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Sonic 4: Episode 1 Discussion

Discussion in 'General Sonic Discussion' started by Cinossu, Oct 11, 2010.

  1. Chuck D Head

    Chuck D Head

    The Dead Zone
    Semi-Super Sonic the Hedgehog 2
    Yeah but that point is flawed as Super Mario 2 wasn't supposed to play like Super Mario Bros (this is obvious from the start of the game), whereas Sonic 4 was/is expected to play just like the three that came before it.
  2. D.A. Garden

    D.A. Garden

    Sonic CD's Sound Test Member
    Ok, so I haven't said a word about Sonic 4 on the forums since it's announcement. I purchased the game this morning, so I thought now was a good a time as any. I'm not going to go into huge details and such (As much as I'll try not to). I just have one thing to say on the matter. This is summed up into 3 points.

    • Sonic 4 Episode I is a fun game. As a game. Compared to some of the other games on the market, it's a good laugh.
    • In light of recent Sonic games, it's a good Sonic game for it's time. Let's hope that Sonic Team (Sega? I seem to lost track these days) continue with the upward turn this game seems to have started.
    • It is NOT Sonic 4 as I imagined it. Now, I know some of you may say "Hang on, you just said it was causing an upward turn, so that's good right?" and yes, that is good. But that doesn't mean that Sonic 4 Episode I automatically gets a 10/10 just for shooting the franchise back in the right direction. Plus there are more episodes coming and Sonic Colours looks to be keeping it that way for now.
  3. Tylinos


    I'd be really surprised if, when it came out in 1988, people weren't expecting Super Mario Bros. 2 to play just like the game that came before it.
  4. Cooljerk


    Professional Electromancer Oldbie
    Well, actually back in the mid to late 80's, sequels rarely actually played like the games preceding them. They usually were vastly different games. Look at, say, Donkey Kong vs Donkey Kong Jr vs Donkey Kong 3. Or Wonderboy vs Wonderboy in Monster Land. Look at all the Alex Kidd games. Look at Zelda vs Zelda 2. Ys I & II and Ys III. Zillion and Zillion 2.

    EDIT: Heck, compare Mario bros to Super Mario Bros. Don't forget that Super Mario Bros was actually a sequel.
  5. trakker


    The guy that's been warned! Member
    Just copy/paste the physics from Sonic advance 1 would be a huge improvement, Dimps own that don't they? It's totally beyond me why that cant recycle what the already have that already works a lot better

    When I first went from say, S3&K to Sonic Advance, there was no learning curve, asides from being on the GBA, the physics were pretty accurate. Bar from the sprite animations Sonic did pretty much what I expected him to.

    Like roll down a hill and gain momentum regardless of wether I was holding a direction lol
  6. MegaDash


    Pinpricks Member
    Fix your quote. I believe that was directed to RubyEclipse, not a quote from him.
  7. Runner


    Long time no see, old friend. Member
    How about creating a Wiki article with all the PHYSICS differencies between classic Sonic and Sonic 4?

    So, RubyEclipse will have something complete to show to Sega.

  8. This sounds much better than the original, and yet even with good instrumentation it still sounds like an amateurish attempt at classic music (that's a statement on the composition itself, not your work, which sounds great btw). The only piece of music in the game that is well written to me is SHZ Act 1 (although it sounds crap in S4 with the orchestral masterpiece synth sound).

    Without getting off topic, I'd be interested to know what samples you used for this remix.
  9. Blue Warrior

    Blue Warrior

    Sonic 1 soundtrack
    I could go in depth, but basically it's the Yamaha S-YXG50 VSTi. If you have a midi sequencer and know how to use all the XG effects and whatnot, it's a pretty convenient and widescale sound-scape to work with.
  10. SA2


    Sonic's dead; fly down to his corpse Member
    I finally got around to getting the demo of this, my wonky video/audio cable aside... It was pretty fun. I think I'm going to try and buy the full game. The physics didn't really bug me in the slightest.
  11. Indigo Rush

    Indigo Rush

    I've listened to this song so many times that my ears are bleeding, but I'm happy about it, because I lost my hearing listening to the best arrangement ever.

    Please, once I recover my hearing, please move on to remixing Casino Street Zone Act 2: Road of Cards!

    Oh, right, this is a topic about the game, too.

    I played some Sonic 4 on the Wii. Eh, it's nowhere near the classic masterpiece that it was hyped up to be, but it's a much better game than most of the crud that SEGA's been pumping for the last decade. I like the visuals, too. I wouldn't call it Sonic 4, but the title doesn't matter much anyway. I had a good time playing in spite of the physics issues. Looking forward to Episode II. Here's hoping for an original ice level.
  12. Eric Wright

    Eric Wright

    Born into this. Oldbie
    *coughLike STIcough*

    Just like the concerns from many fans were "heard and taken into consideration" while the game was still in development? I know you're just a kinda PR guy, so any frustrations can't really be directed toward you personally; but unless you have a direct line to the People In Charge of physically coding and producing the game, I can hardly imagine they would pay any mind to the things any of us have been saying.

    It's not that it "wasnt even supposed to be" a mario game- Nintendo USA wanted a sequel but said the japanese Mario 2 (lost levels on All-Stars) was too similar to the previous game for them to risk releasing it. Since Miyamoto worked on Doki Doki Panic, it had the same creative influence and touch, so they made some changes and called it Mario. The ironic thing about it, though, is that not only did it play extremely well, it influenced how Mario 3's gameplay was approached, and continued influencing the series right up until present day. It was a good game, and it was definitely worthy of being part of the Mario franchise- you can't draw parallels to it and Sonic 4.

    for what it's worth, I did a second video.
  13. MykonosFan


    MODE CHANGE. Moderator
    Just wanted to ask before I dedicate my time, does it matter what mode you're playing to get the Untouchable Achievement? I'm planning on doing Time Attack since it just seems simpler to restart if I die, but didn't want to devote all the effort into it just to have it be Score Attack only or something.
  14. Thanks. That's all the info I needed.  :thumbsup:
    Would love to hear SHZ Act 1 in this style. It's much more oldschool sounding than their attempts in the game, because it sounds like an old synth, while still having variety of timbre.
  15. DigitalDuck


    Arriving four years late. Member
    Lincs, UK
    TurBoa, S1RL

    Dimps and Sonic Team, Sonic the Hedgehog 4 is fun. However, the physics are crap. Fix, please.

    Feel free to use without credit.

    EDIT: And fixed, I think.

    EDIT2: HA, not WA. I blame the forum fucking up and distracting me. Fixed again.
  16. Dan Lioneye

    Dan Lioneye

    I see someone seems to have cheated their way to the top of the XBOX leaderboards already with the same recurring unfeasibly massive score. What a chode-rodeo. Apologies if the scores are somehow legit.
  17. DigitalDuck


    Arriving four years late. Member
    Lincs, UK
    TurBoa, S1RL
    They're not legit. Even if he managed to bounce on/homing attack every single badnik in one jump, and finish the level in one second collecting every ring in the level, he still wouldn't reach that score.
  18. Dusk Golem

    Dusk Golem

    Where Fear and Cryptic Puzzles lie... Member
    They're just as legit as those exact same users getting 0'00'00 times in Time Attack mode.
  19. Willie


    Each day the world turns Laugh 'til it all burns Member
    Question regarding the last boss and time attack mode: + - Will I be able to see the ending if I play it on time attack mode? The answer determines whether or not I try to get that trophy on time attack or the normal score based one since I want to see the Super sonic ending.  
  20. Machenstein


    About my statements about the speed cap from earlier, I assumed running didn't have a speed cap while rolling did because there is this huge wall in Casino Street Act 2 that you can't Spin Dash up (even when holding right) yet you can simply run up it. It's that wall that starts vertical but then has you running upside down on this huge sideways curve. Maybe it's not the speed cap the prevents the Spin Dash from going up it. It's most likely the fact that gravity doesn't apply to Sonic when running up walls or other surfaces. There is also the fact that Sonic's momentum dries up when you Spin Dash up a hill, yet Sonic never stops when running up it.

    EDIT: Fixed hilarious typo. It's "speed cap" not "speed crap".