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Yakuza General

Discussion in 'General Sega Discussion' started by TimmiT, Dec 5, 2015.

  1. Iggy for Short

    Iggy for Short

    I'm absolutely loving the updates to the turn-based combat. The ability to reposition combined with clearer mechanics for weapon attacks, knockback, and areas of effect makes for even more engaging encounters, and the game's got nice quality of life sprinkled throughout to boot. (Shoutout to the recommended level/armor warning preceding at least one sequence; really could've used that before 7's nasty difficulty spike.) The improvements really add up to a big step forward, which is nice to see just two games into this formula.

    So far my only real gripe is not being able to pick up items or aloha people while on the not-Segway, and that's not much more than a nitpick.
  2. This game is utterly amazing the combat is so good and builds on what the likes of GameArts did with Grandia 2/3. Love how it mixes in real-time and turn based and how you can also use objects close to the player
    The story and cast are the real highlight of this game it's so nuts and the music is utterly incredible and the best from SEGA in decades and you can also play Model 3 Spikeout !!!

    SEGA are on top form of late and the best since the old CSK deals.

  3. Ashura96


    This game is insanely huge and insanely good. Exploring all of the Hawaii map is an experience, but one well worth it.

    Yeah apparently my Windows Firewall calls the game "Project Elvis" lol
  4. Xilla


    Meh, zero desire to play it until that brawler mod is released.

    When I finished 7's story I took the disc out, stuck it on my shelf and it's been gathering dust ever since.
  5. Ashura96


    If you haven't noticed, the combat system is much improved compared to 7. Just being able to move around is a huge gain.
  6. Yeah the battle system is so much better with the way in mixes in realtime with turn time. Its like taking the battle system in Grandia 2/3 to the next level.
  7. Xilla


    It *is* better than 7, but none of that matters to me when turn-based isn't my jam.

    Playing the demo after the Man Who Erased His Name was like eating a really nice steak then being served a bowl of the chef's shit for dessert.
    Last edited: Feb 4, 2024
  8. I didn't like the turn based battle system much in the last game, but in the sequel it's so much better and I like the way you can react in real-time even down to well time blocks
  9. This game is just so crazy