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Takashi Iizuka's levels

Discussion in 'General Sonic Discussion' started by sonicteamUSA, Jan 1, 2009.

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  1. muteKi


    Fuck it Member
    Slopes, maybe -- especially to keep up the ability to gain speed without spamming boost pads. Loops, not so much.

    Iizuka's not a totally horrid game designer or art director, but like Sakurai buys into his own hype too much. If he wasn't trying to do so much we could have a game that like the original NiGHTS or Smash Bros. might be considered a masterpiece by critics, but when he does we get something that looks good on paper or in his head.
  2. sonicteamUSA


    ....umm.....blame that on the camera programmer.

    .......uh..YEAH. Why shouldn't they? That's what makes sonic's world appealing.

    Correction, Yasuhara was map design director. The map design was done by two artists at travellers tales.

    The mistake you're making there is comparing the length and design of the 2d levels w/ the 3d levels. Of course Sonic 1 had short was 1991.......there was limited technology.....the game had one designer.
    Yet, Sonic 3 & Knux's levels also seem to drag on, yet I don't see you complaining about that.

    The level design starting w/ sonic adventure is the staple for all 3d sonic games. Linear and fast. That's the way they decided to design it, and that's the way the newer generation enjoyed them. SA2 improved on the design by implementing more moves and abilities. Heroes used a team concept, so again iizuka adapted to this to create more open areas with flight, speed and combat balanced out.
    In Shadow the Hedgehog, and here's a quote from Takashi on the game: "The heart of the game is all about high-speed action and it's been challenging to balance the design of a new style of gameplay that includes weapons and vehicles but that's also what's been so exciting. Shadow, like Sonic is known for his speed, his power and his destructive nature."
    As you can see, he has to adapt to different design choices with each new concept.

    For NiGHTS JoD, we get something unique. Large open worlds with rings and rings and other strange objects. And it goes back to the concept of linearity from the sonic adventure games which is good. That's what Iizuka is good at.

    And most people would say the design in Sonic 06 was terrible. It seems you hate all the level designs in the 3d sonic games, except some in Sonic 06. I actually agree with you on some of the design in Sonic 06 being pretty cool. Like the 1st & 2nd part of Crisis City where your boarding and then grinding. It's still linear design I'm not sure what you mean. Sonic was made to be linear. Not free roaming.
  3. Erinaceus


    I'm Hamilton Member
    Well, if that resume listed is indeed accurate, then from what I can tell, Iizuka really is a master of the visceral experience, but has problems when crafting an interactive experience. Is he in the wrong field? Should he be designing rollercoasters for theme parks or tracks for racing games? I don't know.

    Sonic is about a balance between the visceral and the interactive. I think there needs to be another designer to counter Iizuka's penchant for rollercoaster tracks. I noticed in Sonic Adventure, it lists Lost World as a part of Iizuka's handiwork. Tell me, does that include the inner chamber where Sonic runs up the walls to go from room to room? I think that's one of the better-designed aspects of Sonic Adventure, even though that's also where the camera is at its worst. I can believe Iizuka crafted the Snake ride part, the waterfall part, and the big rock. But I have a hunch someone else designed the inner chamber...
  4. Jayextee


    Unpopular Opinions™ Member
    Atro City
    Green Hill Zone resents and is appalled by this statement, sir.
  5. sonicteamUSA


    green hill zone is linear, no matter what way you put it. Of course there's paths on the top and bottom (it's easy to do that, cause it's 2d), but those paths still come to the main path.

    Something that isn't linear for example is Oil Ocean Zone, and look what happened to it, it turned out to be a disaster.
    This includes some levels in Sonic & Knux. When it strays from linearity, it just falls apart and can get frustrating. Like Sandopolis 2nd act for example.

    The waterfall, big rock, and inner chamber are all part of the same section and the music doesn't change, so yeah.
    In the inner chamber when you run up the walls, it's kind of reminscent of the last part of crazy gadget where you use gravity to walk all over the diffrent colored walls. Also the snake statues found all over the level also appear in Pyramid Cave. Not the exact same ones, but they're still snake statues. Snake Statues also appear in Death Ruins in Shadows game.
  6. Dude


    Tech Member
    Southbridge, MA
    Random VR/AR trash

    Designers can collaborate on sections of a game fyi - its not as strict as designer one works up until the scene change, then hands it over. In fact, the scene changed in sonic adventure were mainly dictated by hardware limitations - once the texture library or level geometry started getting to big to be loaded into ram all in one piece, it had to be split. This is illustrated most clearly in levels that were designed as one piece, then split (Egg Carrier, Station Square, Ice Cap)
  7. Jayextee


    Unpopular Opinions™ Member
    Atro City
    So, the fact that there are multiple paths (Which you admit) doesn't at least make it multilinear? (Not the same as being simply linear)

    Or, how about the fact that GHZ has about three main paths that can cross-over at points (Enabling you to, say, join the upper path from the lower one by jumping at the right angle off a slope)?

    I stand by what I implied; Sonic was not designed to be linear. Thank you :3
  8. sonicteamUSA


    You could be right. But than again, I have no idea how the designers of the game collaborated. I'm just making comparisions with other iizuka levels.

    In Ice Cap, after you exit the cavern to move on to the snowboard, the textures and color in the cave wall right after you exit the ice cavern are different.
    Station Square I believe was done in one piece.
    Mystic Ruins not sure.
    Egg Carrier has an inside and outside, so I'm not sure abou that either. It would be a lot easier if I actually had this game :) I have to rely on Youtube vids.
  9. The "roller coaster" thing has been my main gripe ever since those damn grind rails were introduced. Unleashed finally made them fun but until then it was just sit back and grind. WHOLE LEVELS centered on grinding.

    Level design should actually take into account the way a game controls. If you know that the jump is floaty, camera twitchy, and commands unresponsive, make the levels accordingly. The idea of "yeah the physics and controls and camera suck...but the levels were well designed!" is a paradox. No, if the levels were well designed then everything ELSE wouldn't have stood out so bad.

    And the comment below really shows the mindset one has to have. "Playing the game by actually controlling my character and navigating a level is too complicated and annoying." is essentially what he's saying.
  10. sonicteamUSA


    Of course there should be multiple paths, but those multiple paths should still be all linear. Green Hill Zone, despite the top and bottom paths, is still linear. You don't get lost, and you don't move to the left to continue on, like in Sonic 3 & Knux (marble garden for example, where you have to move right and left to continue, which is annoying).
  11. P.P.A.


    Sonic MD (Currently: Art for Zone 3)
    Reading the above post you sound as though you consider anything that goes from a start to a goal linear, no matter how many split paths and alternate routes and wildly different ways there are to get to the goal.

    You haven't be looking properly then, because that is also the reason I hate Sonic 3 & Knuckles. Also it doesn't matter what year it is or what dimension the game is in. Why would levels in 2008 have to be longer than ones in the early 90s if they were just as fun, well-designed or with as much replay value?

    Unofrtunately. All these things are also what has driven the series into the ground.
    I wish he did. Instead of making alternate paths for the different formations or allowing them to cross the same areas in widly different ways, all the team feature yielded at the end was certain points in the stages that forced you to switch to fly to cross an inevitable abyss, shoot a target, or punch some enemies for a door to open. Which is a terrible use of the concept and thus it's not only a stupid idea in the first place, but also badly executed!


    And that is what Sonic is not and never was about. (Linearity.) As I said, he should be hired by an amusement park to design wild rides, but please get his sorry ass out of my Sonic franchise.

    The first parts of Crisis City were bad. Now only because the boarding controls are horribly bugged but also because those segments are awfully linear. Furthermore, I said I like all of Sonic R's levels (sans RE), naming the S06 ones afterwards and adding that they were a step into the right direction, but not reaching the level pf perfection Sonic R's courses did. And I do not see how that open, convoluted forest lake of Sonic's TJ or Kingdom Valley's start with its various paths on different heights and the two sides of the valley are linear, to name just a few.

  12. Jayextee


    Unpopular Opinions™ Member
    Atro City
    You're saying that in Sonic games, good levels make you just go in the same direction? I've had it with this thread. :/
  13. You guys bumped it into another page! But yeah, he pretty much thinks that having to actually play the game is annoying which is why he loves the simplistic layouts these days. Not to mention he just admitted that most of his "research" is just done by Youtube videos, and not know...playing the levels.
  14. sonicteamUSA


    Constantly switching between moving left and right in a long level and avoiding annoying enemy placement in a 2D sonic game is annoying. Especially for people who never grew up with old sonic.

    Only for SA1 & NiGHTS JoD
  15. Dude


    Tech Member
    Southbridge, MA
    Random VR/AR trash
    the main problem with non-linearity is what I call the ice cap act 2 effect - All one has to do to beat the level in 10 seconds is spinjump up to a path that takes you right to the end.

    Also, sonic levels should not only have multiple paths, but multiple end points as well.
  16. Are you forced to take the quick route? Then how is act that there is one a flaw?
  17. Dude


    Tech Member
    Southbridge, MA
    Random VR/AR trash
    No, but having routes that literally break the game kill the replay value. Its really hard to not use the fastest route through a level when you're on a timer.
  18. sonicteamUSA


    I'm not a fan of the simplistic layouts in sonic adventure and especially Sonic Riders.
    Sonic Adventure while the levels are fun, they're just not much to do but run.

    When I played Sonic Riders, I couldn't believe how simplistic and half-assed the design was. Not only were the levels short, but they carbon copied levels (splash canyon/red canyon)
    Add on top of that, that there were 7 Level Designers for that game. SEVEN !!

    This is why I appreciate Iizuka a hell of a lot more than you guys.
  19. Vaiyt


    Oglio p'ru çeu Member
    Non-linear =/= Labyrinthine and/or confusing.

    The difference between Green Hill and Iizuka's design phylosophy is the difference between a skatepark and a rollercoaster. A skatepark is more fun the better you can skate and, when you're good, going from point A from point B is a total blast with a lot of possibilities and options. A rollercoaster, on the opposite, is a guaranteed romp but one that you have no control over.
  20. GeneHF


    SEGA-ier than you'll potentially ever be. Site Staff
    Scenic Studiopolis
    Complete Global Conquest
    Iizuka green-lighted Shadow and authorized that raping of the original NiGHTS in the sham of a sequel on Wii. You won't find much love for him here.
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