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The Sonic 3, 20th Anniversary & Knuckles Thread

Discussion in 'General Sonic Discussion' started by The Taxman, Oct 18, 2014.

  1. Ok. We have a website up. Now, if this thing is going to take off in any sorts it needs organization. For crying out loud this thread was dead for over a month until today. If we are going to make something like this happen we have to actually try. The website was a good first step. I like what Jen said, and TimmiT did a good job at emphasizing this fact, is that we have this little thing called social media now. Twitter, for instance, would be a great way to spread this. Wouldn't a good idea be to get sites like SEGABits and The Sonic Stadium to help join in by using the @SEGA handle and some creative hashtag? We have the resources. Now we have to actually put the time and effort into making this a reality.
  2. steveswede


    Ask my hand
    Fighting against the Unitary State of Europe
    8chan is an anonymous board where the rules are anything goes that does not break US law. The board owner has stated this on numerous occasions including interviews that he believes in free speech including talk of things he doesn't like. Anyone who posts CP gets banned and their IP address reported. Also 8chan isn't gamergate. The boards are set up independently of one another, anyone here can set up a board, we could even set up a Sonic Retro board there if we wanted to right now. 8chan has a /v/ board where they talk about games where I'll post the info, there are more things to 8chan than what the media wants to portray it as and if 8chan is guilty of hosting CP, then so is Twitter, Facebook, Google.

    I'm posting there because anonymous boards don't require you to subscribe.
  3. TimmiT


    ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Member
    Okay, whatever, but even if that'd be the case that's not what I'm talking about. I'm talking about what it would look like if the campaign was known for being backed by 8chan. And considering that 8chan is known as the place where shit goes that 4chan doesn't allow, that wouldn't look good at all.

    I mean, I doubt that it's actually going to cause that much attention there, but still, you don't want the campaign to be known as something backed by paedophiles and misogynists.
  4. steveswede


    Ask my hand
    Fighting against the Unitary State of Europe
    The internet gaming shit flinging fight is none of our concern with this, let's keep this on track and lets not fight about it.
  5. TimmiT


    ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Member
    "Let's not care about how people perceive this thing we want people to support."
  6. Overlord


    Now playable in Smash Bros Ultimate Moderator
    Long-term happiness
    So long as they're not specifically saying in the letter "HEY I'm FROM 8CHAN" I don't see the issue, honestly.
  7. Lilly


    United States
    Shang Mu Architect
    I don't think there's anything wrong with being realistic about this, like TimmiT is right now. On the other hand, it doesn't hurt to try, even if most petitions fail horribly. (Project Moonfall, for instance, and Rockstar had already planned on porting GTA V to PC, just not with the same edition that the PS3/360 got, so it was pointless to petition for.) Of course, petitions to get Dark Souls and other games on the PC panned well, so little things like that give players hope, I guess.

    Maybe they already know a Sonic 3 remaster is wanted, but aren't sure if fans are willing to compromise on the sticky bits. This effort could potentially clear that up and say we wouldn't mind a few changes, as long as the game gets released.
  8. Stealth


    Tech Member
    Sonic Mania, HCGE, Sonic Megamix, SonED2, [...]
  9. Fantastic


    Born on an island, in the heavens. Member
    Don't let a couple of bad apples ruin a bunch.
  10. AngelComa


    Site Staff
    Telling a community manager won't do much and especially right now (seeing as SOA is going through a move). I would say a campaign with signatures would grab their attention, coordinated between all Fansites (Retro, Stadium, Bits, TSSZ) would get more attention then a few tweets at the official twitter. I would say 'it doesn't work', but the fact that we are going to be playing Yakuza 5 this summer (and got to play Valkyria Chronicles on PC) say otherwise.

    Though, I think its tragic that SEGA hasn't released the ports via PSN/XBLA/Steam (minus CD, which did).
  11. big smile

    big smile

    I've started a petition in the style of Sega PC ports:

    I will add it to the website later on.

    I think we should be able to get at least 30 signatures from the Reto Forums. Once it get's that many, I'll email this list of websites that covered the prototype originally. Hopefully with 30 signatures they'll want to cover it and then hopefully support will grow.

    Regarding all these comments about letters vs online: These were all answered by the expert feedback we received.
    So even if you sign the online petition, I would recommend sending a letter as well. It only takes 2 minutes to print. If you go over the expert feedback, you'll clearly see why it is important.
    Plus, if you tweet a photo of your letter, then it's not an either or choice. You can use the power of both mediums.
  12. Josh


    I think I'll collect together some of these efforts, and put together a short video pushing it to my YouTube subscribers tomorrow. Probably also push that to Reddit, and try to get it featured on blogs and whatnot. I'll include the hashtag, the letter campaign, and big smile's petition. At the very least, I hope we can get a statement regarding this! It'd be a shame to leave the remastered trilogy incomplete.
  13. TimmiT


    ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Member
    I was talking about 8chan, not 4chan. :v:

    Anyway, good to see a normal internet petition. Signed it. I do still think it would be better if the video wouldn't be directed at just Haruki Satomi though. As again: that still makes the aim here a mobile release.
  14. steveswede


    Ask my hand
    Fighting against the Unitary State of Europe

    What I wrote.

    Hey guys, a few of us in the Sonic community have organized a petition to bring a remastered version of Sonic 3 and we need as many people to sign the petition and send letters to Sega of Japan. Due to the language barrier it's difficult for non Japanese speakers to get the message across that we want the final game to be remade to complete the classic collection. We have the creators of the Sonic 1, 2, CD remake ready to go with making this game, we have a Japanese letter written out ready for printing, all we need is for people to fill out the forms and pass this petition around. You can find out more details and the letters to print in the links below. When you have finished please post a picture of your letter so we can boost morale.


    My letter has been sent through the post, hope everyone else is doing the same. If you are on Twitter it could be worth asking prominent gaming figures like Total Biscuit to signal boost it to his followers. Just do Twitter longer with this info and ask to do a cover video.

    Get moving people.
  15. TimmiT


    ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Member
    Right, sorry for the drama earlier, I forgot that 8chan would write this off as autistic fans doing something stupid. :v:
  16. I saw it coming.

    Will it help if I tweet this to some famous letsplayers like BSC (Johnny, Ted, Ryan and Lewis) or the Great Clement? Or did they already help? Or how about people like Al Nilsen and Tom Kalinske? They're on Twitter too!
  17. TimmiT


    ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Member
    Seeing how TotalBiscuit is still boycotting SEGA stuff, I kinda doubt that he'd support this.
  18. steveswede


    Ask my hand
    Fighting against the Unitary State of Europe
    And 4chan, but that's Anon culture for ya. Also you can play your part by posting a thread on NeoGAF.

    @Polish Pete

    Yes try to encourage everyone you know on social media to signal boost it.

    Anyone a member of the Escapist? If so can you post a thread there please.
  19. steveswede


    Ask my hand
    Fighting against the Unitary State of Europe
    If you can sort it out for tomorrow that would be great.

    Also if any of you lot go to other Sonic forums post the details there asap to get more people involved. Now is the time to get motivated over this.

    @moderators, administrators and site staff.

    Please put something on the front page to signal boost this.
  20. Beltway


    The most grateful Sonic fan of all time this week Member
    Sega of Darkest Peru
    Artwork and classes
    Honestly I feel that if Sega was on board with the idea of a Sonic 3&K getting a remaster we would had gotten it by now, like sometime during last year. CD, 1, and 2, getting remakes/remasters pretty much establishes the idea of 3&K being remastered as a no-brainer (in an ideal world, anyway). So for nothing to come out of it a year since the last remaster and for TaxStealth revealing a POC they made on their own desires --rather than at Sega's behest-- convinces me Sega got cold feet at the 11th hour at some point on the idea. I bet it happened when Sega of America's downsizing was being finalized. Speaking of which-correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm pretty sure that branch were the driving force of support for getting the remakes/remasters published in the first place-so with them being neutered, I think it just makes the idea even more unlikely. And that's not even getting into the rumored music rights issues. + - (Which I personally feel people sometimes overspin to a point that makes the situation more mythically complex than what it actually is.)