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Sonic Generations Hacking (and More!)

Discussion in 'Engineering & Reverse Engineering' started by Andrew75, Jun 23, 2011.

  1. Chris Highwind

    Chris Highwind

    Statesville, NC
    Ok, so, I went into the Sonic.prm.xml file to mess around with the ring magnetism (the value that determines the range in which rings will become attracted to you during boost), and while flipping through the XML file, I found this:

    Code (Text):
    1. <XButtonHoming>false</XButtonHoming>
    Apparently there's a little bit of code that, if you turned it on, would map the Homing Attack to the X button instead of the A button.

    You guys probably already know this, but I just wanted to throw it in here.

    EDIT: Also, I was wanting to ask this in #retro, but everyone was too busy with some random football game they call the Super Bowl (:v:). Anyways, this value here:

    Code (Text):
    1. <BoostPullRadius>1.2</BoostPullRadius>
    controls the range in which rings would be pulled towards you during boost. Would 2 be pushing it if I'm trying to go for Unleashed's radius?
  2. Lanzer


    The saber calls for its master... Member
    Glendale, AZ
    Living life.
    I wouldn't say something like impossible or hopeless, just incredibly hard. One day someone with enough determination and smarts will crack it, just probably will be long after our times here. For now, what we do here will lay the groundwork for future progress.
  3. BlazeHedgehog


    A "Community Enigma"? Oldbie
    What's Classic Sonic's model look like on Modern Sonic's skeleton? I could probably do it myself, but... ehhh, effort.
  4. TimmiT


    ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Member
  5. I'm surprised that nobody's done Classic Metal over Classic Sonic. It's kind of an obvious one :P
  6. Techokami


    For use only on NTSC Genesis systems Researcher
    Sonic Worlds Next
    Now we just need an Egg Pawn version... :)
  7. Dario FF

    Dario FF

    Tech Support Hotline Tech Member
    On the subject of Havok collision reverse-engineering, I wrote a little parser this morning for any Havok XMLs exported via Max to add properties of materials(water, sideway walls, aligned floors, grass, stone, etc.) based on an extra tag added to the name of the rigid body(e.g. MyPrettyBox001@water), and repack it as a binary file readable by the game. The database only has the water material at the moment, but adding the rest should be something as trivial as looking to Generations' havok files and copying some properties around. Thanks to Dami for the name idea(and I also saw this used in the Generations' objects as well, since they seem to add the tag hkRB_mat## or the like).

    Once the other team members tested it and confirm it to be stable enough I can do a release here(of the Havok parser). For now, here's Chu-nan's water acting like well... water! Except for the buggy material, but I'll have to look into that later. At least the collision works as intended. I also went super because the boost drain on water is so ridiculously big that it's pretty hard to do it with regular boost. That should be tweakable in an XML for sure though.

  8. Lobotomy


    35% Cognac Banned
    Traverse City
    Project: Matter/Energy

    Also: Is the water missing a texture or shader? It looks a bit too clear.
  9. BrigadierBaz


    Poole, Dorset, UK
    Generations Music Replacement and Editing
    This is the first time I've ever tried to hack a game and succeeded.

    Planet Wisp Act 1 with Launch Base music:

    Time Eater with Doomsday Music (Project Chaos and Original):

    CPK downloads in descriptions
  10. Chimera


    I'm not a furry. Tech Member
    Castlevania prettyness
    Do the creep.

    Unleashed apparently handled reflection maps a different way than Generations (like it did with MOST things >_>). Therefore, it's bugged. Also, I think normal maps are disabled with the material formatting Unleashed has, so it looks like even more shit than it should (Spec maps might be missing too!).

    Also dat launch base in PW. WHY was that not an option originally? :(
  11. You asked for it

    at the 2 minute mark
  12. Felik


    It is so half-assed for a good reason or just because the author was hurrying to show it asap?
    It looks really unpolished and I don't get why since metal sonic has pretty much the same skeleton structure as all other cast.
  13. Joyfulness

    The author basically said "take this slightly fixed (another character whose name escapes me) and a half assed metal sonic, have fun". And out came this video.
  14. Dario FF

    Dario FF

    Tech Support Hotline Tech Member
    It is so half-assed because what everyone's doing is renaming a bunch of files, replacing some already made animations and call it a day. If any of these mods took the effort of trying to make a custom animation(which is kinda possible at the moment since havok animations exported should work), it would be a bit more fun to watch.

    Now I'm probably being unfair because back when I joined all I did was swap a bunch of classic/modern levels, but at least there was some effort into editting the layouts(and we really didn't have much info at that point). :v: I'm just saying that with all the knowledge at this point, much better stuff could be done. Heck, make the boost a lot slower, replace the animation with a custom one of Knuckles' punching, replace his jump dash with a little glide animation... And you got some sort of Heroes' Knuckles.

    In other news, darkspines is being awesome and figuring out a hell lot of terrain formats. If all the models are figured out I'd love to work on importing custom geometry, but it would probably be dependent on Ogre... but that's not a bad thing either because you wouldn't be stuck having to do stuff for 3DS Max, but rather use one of the common exporters from Maya/Blender/Max to Ogre(and the material format is plain, easily edittable text). Would a level maker(Dude :v:) approve of this?

    It should also be mentioned that the Hedgehog engine relies a lot on instancing geometry. It doesn't copy the same plant pot around multiple times, it just references the same model of the plant pot all across the terrain.
  15. BrigadierBaz


    Poole, Dorset, UK
    Generations Music Replacement and Editing
    Many people have probably asked this before, but where are the HUD files kept in the PC version? I wanted to transparate em' to record some clean footage for an assignment we have to do.
  16. I believe there was some glitch where you could get rid of the HUD by forcing 8x Anti Aliasing on ATI cards (Don't remember if it still works and if it's only for ATI cards or not though).
    EDIT: Forcing 8x AA with Catalyst Control Center made the HUD disappear for me.
  17. DustArma


    Santiago, Chile
    Learning Python.
    Enabling 8x antialiasing through driver settings has the same effect and since it won't work on Generations you don't get a performance loss.
  18. BrigadierBaz


    Poole, Dorset, UK
    Generations Music Replacement and Editing
    That will cause a lot more than I want to disappear.

    Besides I found the dds files for the results in bb2 so I'm just about to test it out.
  19. ArtFenix


    New Sonic related Game Music Video
    I removed pretty much all HUD. yeah, it's located in .dds files throughout the game's files: in bb, bb2 and bb3.
    Yeah, that removes some lighting/water effects, boost aura and stuff like that.
    Some sreens.
  20. BrigadierBaz


    Poole, Dorset, UK
    Generations Music Replacement and Editing
    I've managed to remove the results screen completely and the Shadow battle exclusive hud, all of which were in bb2. Can you recall where the others in bb and bb3 are?