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Sonic Unleashed

Discussion in 'General Sonic Discussion' started by Adamis, Mar 12, 2008.

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  1. Quexinos


    Since 1997 Oldbie
    Damn it, you got me all excited. I read this quote and thought there was a PC version coming out. :)
    I hope there is though because itll be a while before I can get a PS3.
  2. Endri


    Officer I don't have my drivers license with me. C Tech Member
    You mean a room with two checkpoints? An odd room? If this is the one then I guess I already have the Eggmanland Night music. I think the music I'm talking about is after the Super Sonic Vs. Dark Gaia. I'm not sure. The only thing I know is that is the 50th music... D=
  3. TSSZNews


    First @ Something or Other Banned
    The Update Desk
    Occasional JOURNALISM
    Maybe you DO get something for all medals and S-ranks... (On the Wii ed. anyway)

    Before I First @ TSSZ this up...anyone wanna venture to guess how to access this? I don't remember "Dragon's Valley" discussed *anywhere.*
  4. Tweaker


    As I recall, this is one of the levels you can access by picking up the key items in the game. I don't have the game so I don't know the specifics, but I remember seeing that stage about a month ago when Blackarms from SSMB was playing through the game.
  5. Polygon Jim

    Polygon Jim

    Eternal Tech Member
    across town from Hinchy
    All the bitches.
    Yeah, it's nothing special, I got it weeks ago.

    There's another level too, you pretty much run on the great wall a lot in 2.5d, and run on the dragons, that you see in the PS3/360 version.

    It's the last time attack level.

    The one in that video, is a level were you can't get hit. Just a short mission.

    There's nothing in the Wii version, I have every S rank, and every sun/moon medal. I've got every video, picture, secret document, and music. There is nothing special unlocked.
  6. TSSZNews


    First @ Something or Other Banned
    The Update Desk
    Occasional JOURNALISM
    It doesn't look like it would be a medal stage, though...

    I'm so confused. Well, more incentive to play, at least!

    (EDIT: It's also possible I've completely zoned out from the week and I've already unlocked this stage...)
  7. Polygon Jim

    Polygon Jim

    Eternal Tech Member
    across town from Hinchy
    All the bitches.
    The title is "Reach the goal unscathed."
  8. Quexinos


    Since 1997 Oldbie
    I did unlock that one when I rented the game. I didn't realize there were so many more like it... I MISS YOU SONIC UNLEASHED :)

    I also unlocked some stupid werehog stage where I had to go slow and not break anything and of course there's pots EVERYWHERE.
  9. TSSZNews


    First @ Something or Other Banned
    The Update Desk
    Occasional JOURNALISM
    Yup, it's there.

    I've officially lost my mind.
  10. superstarCSB


    snootch Member
    Lawrence, Kansas
    I probably should get back to work on my site someday...
    I have looked everywhere for an answer on this but gamefaqs doesn't even have the solution yet. (This is refering to the wii version btw) I have all the sun medals but am short the last moon medal. It looks like theres a final mission to unlock in Adabat which also holds the last secret movie. My real problem is finding one more secret document. Its document 18 or secret 198. It says its on a special mission in Shamar. I have played these missions countless times to no avail. So anyone have an idea? Im hoping after I get this it will unlock that final mission as I have all s ranks. Oh and pardon any punctuation or capitalization errors as im on my phone. Big thanks to whoever can help me out!
  11. NickW


    I managed to get a copy of Sonic Unleashed PS2 and took a look inside ONEPS2.afs.

    All the files have the same filename in the metadata: pro. I also found some ONE, SVR, SNT, and SNC (called SNCP here) files.

    It also seems like the project location Sega used was C:\usr\takahashi\sonic_w\

    I'll take a look at it more to see if I can find anything else.

    EDIT: It seems like the ONE files are archives.
  12. GeneHF


    SEGA-ier than you'll potentially ever be. Site Staff
    Scenic Studiopolis
    Complete Global Conquest
    Finally S Ranked Dark Gaia. That was annoying. Anyway, tips for the rest of you:

    -Time isn't much of a problem. You can get around 10 minutes and still get the rank.
    -Punch the meteors in the first part if they're directly in your path. This is especially true in the later two stages. They give enemy bonuses
    -As Sonic, grab as many rings and hold on to them as you can. Also, take the trick paths on the second and third stages. Swear liberally as needed due to how shit the end of his third part is designed.
    -As Super Sonic, grab as many rings as you can by boosting into them. Dodge meteors and energy orbs as needed. Pretty much, use your Doomsday skills here.
    -Paraloop after an attack against the snake heads. When the one you're fighting goes down, move to the next one.
    -Dodge fire orbs thrown at you. There's a lag time between this attack and a homing laser attack. Take this time to finish off the snake and then dash away from the laser. Be mindful of stray meteors.
    -After that, have fun with QTE Hell and you should have a shiny S Rank. To ease (or raise) tension, you're looking for a score over the 100,000 range.

    What's this earn you? Bragging rights, mostly. Still not many people have the patience to go for an S Rank because of how long the first part of the fight drags on, not including potential cheap deaths.
  13. Sonic Warrior TJ

    Sonic Warrior TJ

    Have an ice time Member
    I honestly really like the final boss. Even though Dark Gaia was another one of Eggman's failed plans, he was always more of Chip's villain than Sonic's. So it's's your giant monster battle, but he's fighting another giant monster. And even though Super Sonic is...well, just super, he isn't quite super duper enough to go toe to toe with a way ancient dark demon thing that resides at the center of the Earth. So he's assisting. As someone said before, it's a great tag team like battle, and probably the best use of Super Sonic since Sonic Adventure.

    I love where Sonic's trying to figure out how to penetrate the shield, but Chip's already breaking through it. It's just cool to be flying around with Super Sonic destroying these snake head things, while there's a clash of the titans going on in the background.
  14. GeneHF


    SEGA-ier than you'll potentially ever be. Site Staff
    Scenic Studiopolis
    Complete Global Conquest
    Oh, I love the epic scale of the fight. I just hate some of the level design choices in Sonic's third area.
  15. Sonic Warrior TJ

    Sonic Warrior TJ

    Have an ice time Member
    Yeah....that's the one where you pretty much have to boost the entire time or you can't make it, right? And there's a tentacle in your way every 10 feet. That part is a bit annoying.
  16. BlazeHedgehog


    A "Community Enigma"? Oldbie
    Anybody know where this is from? If you stop at certain locations in some towns you can hear background audio and I think this is coming off a radio. I have a hard time believing SonicTeam actually made this themselves:

    It sounds like part of a two-man comedy routine about... uh, vaccinations, of all things. I believe a transcript of the dialog is:

    Man #1: "Oh no! Please let go of me, where are you taking me?!"
    Man #2: "You gotta be punished for not carrying your shot registration. There are things far worse than death."
    Man #1: "Now, now! What punishment could be worse than death?"
    Man #2: "What else? More shots! Let's see... you'll need Smallpox, Typhoid, Influenza -- oh, jeeze, that's a biggie, that's gonna hurt you at least a week -- cholera, (unintelligible)..."
    Man #1: "Ohhh nooo... this last incident may have been over-dramatized as to what could happen to you if you forget that little yellow shot card."

    And it loops from there. There's also another spot you can stop in Spagonia where you can hear a guy in the shower, who does Sonic's whistle from that teaser trailer - except he whistles the full song, not just the first few seconds. These might only be accessible at night.
  17. Jeiku


    Question about the Wii/PS2 version of the game. Is the opening movie unlockable in the game as a hidden movie? I'd like to be able to watch it at my leisure without restarting the PS2 in order to do so (I haven't bothered waiting at the title screen though; does it show up again?).

    According to somebody who posted item locations on SSMB:

    Hope this helps. I wrote it down since I am still in need of finding all of the items. I have about 14 left.
  18. BlazeHedgehog


    A "Community Enigma"? Oldbie
    Apparently... it's from The Transporter? It's probably just part of a general-use sound package movie studios purchase. The clip of the conversation used in the Transporter starts earlier and ends before the version in Sonic Unleashed. Apparently the version used in The Transporter starts at:

    Man #1: Really I did.
    Man #2: Oh, yeah, well, how come you don't have your yellow card with you?
    Man #1: Well, I...I... must've left it back in Nam on the base.
    Man #2: Yeah, they all say that. "Left it back in Nam on the base." Uh-huh. Let me show you what we do to people... who left it back in Nam on the base.
    Man #1: Oh, no! Please let go of me! Where are you taking me?
    Man #2: You gotta be punished for not carrying your shot record on you. It's a fate far worse than death.

    It ends there. It actually sounds like it might be some sort of training video, but there's a laugh track.
  19. Graxer


    No, the intro isn't an unlockable video, you can only see it again by restarting. I'm not sure about waiting on the menu for it, but I suspect that wont work either.
  20. Super Klonoa

    Super Klonoa

    'Cause Super Sonic and the Super Saiyans ain't eno Oldbie
    Yeah...about that Super Sonic battle in the 360 version, I'm currently on it right now (just to fool around on it)...and I can't help but think that all of Super Sonic's animations were made to be in-level as well: he has a standing/floating pose, his flying animation, and when he's boosting. When he dies, his quills flow back down as if he was going back to normal (which he is anyway).

    Yeah, I know. Sonic Heroes' and SA1's final battle had him play like he was in-level as well...but Unleashed's just gives a stronger vibe of it to me. I mean, we all know he was planned to be in-level in SA1 and Sonic '06, but I wouldn't be surprised if he was planned for Heroes as well.

    Now I'm curious: The Gamespot E3 rep said they were looking into more uses with the Ring Energy system as well as Super Sonic... Well, as soon as someone hacks this game fully, I'd really like to know if Super Sonic in-level was scrapped again for the 3rd time, or is actually in the game's data waiting to be unlocked by DLC.
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