to pass below this Orbinaut's projectiles, due to his shorter height:

    -Also, his tails should be pointing upwards when entering the pneumatic tubes, for consistency with the similar transporters in Metropolis.

    -And for consistency with Sonic 3 & Knuckles, his tails should start rotating progressively faster along with the Special Stage, when exiting it.

    -Tails' "tired of flying" noise will keep playing continously when he gets tired and the "pause" button is pressed. Updated here.

    -Tails will always get instantly killed when approaching one of these blocks from the side, in Marble Zone 3:

    -Tails is showing only two consecutive frames as his skidding animation, when it should be looped once to make four frames.

    -Then, and this should happen with every character from Sonic 2 onwards, if the direction is still being held once the animation has finished, it should just keep repeating the last frame until the character gets to a stop (in the case of Tails, with the addition of his moving tails).

    -Sonic's instashield doesn't allow him to recover airborne control, when jumping from a spin attack. FIXED

    -Sonic is using two frames from his Sonic CD skidding animation, rather than those from Sonic 1. Also, it would be ideal to loop the animation at least once like in the previous point, so Sonic's characteristic "hand waving skid" from Sonic 1 can actually be seen.

    -After being carried by Tails, Sonic will always do the ledge animation for one frame and face left, when he lands. FIXED

    -It's inconsistent with Sonic 3's Marble Garden boss battle having Tails not be controlled with the directional pad when he's carrying Sonic. Also, in a Sonic game, it's very unintuitive having to press down+Jump to make Sonic drop. The Sonic 3 control style would be more intuitive here.

    -Knuckles shouldn't lose any of his current speed when gliding into the water. In the remake, since this is not the case, the water surface's movement sometimes causes Knuckles' speed to drop completely (when both him and the surface are moving down).

    -Knuckles' skidding animation is missing the last two frames (and the other two are being played a bit too slowly). FIXED

    -Very nitpicky detail: In Knuckles' waiting animation, he should stay still for a few more frames (12 in total) when throwing a punch.

    -When you hit Robotnik using Knuckles' glide ability, he'll start his waiting animation as soon as he hits the ground. FIXED

    -Sonic's animation when hanging onto the Labyrinth Zone 3 poles should play way faster. Right now, I think he's playing the animation at the same speed as in Sonic CD.

    -While Tails can do his special move (flying) while falling after breathing a bubble, Knuckles and Sonic can't do their gliding and instashield. Tails never could do such a thing, so just not allowing him to would make things more consistent with everything. FIXED

    -Also, Tails stops swimming when breathing a bubble, while Knuckles doesn't. Tails should lose his current speed but shouldn't stop swimming, for consistency with both Knuckles and S3&K. FIXED

    -The title screen for Sonic & Tails could be improved in a few ways.
    Sonic's size could be shrunk to 90% of his current size so that he doesn't look so big next to Tails, and his odd mechanical movement to the side could just be removed if he's positioned further to the right, like in Sonic 2. Also, it's kind of awkward to have the title read "Sonic The Hedgehog SEGA & Tails", which can be fixed by just not moving the logo.

    Making these changes, we'd end up with something like this:

    Or perhaps...

    EDIT: Just like my previous posts in this topic, this one has been edited multiple times while I kept finding stuff to report, so that I won't clog the forum with multiple posts and because I'm assuming The Taxman still hasn't seen them anyway.
  13. ICEknight


    Researcher Researcher
    Just saw that the bouncing height got fixed in the update, so it's now possible to quickly exit the first secret room in Star Light. Nice! :)

    Here's some more things:

    -I initially had the feeling that, in some cases, Sonic's feet weren't moving as fast as they used to, and comparing it to the original I've found out that it's indeed the case. Turns out that Sonic's fastest running animation (which means, updating once each frame) seems to require more speed than it did in the original, in order to be triggered. Here's a place where it can be quickly tested:
    In the original, you'll get Sonic's fastest wheel-of-feet once he jumps inside the U-pipe and touches the ground, but his animation will play half as slow (maybe slower?) in the remake.

    -I've found the game to sometimes stop supporting multi-touch while trying the level select mode (it will come back when putting the phone into sleep mode and returning to the running app). Happened to me with the original download and with the current update.

    -You can get pushed into this wall:

    -Not a big deal since the whole elemental monitors thing is an easter egg, but this can happen:
    I guess that a set of four downwards retractable spikes could be put in that ceiling when the Sonic 3 monitors are active, but only if they can be synchronized so the player won't get hit by them on a perfect run.

    -Something that happened to me in Labyrinth: I got Sonic to breathe a big bubble at the moment the doors leading to a water current opened, then Sonic kept getting pushed to the nearby wall to the right (without being sucked into the tunnel) while in the quick walking animation that plays before the "breathing" animation, until the doors closed again. I didn't have any control over him while this happened.

    -The Time Attack mode is inconsistent between regular levels and Special Stages, as in the former will show the score tally at the end while the latter won't. Since the score doesn't actually serve a purpose in Time Attack, perhaps it would be best to just remove the tally altogether in here, and maybe play the "level clear" tune when the game returns to the records screen?

    -Also in Time Attack, Final Zone will show an "Act 3" score tally, when Act 3 of Scrap Brain is the purple Labyrinth.

    -The ending with Sonic & Tails is a bit of a sprite priority mess:
    First he gets right behind Sonic, losing any spotlight he might have wished for in such a situation:
    Then, once the flash is gone, he appears smiling in front of a surprised Sonic. Now what's going on here, Tails?
    And finally, he stays in the background while appearing in front of Sonic's shoe (might be also worth noting that his body-head proportions and shoes seem to change all of a sudden).

    Now, if the priorities were correctly set, his head would not be visible, so the best fix for this would just make him stay at this spot.

    -Also regarding the endings, Tails and Knuckles seem to be lacking the inbetween frame for their respective ending poses, which make them pop up all of a sudden.
  14. Mastered Realm

    Mastered Realm

    AND that's why I'm confortable to wait more for a console release :D

    I still feel bad for Sonic CD PC being unpatched when there are no costs to patch a game on steam :(. The problem was, it was ported from the console version so it's not as easy to patch :S. Shitty SEGA decisions.
  15. D.A. Garden

    D.A. Garden

    Sonic CD's Sound Test Member
    Newtrons don't turn around while they are spawning, making them effectively useless as a badnik now. If you don't know what I mean, here's some images to explain:


    As you can see, a Newtron is spawning above Sonic and to his right.


    Sonic has passed the Newtron and is now on the right side of him, so a Newtron should (like in the original) turn around if they are still in their "appear" mode. This is so they appear to chase him.


    As I run passed more of them, they all turn to chase me. This doesn't happen in the Android/iOS version.
  16. ICEknight


    Researcher Researcher
    Oh, also regarding the spawning of enemies. Here's something I had reported earlier:
    Oddly enough, this seems to affect the Buzz Bombers only. It can be checked out by just hitting the first red spring in Spring Yard 1 and letting go.

    Re-updated here.
  17. I can't for the life in me get the level select codes working...which SEGA screen do you tap? The initial screen or the screen once you start the game? Can't do it with either. So far nothing major in terms of bugs, but the spindash sound doesn't seem to rev properly.
  18. Blue Blood

    Blue Blood

    1. Start the no-save file.
    2. Wait for the SEGA text to appear fully.
    3. Tap S, E, G and A individually. You'll hear a ring chime if performed correctly.
    4. Before the title screen has appeared, hold two fingers on the screen and keep them there until the level select appears.

    Step 4 technically just requires you to tap the screen with two fingers simultaneously, but holding them on it before hand will guarantee you get the timing perfect rather than pressing one finger briefly before the other thus starting the game normally by mistake
  19. Blastfrog


    See ya starside. Member
    Looks fine to me, it's just a side effect of being rendered in 3D with a higher FOV. Still, to lessen the effect would require lowering the FOV and adjusting the distance from the camera accordingly.

    Actually, I'd prefer that. Needs animation, of course, but the 8-bit Sonic 2 can be referenced for that.
  20. Twimfy


    Sonic the Comic stuff
    The latest Android Update has dropped my framerate down from an estimated 30-40fps to 5-10fps. Wtf??