This reminds me of when news channels first started trying to integrate the internet into their broadcasts, it usually just consisted of an anchor...
Considering the way Sonic Team operated at the time someone must have died to get them to actually cancel a game that reached playability,...
I'm pretty sure that he's supposed to have short fur on those parts, based on a Google image search, actual hedgehogs don't have a bald spot on...
Hey look, it's a Na'vi with an iPod. Also: really dumb teen angst. I get the idea that it was drawn by someone with self diagnosed asperger's...
It's much better to just turn or double tap the stick to stop as Luigi. Plus, using the stomp to stop? jumping and then doing another move to...
Unity builds for Macs.
Put the "zzwwsszzazwwss" thing on the DAC or whatever Megamix uses to play samples and it seems pretty doable. The song would have Ice Cap Zone...
Separate names with a comma.