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Hiroshi Nishiyama (ex-Sonic Adventure 1/2) has rejoined Sonic Team

Discussion in 'General Sonic Discussion' started by 360, Apr 12, 2019.

  1. 360


    Light Vision Overdrive Oldbie
    United Kingdom
    Sonic Neon

    This seems to have flown under our radar so wanted to post a new thread about it for visibility.

    On the most recent Sonic stream this was announced and Aaron said that Hiroshi is involved with "future Sonic projects" in an episode where they played Sonic Adventure 2. Obviously it raises questions as to whether Sonic Team intends to work on (or are currently working on) either a Sonic Adventure remake or sequel.

    We are waiting on more information as we know from Sega documents that Sonic Team Japan are working on a new IP - so presumably not Sonic - but we also know that Iizuka has moved to the US (potential Sonic Team USA incoming?) just like the Sonic Adventure 2 days so future Sonic projects could be coming from the yet to be confirmed Sonic Team presence in the US.

    It is however super interesting given Hiroshi was the field art director for Sonic Adventure 1, 2 and Heroes and thus Dreamcast-era Sonic. So this could be our first indication of Sonic's future. Thoughts?
  2. Dark Sonic

    Dark Sonic

    Working on my art!
    Well it's good that they're bringing on people who have actual experience with the franchise instead of just hiring a bunch of rando newbies like with Lost World and Forces. Here's hoping that this results in something good down the line.
  3. I really hope we get clarification on this soon, but I take it to mean he has joined the apparent Sonic Team USA. If that is the case, I think it bodes well for whatever the next Sonic title is. The world of Sonic Adventure in particular was gorgeous as well as cohesive, and SA2 was no slouch in that department either. I won't jump the gun and assume this means a 3D entry is forthcoming, but I do believe Nishiyama's talents/experience will be great for whatever comes next.
  4. STHX


    SEGAAAAAAAAA?!? Member
    The world of Trophies
    Sonic In Mushroom Kingdom
    I know this has been a recurring joke for the sonic community, but with this news, how Forces got Shadow back into a playable role with the pre-order dlc and also tried to have a more "edgy" villain, the return of Big and all the Adventure and Heroes remixes in TSR (as well as the return of Crush 40), and that interview where they talked about the possibility of a Sonic Adventure remake, I think for the first time in 10 years there is a legit chance for a new Sonic Adventure

    In fact, the success of Mania could also help the case (Mania gave classic fans what they wanted and sold well, so maybe Sega believes that throwing a bone to the Adventure fans is worth investing in)
  5. Beltway


    The most grateful Sonic fan of all time this week Member
    Sega of Darkest Peru
    Artwork and classes
    Has it been actually said he's rejoined Sonic Team in particular? I thought it was said that he rejoined SoA.

    Lost World's designers are mostly the same mold responsible from Colors and the Storybook games. Not really any newbies there.

    As for Forces, bringing in rando newbies wouldn't had been a problem if they know, actually talented. It's also not like Sonic Team just left the newbies to their own devices, they were working under lead designers who worked on the aforementioned Nintendo-exclusive (Storybook/Colors/LW) Sonic titles.

    That aside, if this really supposed to be leading up to an Adventure sequel or remake...


    ...all I can say to ya'll Adventure fans is good luck. Especially if it is being designed by Sonic Team (alumni). If anything, I'd interpret Forces as a warning sign as to how such a revival would turn out.
  6. SuperSnoopy


    I like Sonic Advance Member
    Lyon, France
    Slice of life visual novel, coming soon...?
    Just because the designer for Adventure games rejoined Sonic Team doesn't mean we're getting a revival of the adventure formula.

    ...That being said, I can't lie and say I'm not a little hyped. We've been waiting for another Adventure game for so long now, and they have to know about the demand for Adventure 3, right?
  7. Laughingcow


    Resident Edgelord PHD Member
    Coming soon, Sonic Adventure Mania.

    I'll go the record and say the Adventure era is my favorite Sonic era but I don't think it's coming back. The "no true scotsman" that happens every fucking time Adventure 3 is brought up ensures there is ZERO chance of it working and if anybody at Sega is paying attention, they'll stay far away from that....On the other hand, Naoto Ohshima always seems to reblog Sonic stuff on twitter and even did fan art for Mania & Forces...I wonder if he's busy with anything at the moment?
  8. Zephyr


    I can't wait for this artist to fix all of my gameplay concerns.
  9. 360


    Light Vision Overdrive Oldbie
    United Kingdom
    Sonic Neon
    Yeah whole heartedly agree. Lots of signals that this is the direction they're heading in. And I think this (along with Iizuka outright name dropping it) is the strongest indication we have thus far that Adventure, at least in some form is next, whether it be a remake or sequel. I'd personally put my money on a remake of Adventure 1 for maximum Dreamcast nostalgia which would also make complete sense, given they just hired the guy that directly worked on it. And they'll see how that game does before deciding what comes after that.

    We're still a bit hazy and nothing is definite but I think Nishiyama was courted back solely because of his work on Adventure and it is the direction they intend to go in next.

    Yeah I do get that (he's an artist, not an engine guy) but to be fair to Sega they realised Forces was terrible and something significant had to be done with Sonic Team, hence Sega merging them in to CS2 shortly thereafter in their first major shake-up of the team in forever and have since hired Nishiyama (and let's be fair, Sonic Adventure's field art was gorgeous) who is very likely to be just the first of their new hires for their next game whether it be Sonic Adventure in some form or something else. They're trying to improve things, much more than before, to ensure future games are better.

    We may be in the dark as to the state of Sonic Team at the moment, but there have been massive changes, and I honestly think he's only the first of multiple new hires to evolve the team. Hopefully.

    EDIT: One more thing. Part of the team at CS2 working on a new IP instead of Sonic heavily infers Sega are finally giving some of the staff at Sonic Team a breather. And also does kind of validate all the "Sonic Team are burnt out" rumours from a while back. It's very likely Sega recognised it as potentially why Forces turned out the way it did. Though on this issue we can only really speculate.
  10. Dark Sonic

    Dark Sonic

    Working on my art!
    This def follows a pattern. Sonic team makes their best work after a series of stinkers, and while forces may not be 06 it's still not great. Seeing as how the last good game they made was Generations, and seeing as how the Mania team showed them up, I think we can expect something good from them.
  11. Laughingcow


    Resident Edgelord PHD Member
    I know, hopefully he's like that other artist, Shigeru Miyamoto.
  12. Zephyr


    Miyamoto has actually designed games, though.
  13. I'd be pretty happy if they remade SA1.

    SA2 though...meh. the OP is quite mistaken in calling SA2 'no slouch' in the looks department. SA2 was quite bland compared to the games before it and many after. Hope they don't do that again.

    Also, there is a lot of reason to be concerned about the gameplay, regardless of which era you happen to be a fan of. Forces gameplay was all we all know, mediocre at best. Adventure fans wont be happy with anything remotely like that.
    Classic fans think that gameplay is bad, and also the adventure gameplay itself (which most adventure fans think is great) classic fans think is pretty rough. I'm wondering what lessons theyve learned in 20 years that would give them the confidence to do something like this now? That's the only reason I have some doubts about it. Theres no reason to believe that they are suddenly capable of nailing something they havent made a significant effort to do in 20 years. It's not even like Mania, where Whitehead had done numerous side projects with the classic physics and we knew it could be done. Who at this point has shown us anything resembling a fine-tuned 3D formula? Unless Yuji naka has had some ideas he's been hiding....I just don't have much faith in it, despite the interest I have in seeing a very polished SA1 remake.
  14. Powpuck


    Adventure 2 will be remade with a halved framerate, thereby eliminating its one redeeming quality. Oh boy.
  15. Plorpus


    Hog Blue So What Member
    They can do whatever the hell they want with it as long as they get the chao garden right.
  16. 360


    Light Vision Overdrive Oldbie
    United Kingdom
    Sonic Neon
    The OP? Dude I didn't say that. saintminya did. Otherwise very excellent post with great thoughts. I'd love a remake of Sonic Adventure 1 also.
  17. Ayu Tsukimiya

    Ayu Tsukimiya

    UGUU~ Member
    All I really want from an Adventure remake is this and Sonic's controls being at least on par with the originals.
  18. Ah my bad, I misread. Easy to misread posts on the phone.