Characterization in the Sonic Franchise

Discussion in 'General Sonic Discussion' started by Beamer the Meep, Apr 2, 2021.

What style of characterization do you prefer?

  1. Classic Era Characterization

    70 vote(s)
  2. Adventure Era (SA1 - SH) Characterization

    67 vote(s)
  3. Dark Era (ShTH - SU) Characterization

    17 vote(s)
  4. Modern Era (SC - SF) Characterization

    14 vote(s)
  5. Other

    14 vote(s)
Multiple votes are allowed.
  1. Every version of Sonic, even the more divergent ones like Archie, have followed the same basic template of "loves freedom, and likes to run fast". If you disagree with how they have written him, then that's another issue.

    We're not talking about "most people" we're talking about a fictional mascot designed to appeal to a specific demographic, and that's what Sonic is. Whether we like it or not, Sega aren't going on forums and polling for the opinions of a bunch of adult Sonic fans about how the character should be.
  2. Nova


    You're ignoring the fact that a lot of these versions of the character also emphasized his attitude and you're again walking back on what you said earlier. I give up.
  3. Azookara


    yup Member
    For the record (since my point was included in 5993’s post and I wanna make my own stance clear lol), I far prefer when Sonic retains an “attitude” and if I had control over it I’d make the interpretation of said attitude consistent.

    Classics -> OVA -> Adventures (and a few instances in between) I consider the character at his best. He’s never not had a bit of mild mannered ness to him, but those days were maybe it at its most pronounced, and his interpretation the least wishy washy.
  4. So I don't often do "yeah I agree posts" but dude... pick a stance and stick with it; changing your narrative when the discussion shifts doesn't do you or anyone else any favors. I'm cool if we disagree; I've disagreed with others in other topics and still respected their viewpoints. When you keep changing your argument it's hard to respect it. This isn't meant as a "hey I'm calling you out" thing; I generally respect your other posts. This is instead a "bruh...." moment.
  5. Ok, so I went over this entire thread and I never said Sonic's characterization was consistent, that was someone else. So I don't even know where that accusation came from.

    The most I said is that his base characterization is the same, which isn't really the same as saying his entire characterization is consistent.

    The only reason I didn't respond sooner is because I had things that needed my attention.
  6. Aerosol


    Not here. Moderator
    Not where I want to be.
    Sonic (?): Coming summer of 2055...?
    I would hardly call Movie!Sonic toothless. And definitely not "always-positive" either. The expression of his short-fuse and general brattiness might've changed, but it's all still there. I wouldn't be surprised if that's half the reason the movie was as successful as it was.

    And my "and there it is" comment was more of a snipe than anything. "You guys are just old" is not and never will be an actual argument to make and in the context of this thread was a predictable endpoint of constant backtracking.
  7. You don't have to agree with it, but I notice these types of polarizing opinions about characterization are almost always from the older fans who aren't fond of changes made to the franchise from the time period where they were the most invested.

    I even said that I'm no different and have literally made an entire essay on why I think Sonic's modern characterization fails on many fronts, so don't think I'm excluding myself from that statement either. I just decided to own that part of myself.
  8. Aerosol


    Not here. Moderator
    Not where I want to be.
    Sonic (?): Coming summer of 2055...?
    You're making a lot of assumptions. Almost all of them are wrong.
  9. The floor is yours man. How do you feel about Sonic's characterization and why do you call him "toothless" at times.
  10. Aerosol


    Not here. Moderator
    Not where I want to be.
    Sonic (?): Coming summer of 2055...?
    I didn't call him toothless. And I've expressed my opinion on his characterization in this thread already.
  11. Unless you meant to imply something else when you typed this.

    In any case, fine you prefer Sonic being an asshole and used X as an example.

    I wouldn't really call him an asshole in that series; aloof and extremely distant, but this is also the same guy who blew off a meeting with the president to spend the day with a paraplegic 12 year old. Asshole behavior to me is like...well everything Eggman or Shadow does.

    Think there's a wealth of difference between actually being a dick and just being playfully cheeky and smarmy. The latter is what I'd generally use to describe Sonic, asshole is a bit too extreme imo.
  12. Aerosol


    Not here. Moderator
    Not where I want to be.
    Sonic (?): Coming summer of 2055...?
    I meant to "imply" that I wonder how popular a toothless, always-positive Sonic would be. I's right there?

    Also do you know what hyperbole is? Serious question.
  13. Aesculapius Piranha

    Aesculapius Piranha

    つづく Oldbie

    I mean, even in for-fun Youtube shorts where he is babysitting he retains his attitude/meanstreak (I don't agree with "brattiness"). I don't see this as a productive argument.

    tbh I don't even get why people are acting like OVA was over the line at any point. Closest I can think is he has a carefree aloof attitude toward the greater situation (which is a trait that allows other characters to contrast) and he gets annoyed with Tails getting in trouble and making a lot of noise when he is trying to relax on the beach which I admit I could see someone taking that as Sonic being a jerk, but to me that is a situation played for fun and laughs and a contrast in Tails being a kid and Sonic being a teen (Yeah we forget that is part of his personality too, right?)

  14. Well my bad then, I was making an assumption in that case and I apologize.

    "X character is an asshole" is not a hyperbole to me, at least its not exaggerated enough for me to take it as one. If you say "Sonic is an asshole" well, I'm gonna take it exactly as it's said. If you didn't mean to imply that Sonic is literally an asshole and just meant to convey that you like the cheekiness of his character, then fine. I got nothing else to say on that cuz I generally agree.
  15. Nova


    He didn't say 'Sonic is an asshole'. He said 'kind of an asshole'.

    And again, telling your closest friend to shut up on occasion isn't particularly mean in my book. It's not like he's demeaning him or being overly patronizing - he has a short temper, is trying to enjoy some well-earned relaxation time and kid Tails is like "SONIC SONIC LOOK WOO LOOK AT ME" and Sonic loses it and just goes "rrgh SHUT UP TAILS!"

    Had shit not gone south for the rest of the movie I can imagine OVA Sonic making up for it at some point, be that by way of an apology or some other kind gesture.

    It's not personal and Tails knows Sonic well enough to know it isn't supposed to be. I really don't see the point of contention here.
  16. Aerosol


    Not here. Moderator
    Not where I want to be.
    Sonic (?): Coming summer of 2055...?
    Except I didn't say this either. I said "a bit of an asshole".
  17. Ok you're right, my fault. I did misread that.
  18. Wraith


    Sonic had more of an impatient, irreverent edge before, but he always struck me as a pretty stand up guy with a strong sense of justice and a personal philosophy he sticks pretty firmly to. When I look at it from that way, I can't really see any of the later Maekawa stuff as betrayals. I ended up rationalizing it in my mind as him growing more of a tolerance for people's BS around 2005-2009 and just flat out growing bored with fighting eggman in 2010-2013. I do want to see a bit more of that impatience return, but Sega hasn't let Sonic drift so far off course that he becomes unrecognizable, imo. He still had moments of impatience or snark in the storybook games(some of the best moments in those games for my money) and that's considered peak "nice Sonic."
  19. ChaddyFantome


    When people say Sonic became more of a goodie two-shoes later on, I feel that was more a consequence of Jason's Griffith's performance more than anything. He get sit down in later performances but especially early on, I feel he had a tendency to make Sonic come off like a TreeHouse character like Barney or Sora the Explorer.
    Games like 06 do a good job of illustrating it in my opinion.
    While Sonic has always had an attitude, he also always had a heart of gold. He's a stand up guy, even if he isn't exactly doing it because he is trying to be a "hero of justice" so to speak.
    With that said, Sonic also has a tendency to do things that can be considered inconsiderate or thoughtless due to his "I follow my own way" attitude about things.
  20. Laura


    Brightened Eyes Member
    I think the argument that Sonic is a jerk in the newer games in a way that he wasn't in 1998-2010 is overstated. Even if you take Lost World, which is especially unpopular because of its story and characterisation, Sonic stops being a smartass when Tails gets kidnapped and is very straight and direct about how he wants to get him back.

    Like in this cutscene with Zor:

    He doesn't make any sarcastic quips.

    It's the same in this cutscene with Zavok:

    He doesn't come across like a jerk at all to me.

    This is something I think is representative of the newer games in general. He can be a smartass, which is not helped by the awful jokes (Baldy Mcnosehair etc), but it's not like he's never compassionate. I just think the whole argument is a bit overblown honestly.