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What hazard do you hate the most in Sonic?

Discussion in 'General Sonic Discussion' started by Volpino, Apr 23, 2010.

Which hazard do you hate the most in Sonic games?

  1. Badniks/enemies

    0 vote(s)
  2. Spikes

    0 vote(s)
  3. Lava

    0 vote(s)
  4. Hazardous obstacles (Crushing blocks, tredmills leading into spikes, etc)

    0 vote(s)
  5. Bosses

    0 vote(s)
  6. Bottomless pits

    0 vote(s)
  7. Water

    0 vote(s)
Multiple votes are allowed.
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  1. Sparks


    Sondro Gomez / Kyle & Lucy
    I never understood the difficulty in this one. Just time your spin dash right and you'll go under it quick enough.
  2. Monochrome


    United Kingdom
    Colour Sonic hacks
    Those crushing blocks that result in instant death, especially the ones in Metallic Madness in Sonic CD. But I despise those crushing pistons and black things in Metropolis. Instant mortality obstacles suck.

    Bottomless pits come a close second. And that pit in Mystic Cave that has nothing but spikes in, and is so deep you can only escape using debug. If it brings Super Sonic to his knees, it's bad.
  3. Andrew75


    Technical Artist Member
    Project AXSX(Sonic Xtreme) + Misc Projects
    Didn't vote, seems I like all of the challenges in the classic sonics.
    if I were to vote on anything would be not enough challenging hazards,

    bit off topic sorry,,,,
    I think sonic needs more obstacles to battle with, would add more to the overall funl of the game.
    Most of the newer games are more about trying to run non stop while dodging left and right around crap,
    sort of like a racing game. and less like a platformer.
    don't forget the double tap homing attacks,, wow so much skill is involved there,
    now we get the homing attack in sonic 4..
    2D + homing attack?! more noob powers.
    sure u can bounce off multiple enemies quickly, but doing so without really any skills.
    Is it just me or does everything seem more automated in games these days.
  4. Volpino


    Things are looking up! Member
    A secret. >:3
    Why don't they call it 'Mega Muck?" That's a real word. Bad English = SEGA? (Yes I am OCD about these things.)

    It doesn't refer to just classic Sonic, it referrs to all Sonic games.

    And y'know, it's totally ok to hate a hazard. It's not whining to hate something hard, and it doesn't make you any less of a gamer if you don't like something. :colbert:

    Off-Topic: The Homing Attack is a noob power because it doesn't require precise timing like the insta-shield? Oh grow up. You have no idea how many times I've heard this same load crap everywhere else a Sonic fan can be found. It's fun to use, because you know, games are supposed to be fun, and that doesn't always mean hard.

    If you want to play a game where you need skill to kill the enemies, go play Sonic 3. :l
  5. Andrew75


    Technical Artist Member
    Project AXSX(Sonic Xtreme) + Misc Projects
    sorry to go off topic. well I'll vote for the pits than. ;p
    I didn't mean it as needing to be hard to be fun, just less automation in gameplay would be nice.
    its just not sonic games. but quite a number of other games as well.

    They could have done a shield around the enemies that appears and disappears without needing the homing attack.
    homing attack is nice in a 3D world, but the way they make use of it, practically forcing the player to always rely on it is kind of a downer.
    tap, tap, pounce badnic,,,wait a few second for next enemies shield to go down than tap again...
    I guess that is all good, but to me its not sonic, I've felt this way since adventure.

    (I imported Dreamcast on Japanese launch just to be able to play the game back in 98)
    thats a long time to be dissapointed
  6. Volpino


    Things are looking up! Member
    A secret. >:3
    No, I guess not.

    I'm sorry if I come off as irate about that subject. I've been flamed on sites before because I expressed I was excited about being able to use the Homing attack, because it would be a real power that felt like a real power. These were the people who demanded the insta-shield back, and I never liked the insta-shield. It was my main reason for never playing as Sonic in Sonic 3, or waiting until the last to complete his stories in Advanced 1 and 2... I can appreciate someone's skill with the shield, I don't think it's totally terrible, but some people act like just because someone can't use it or never tries they're a noob that relies on 'cheap tricks.'

    I guess you aren't like that though, and I assumed you were out of bad experience...

    I do agree, they could use hazards better, and even the homing attack. I had high hopes for the homing attack to make Sonic a real platformer and not just a 'hold right and kill badniks' fest, and I still hope for this. They might do something with later episodes...
  7. Greg the Cat

    Greg the Cat

    I'm gonna draw it! Banned
    A Zone Unknown of Title
    Comics from the Mind of Yours Truly, A little workshop of animation, Sonic FreeRunner
    To be quite frank, I think the buzz saw from the cartoons should have become an ability.

    But that's not a hazard.

    What is a hazard is homing across bottomless pits. Nice cheap way to utilize that shitty attack, I guess.
  8. Andrew75


    Technical Artist Member
    Project AXSX(Sonic Xtreme) + Misc Projects
    hey, no worries. :specialed:
    Hnmm yeah I think Sega will change some things within sonic 4.
    most live arcade games that are multi part seem to follow this trend.
    But I don't think they will remove that homing attack, seems to be a staple of the modern sonic after all.

    you know what?
    I think homing attack would make for a nice shield power up instead of a must have move.
    perhaps a required item to get to hidden areas in the levels?
  9. Volpino


    Things are looking up! Member
    A secret. >:3
    That would be cool, as well as the buzsaw power... Or what I would like is to be required to learn abilities that help you reach new levels because that might give some levels replayability.
  10. Leo


    Bottomless Pits, like everyone who played Heroes or later.
  11. Volpino


    Things are looking up! Member
    A secret. >:3
    Especially when you had to grind over them.
  12. NiktheGreek


    Grumpy old bastard Oldbie
    Writing for the best video game magazine in the world
    Bloody crushing blocks. They're bad enough in the classics (hi there, Scrap Brain Zone!) but I've been caught out by them more often than I'd like in the speed-oriented environments of Advance 2 and Rush. Plus, crushing is responsible for possibly the most demoralising death possible - the Spring Yard Zone "jumping between the elevator blocks" special.

    An explanation of the spike pit in Mystic Cave Zone: in Sonic 2, bottomless pits don't kill Sonic if there is a tile at the top of the stage, so a regular bottomless pit couldn't be used due to the stage design. The spikes are therefore necessary to kill Sonic - if the spikes weren't there, it would be even worse as you'd have to wait for time to run out in order to die and restart.
  13. Bryn2k


    Still a thing. Oldbie
    That makes it even more piss-poor as a cheap hit and bad design. The pit should've been deep enough to get back out of in that case... unless they didn't expect anyone to actually have all the Chaos Emeralds by that point!


    Here's another 'hazard' that you may not like if you are shit at bosses: the lamp/starpost immediately before the boss that means you go back to the boss with 0 rings should you die. The very first one of these is in Green Hill Zone, but it appears elsewhere such as in Star Light Zone where it is literally one screen away from the boss and the boundary has already kicked in meaning you're stuck with it.
  14. Volpino


    Things are looking up! Member
    A secret. >:3
    So because there was a block or something at the top of the stage, they couldn't make a death pit? What? How the fuck does that even work? Why not just scrap the pit to begin with then?
  15. Overlord


    Now playable in Smash Bros Ultimate Moderator
    Long-term happiness
    I assume it's a side effect of the engine allowing for vertically wrapping levels.
  16. Katana


    Arachnaphobic Member
    Trying not to fall asleep... why am I so tired?
    I hate bottomless pits (who doesn't), but there are things that I hate more.

    First, water. Even when I'm play as Tails, who can swim. Swimming or no swimming, I've still gotta brave areas where if I don't find a bubble cluster to breath at, I'm in trouble. And the water slows me down, so it takes longer to get to a spot where I can breathe. I usually end up with a paused emulator running in the background, at the beginning of a water level. :argh:

    Then, of course, obstacles like crusher blocks. Crusher blocks that move fast, especially. I've gotta get past the block, but that means getting perfect timing. And conveyor belts that lead to spikes are pretty damn annoying, too.

    I would have also voted for bottomless pits, but I didn't notice that answer until I had already clicked "vote". *facepalms*
  17. Introversive


    I hate crushers the most. The ones that kill you for going fast in a speed based area are my least favorite. I don't mind spikes (outside of Sonic 1 and it's hacks) that much, because they are able to punish the player for being reckless without making it trial and error.
  18. Agreed. I mostly hate water, though, because it takes away all of my speed and forces me to walk. I really hate the underwater section of Ice Cap, though, because there are a lot of bottomless pits there, and usually if you fall into the water you won't land on a platform. Then there's that one isolated spring in the bottom right corner that you just might be lucky enough to land on.
  19. Volpino


    Things are looking up! Member
    A secret. >:3
    Ice Cap Act 2 makes me paranoid because of those stupid water pits. Launch Base is even worse, you can get lost in the water down there...
  20. nineko


    I am the Holy Cat Tech Member
    Since there is no "none of the above" option, I gave this a Null Vote.
    I don't hate any hazard, in the Classic Sonic games of course. Can't really tell about the next-gen ones since I never played them.
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