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Sonic Reunited

Discussion in 'Engineering & Reverse Engineering' started by Hanoch, Dec 28, 2008.

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  1. Hanoch


    Also known as TheKnock, Birashot Member
    Shitty post. don't read this!
  2. Blue Emerald

    Blue Emerald

    Teleportation, yeah! Member
    I have to agree with dsrb. My biggest pet peeve when it comes to spritework is when each object looks like it was built from small chunks that repeat. I see so much wrong with that environment:

    - The sky is a bland cyan color, the kind you'd find in Paint's default palette. A deeper blue with a gradient that got progressively brighter would help it immensely.
    - Loop needs to be replaced. Chunks of 8x8 sprites don't look good to me at all. I'd suggest you aim for creating chunks of at least 32x32 pixels, Look at the tiles from Tidal Tempest or Emerald Hill for some ideas.
    - Ocean is too choppy. Here is a situation where less detail is better. Make the majority of the ocean that is closer to Sonic a pure blue, and the area of the ocean closest to the horizon can have the ripples. Simple, short horizontal lines and dots will also look better than the curly waves you have now. Look at the ocean in Emerald Hill as an example.
    - Those weird, green Xs have to go. Big islands will look much better. I'd suggest you start with just a green hill as your base, then build it up from there with more details.
    - Clouds are too plain, but they're off to a fairly good start. My suggestion is to create the clouds first in an image program (Photoshop is best, because you can split the image into 8x8 squares to make it easier to redraw the clouds into your level editor), and then try to copy that design in your level editor. The shading you have on those clouds is decent, but try to spread it out more when you make bigger clouds. That is, if you intend to make them thick like the clouds in Emerald Hill's background. If, however, you're aiming for a more Green Hill style of clouds, perhaps starting with just a few short, thin airbrush strokes would be better, then you can build up from your strokes to make it look more like a cloud.

    I hope this helps you out.
  3. dsrb


    Unlike me, Blue Emerald obviously has some idea about art. ;) All I can really say, with no intention to offend, is that it looks really basic, like it was done in Paint with just a few colours, and everything is really blocky and repetitive. I am happy to admit I probably couldn't do any better (perhaps the opposite), but as it is I wouldn't want to play a game that looked like that (well, not an MD game, perhaps an Amstrad CPC one!) Sorry.
  4. Hanoch


    Also known as TheKnock, Birashot Member
    I gotta confess about something.

    You see, at first I was trying to learn hacking by lurking in the SR forums, and making all of those shitty hacks that aimed to be the best, like a S1EE replica or a true Sonic the hedgehog 4. I posted them on SSRG, and at that time nobody really knew what makes a good Sonic hack, especially in SSRG of that time.

    Even after posting my hack here, I didn't think this hack was gonna be good at all, and I was wrong when people liked it. That was where stuff went wrong. I just got one positive feedback and I soon thought everything my hand touches turns to awesomeness, but it didn't.

    First, it started being seen in the stupid posts I made (OMG OMG I FINISHED GHZ LAYOUT, OMG I HAVE AN OPTION SCREEN!) but then it got worst with the music I posted, the character plan and the worst: Level Art.

    I also made a lot of shitty promises (OK I'LL DO IT. HMM MAYBE IT COULD BE DONE. YEA I MIGHT ADD THAT TOMMOROW).

    After my computer crashed and I lost the backup I right away took the older one and started rebuilding it. And well, it turned out to be awful. Then I came to Animemaster to help me with the art. It wasn't finished and I was too lazy to try and edit it myself. That's another problem of mine (and everyone): laziness.

    Laziness makes everything with potential to turn into garbage, like this hack.
    For instance, that crap enemy I posted looked awful, because I didn't put any fucking effort into it. Same with the dukebot (its not even duke nukem for fucks sake!)

    Sorry for the swearing, Im just pissed on how dumb I can act in stressy situations like a hacking contest deadline.

    I and sega have the same thing in common actually. They made sonic 3 and got positive feedback (over their head) and they made Sonic 3D Blast and Xtreme (which got canceled)
    Just like me, I made a screen, got positive rating, made shittier screens.

    tl;dr I'm just sorry for the way I acted, I let people down with dissapointment, caused ear rape and sometimes burnt eyes. I'm not gonna say im taking a break, im not going to mention anything I'm working on. Even if I do work on something, don't expect anything good.
  5. MarkeyJester


    Original, No substitute Resident Jester
    If you don't make mistakes, you can never learn from them, that's the way I see it, don't feel bad about yourself too much, there are plenty of us here in the scene who have acted in a similar way once before, it's a common curve people grow from. Being aware that you've made these mistakes is a good first step =)
  6. dsrb


    In any case, blanking all of your posts doesn't solve anything.
  7. Animemaster


    Prison bitch! Member
    Sonic 1 Revelation
    I guess its partly my fault for not finishing the work. I proberly would have if I had more time(yes I know you've heard this lame shit before), I guess really I took too much on considering I had my own hacks to work on, and my own known sonic project. Work turned to be more and more busy and I started to find it hard to just sit down with a cup of tea and sought somethings out. Thats why I haven't posted or said anything on revelations, because time is of the essence, there is too much bug fixing thats needs loads of time to figure out(well for the less talented like me). Too be honest have I ever finished anything? no.. and thats what I now aim for, to finish a fairly decent project. Which is now my "Sonic the hedgehog CD Edition" hack. If I can finish that, revelations will be back up again and hopefully I will be someone more reliable in the future.
  8. Tweaker


    Ugh, god damn it, did you seriously blank all your posts? We've gotta add something that stops that shit, because I fucking hate when people do that.
  9. Hanoch


    Also known as TheKnock, Birashot Member
    @MarkeyJester: If all of this first step was only 2 years long, something's probably wrong with me.

    @dsrb: too late.

    Its partially my fault as well, I kept nagging you to finish and you just rushed it and it turned out to what it is now.

    You had stuff on you, it wasn't your fault. I kept asking for something. If anything, blame me.

    @Tweaker: Eh, sorry about that. Was there any rule that says not to blank posts? Even then, I wont do it again.
  10. Willie


    Each day the world turns Laugh 'til it all burns Member
    I fully support adding a forum rule about blanking posts. It's annoying as shit.
  11. Mr. Mash

    Mr. Mash

    All fanbases are awful Member
    Aw, I saw this bumped and thought there'd be a release or update or something. Since all the stuff's been removed, what hack was this one? I'm losing track of all these "Sonic_*something*.bin" files I have.
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